Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Message of Saint Joseph

My children, My LOVING HEART blesses you again today!
I am the 'Tower of Ivory'! Yes! Together with MARIA, I AM this Unshakable Tower, against which not all hell mutinied could succeed!
The 'VIRTUE of FORTALEZA' in My soul has always led Me to a continuous and perfect obedience and fulfillment of GOD's will.
In difficult times, when suffering reached a truly incredible and impressive degree. Instead of despairing, distrusting of the Lord's Providence and Love, instead, I returned totally to Him and full of faith; I recognized His Greatness, adored His Majesty and Divinity; I thought that perhaps that suffering was due to some fault of Mine, I humbly asked Him for forgiveness, I recognized My nothingness and My misery before His Majesty; and with many supplications and tears I entrusted Myself to His Protective and Loving Hand, who I knew had never abandoned anyone.
Thus with these acts of humility, love, faith, hope and adoration, I disarmed the efforts of the hellish spirits; to cast My soul into sin, into rebellion against GOD, into dissatisfaction with His Divine Providence and His Works. And so it delivered Me from being angry with the LORD, who rules and predisposes everything, perfectly according to His designs of Love and Truth.
In this way the hellish spirits then failed before Me and then were precarious in the eternal abysses, because they could not bear the virtue that radiated from Me; because of My great trust and My total surrender in the Hands of the LORD!
With this, the 'VIRTUDE of FORTALEZA' was being improved more and more within Me, until reaching a truly admirable degree even for the Holy ANJOS! With each ordeal, with each suffering that I went through with JESUS and MARY, My soul became, at the same time more humble and confident in the LORD, also more immune and stronger to the onslaughts of the dark spirits.
If you also want to win in this battle, which you live and work in your lives, which can decide both the salvation and the condemnation of your souls, imitate Me; seeking at all times especially those of difficulty and suffering, remember what I did. And so you can imitate Me in My acts of deep Love, of deep trust, of deep self-giving in the hands of GOD and also of deep humility; recognizing your own faults and miseries, the very nothingness and dust of which all men are made and how much they owe to Divine Goodness; who has called you to life out of nothing, has given you your being, your breath, nourishes you, keeps you alive, gives you health and so many temporal goods, so that with them you may achieve eternal goodness for a life: of perfect love, of perfect union with GOD and of service to His Holy Will!
Thus my beloved children, your souls have become like mine and will shine like stars in the Kingdom of Heaven!
I bless you today, the 1st Sunday of the month dedicated to me. Pray to My HEART. Comfort Him and displease Him for so many sins that He sees being committed in the world. And I promise, extend upon you the Cloak of My Love and My protection.
Marcos peace. I bless you and all those who have prayed with you until now".