Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Message from São Sebastião

Dear brothers, I SEBASTIAN love you very much! I am the servant of Our Lord JESUS CHRIST and the Mother of GOD and you already know that I gave my life for love of Our Lord and His Mother and the Holy Faith. Love. You have no reservations about being loved. The soul that completely loves Our Lord and His MOTHER, cannot have any reserve for them. If He keeps something for Himself, if He keeps some attachment to something in this world, if He loves it outside of the LORD, He takes from GOD some of the love that is due to Him, to place it in a creature and this hurts the Love of the LORD; who desires and must be loved by you, with all the strength of your soul, with all your heart, with all your understanding, with all your being. The Love of GOD for you is so great. He desires to make in you His Heaven, His Paradise, where He can at last; He can rest in you, delight in you, find His delights in you! It is in your souls that He wants to dwell, but He can only do it if you give yourself completely to Him without reserve, loving Him with all your strength! Love. seeks to love GOD as much as it can and is not content to give to GOD less than everything, is not content to do for GOD less than everything. Love. only wants to be loved and responded to! This GOD who loved you first, who loved you before you came to love him, this GOD who created you from nothing, only asks for your total love! Our Lord JESUS CHRIST. who gave His life for you, when you were still in sin, when you were still slaves to the devil for sin. This Lord who gave all His life for your love, desires nothing more of you than, all your love. You have lived until now giving your love only to created things and that is why your souls have lived in deep darkness, lived without Divine Love! Return right now to the LORD, love Him with all the strength of your heart and you will see how your souls, once inhabited by terrible and cruel enemies, will be inhabited by Divine Grace, by the love of the Holy Trinity! No longer be deceived by yourselves, by your Icorrupted by the devil and the world! You have given all your love to them and your souls have languished in darkness. From then on all your love for the LORD and you will see that your souls will rise to a true life in GOD! I, SEBASTIAN, love you, I pray without ceasing for you, I protect all who come here in this Sacred Place to hear the Messages and learn to love GOD and His MOTHER, and I will help you to reach the Perfect Love! Marcos peace. I love you, I bless you my favorite friend.
Message of Saint Rosalia
"-My dear brothers. I, ROSALIA, love you with all the strength of my Heart! I pray unceasingly for you in Heaven and I ask for your salvation with JESUS and MARY. Love does not know how to run away, how to hide, how to avoid! Those who say they love GOD and their MOTHER; but when they appear on earth to give His Messages: they do not listen to Him, they do not go to Him, they do not obey Him. They do not give all of themselves to please Him, love Him, serve Him, and do not persevere in this love. They have not yet known and do not know what the 'True Love' is. He who says He loves the LORD and His MOTHER; but when they come on earth revealing to men His will and they do not do it, they have not known the 'True Love' and do not have the 'True Love'! Many think they love GOD, but on the day of their judgement they will be surprised to see that they have never truly loved the LORD and have been deluded by themselves all the time; because they have not done the LORD's will, they have rather done their own will, because they have loved themselves more than GOD and His Mother! The one who loves the will of the LORD, the one who truly does the will of the LORD, is the one who keeps the Words of the LORD, who fulfills His Commandments, who does His will and renounces his own to do His! Therefore, seek 'True Love'! The LORD is prone to forgive your miseries, to forgive your weaknesses; if he sees in you a drop, a grain of sand that is 'True Love' and will give you the Grace of conversion, of salvation, of spiritual perfection if you have 'True Love'. Whoever truly loves the LORD and His Mother, defends what is theirs, protects what is theirs, cares for what is theirs, works for what is theirs, fights for what is theirs until he consumes all his strength! Love does not measure distance. it takes. difficulty. Love only knows how to love and nothing else. Ask for this Love, because if you do not have it you will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven! Because Heaven is only for those who have learned to love GOD over all things, that is, more than themselves, more than the world! I ROSALY, I will pray for you on the throne of the LORD, ceaselessly! Address Me in your prayers and I will always give you comfort! Marcos peace. I love you, I love this place with all my strength. I will defend it with My Graces, with My Blessings, with My Prayers! And I will always cover you with peace, blessing, comfort and light. Peace!"
Message of Mary Most Holy Mother of God
"-My children. I come from Heaven with My Saints to teach you the 'True Love'! Listen to my words, listen to the advice I give you, listen to the advice My Saints have given you and then; you will have a treasure! If you stop to appreciate this treasure: you will be rich in GOD's Grace, rich in Wisdom, rich in Divine Light and Celestial Love, and you will have My children; beautiful pearl gathered for you. beautiful spiritual treasure! Continue with all the prayers I have given you here. Propagate all the Apparitions and Messages that you are knowing, thanks to My Apparitions here, in this place. Continue to be My apostles. Forward! Courage! I expect much from you! I expect from you a great holiness, a great love! Take up your role as My servants, My instruments, My messengers; who must carry everywhere My Messages that I give here, My prayers that I have given here, the Truth that I have made known to you here. Take My Light forward! Without fear, with courage, certain that I am with you and will always accompany you. JESUS, My Son expects much from you, do not disappoint Him, do not disappoint My HEART. I love you very much! Prepare for the Anniversary of My Apparitions here. Pray more, watch and pray, be attentive; for the enemy seeks at all times the most propitious opportunity to lead you to offend the LORD, protect yourselves with prayer and vigilance! Do meditation, do spiritual reading, pray; take care of your souls and I promise I will take care of them too! To all now, I bless you".