Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Message of Mary Most Holy Mother of God

Those children, the Anniversary of My Apparitions has arrived here! And it is time for you to review your lives through the deep and auspicious meditation of your lives.
You must identify, recognize what in you is not yet at My will and now begin a new life: the life of Conversion!
The anniversary of My apparitions here for you is a new chance God gives you to begin a new life: the life of Holiness. I desire to carry out in you My plans, My projects, but I cannot if you freely do not conform your will to Mine.
Pray more these days, asking for the grace of your hearts to love what I love and to do what I do, so that then, truly, your hearts may follow Me along the path of good, true Love for God and Holiness, and I may finally complete in you what I have begun.
Peace, Marcos. Peace, My children".