Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Message of Saint Donata Martyr

"-Dear Brothers. I, DONATE, servant of the LORD and of HOLY MARY, pour upon you now the blessing that has bestowed upon Me the ALL POWERFUL and the MOTHER OF GOD! Only when you do violence to yourselves will you be able to stretch from yourself the attachment of self-love and you can grow in the True Love of GOD! The soul that is complacent with itself... that is indolent with itself; will never be able to reach the 'Perfect Love' and the 'Perfect detachment' from itself. The lazy soul. will go hungry, that is; the soul that does not fight and does not work for its own spiritual improvement. cutting in itself the bonds of attachment to the things of this world, to creatures and to itself.
This soul will suffer spiritual hunger; because it will not have the nourishment of Grace, which is only given to children who work together with the Heavenly Father. Pearls cannot be thrown to dogs and Divine Grace cannot be given to those who do not strive to collaborate with the Grace of the Lord and thus grow on the path of holiness. Therefore, seek ever more, strive to strain from you the sour leaven of self-love, so that you may finally have in you the good bread of True Love for the LORD; so that this bread may satisfy not only your hunger, but also the spiritual hunger of so many souls who need to know the True Love of the Lord, truly love Him; so that in the end they may save themselves and sanctify themselves. I, DONATE, promise to pray for you every day before the Throne of the LORD and the MOTHER OF GOD; that you may obtain this great Grace! Peace marks, my favorite friend. Peace to you all!"