Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Feast of Our Lady of Tears
Message of Saint Ivo

Beloved Brothers. I, SAINT Ivo, servant of the Lord, of Mary Most Holy and of Saint Joseph, come from Heaven to teach you the true life that pleases God, the life of virtues., of love., and of holiness.
To achieve victory over yourselves and your defects, you must oppose your defects:
Therefore, if your greatest defect is laziness, you must oppose to it: the virtue of WORK.
If your greatest defect is envy, you must oppose to it the virtue of SIMPLICITY and GOODNESS.
If your greatest defect is sensuality, you must oppose it to the virtue of PURITY, CHASTITY, CONTINENCE, and the MORTIFICATION OF THE FEELINGS.
If your greatest defect is pride, you must oppose to it, the virtue of HUMILITY.
If your greatest defect is slander, you must oppose this defect with the virtue of SILENCE.
If your greatest defect is gluttony, you must oppose the virtue of ABSTINENCE to this defect.
If your greatest defect is presumption, you must oppose to this defect the virtue of HIGH HUMILIATION.
If your greatest defect is rebellion and disobedience, you must oppose to this defect the virtue of OBEDIENCE, READINESS and CONFORMITY.
Thus, for every defect that you have, you must oppose the opposite virtue to it.
Only in this way, exercising the virtues, doing violence and war against yourselves, you can each day more: FREE YOURSELVES FROM YOUR MISERIES, FAILURES AND DEFFECTS, AND ADVANCE ON THE WAY TO PERFECTION, OF HOLINESS, OF THE LOVE THAT AGREES TO GOD.
Many live deluded, thinking that it is enough just to do some devotional practices before God and He will be satisfied, but without waging war against personal defects. They are wrong! The Lord is Holy! and nothing tainted can enter His dwelling in Heaven.
Only those who in this life have fought bravely against the greatest enemy of all will enter the Kingdom of Heaven: THEIR OWN 'I', INCLINED TO EVIL AND CORRUPTED BY ORIGINAL SIN.
Only by fighting against one's own self, inclined to evil and corrupted due to original sin.
Only by fighting against one's own 'self' can the soul advance each day further on the road to holiness and be pleasing in God's sight.
You must strive to achieve this perfection, but no one will be able to have a determined spirit and a strong will to do so if he does not PRAY.
PRAY THE ROSARY! And don't stop praying it for ANYTHING! The day you stop praying the Rosary because of the excess of requests and temporal tasks that you often program for yourselves, your souls will lose the battle against your defects and against the devil who watches you all the time to see the moment when
that you nod off and stop praying to then make you fall into some sin and lose your eternal salvation.
always maintain a life of deep prayer, intense prayer and VIGILANCE,
I will help you and pray for you at the Lord's Throne . She will also pray with me for you, the blessed AMALIA AGUIRRE, whom you contemplate today on this feast of the LADY OF TEARS.
See how she suffered, see how she was victim of so many injustices, so many calumnies, how heavy her cross was, how terrible her cross was. And yet, she carried her cross for love of God, and the Lady of Tears with patience, with faith, with perseverance until the end and that is why she won an imperishable crown in Heaven, because she loved so much.
She loved in the cross. She loved in pain. She loved in the trial of contrary appearances, she loved in the abandonment of the earth, she loved in spite of all things proving adverse to her.
That is why she can help you so much, she can teach you the perfect and holy life that God and His Mother expect of you.
I, IVO, will pray for you intensely at the throne of the Lord...And I will pray especially for you Marcos, My dear friend, whom I love so much, protect so much, defend and accompany. You are mine! And so, I am also yours and together, in one heart, in one soul let us live to love, please and glorify God.
My beloved, I love and bless you now and all those who sincerely believe in the Messages of these Apparitions and strive to put them into practice!
Peace Marcos, Peace to all!"