Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Feast of the Most Loving Heart of Saint Joseph - Message of Saint Joseph

Love children. My Most Loving Heart blesses you today and gives you peace!
On the Feast of my Most Loving Heart I open the depths of this My Fatherly Heart, to pour out upon you the Treasures of His wealth and of My merits that are thicker than the Sea, more immense than Heaven!
My Most Loving Heart will be your bright sun that will illuminate each day of your lives; that will always give you light even when the darkness of temptations, of afflictions clouds your day and darkens it so much that it becomes a dark and deep night.
This Sun will then shine for you and you will be able to see the right path that leads to the Lord, that leads to Heaven, that leads to perfect sanctification. And My enemy then; he will not be able to lead you astray, confuse you, or lead you astray from the right path that you must follow.
My Most Loving Heart will be the Luminous Sun. who will enlighten your minds with the light of eternal truth, of eternal wisdom, making you more and more penetrate the Will of God. penetrate the very deep Mysteries of the Most High. understand His Law, His Goodness, His Commandments, His operations of Grace so that then; perfectly consonant with the Will of the Most High your actions, your thinking, your will and your works; produce many fruits of sanctification, many fruits of life and salvation for the greater Glory of the Lord, for the good of your souls and the good of your brothers!
My Most Loving Heart will be the Luminous Sun. It will always shine for your hearts, warming them when they are cold and without love; enlightening them when they are cloudy, when they are clouded by the blizzard of indifference, discouragement, sadness, spiritual prostration. So that in this way, perfectly warmed, enlightened and enveloped by the light of this Heart; your souls may overcome all discouragement, all numbness, all lukewarmness; they may dispel all fog of doubt, uncertainty, fear and distrust. And so your souls may walk with a firm and decisive step, ever more quickly and surely along the road of True Love by which I lead you.
My Most Loving Heart will be the Luminous Sun. It will transform even the deepest night of the sin of the souls of My poor children estranged from God and Me; into the sunniest, warmest and most wonderful day. If you, My beloved children, lend Me your hands, your feet, your lips, your life; if you give Me your heart so that I may act through you, so that I may walk through you, speak through you, look, love, save through you these My poor children. If you take Me to them by the perfect dissemination of Our Messages that we give you here, of Our Works of Prayer and of Our Love to those who do not know Us!
My Most Loving Heart will be the Luminous Sun. that will illuminate all this humanity; immersed in the darkness of Apostasy, sin, rebellion against God and His Law of Love; making it a world full of light, full of life, full of Grace. If you give Me your voice no matter how weak it is, give Me your strength and your heart no matter how weak it is. And then, I will serve you powerfully and My Grace can be transmitted from heart to heart, warming and illuminating all the souls of the world and making them shine again with the light of My Love, the Love of the Immaculate Virgin Mary for greater Honor and Glory of God!
If you, My children, reflect the Light of My Heart, if you receive the warmth of the Sun of My Heart and radiate it to others, then Satan will flee terrified, neutralized, annihilated and defeated. And he will no longer be able to spread upon souls neither the darkness of his death, nor the ice of his hatred and rebellion against God. And the ardor of flames, sins, vices and carnal concupiscence that Satan so often ignites in souls will also be extinguished from souls. And another fire, the fire of my Love, the fire of my Heart, the fire of Divine Love, of Prayer, Penance and Grace will take place in the hearts of men. And then all of Us, like a glowing furnace of Love, will burn with pure and living love and transformation for God our Lord!
I love you My children! And today on the Feast of my Most Loving Heart, from that pure sinless Heart. From this Heart full of love, full of charity, full of peace and Mercy I bless you by giving you the Plenary Indulgence; to you who do my Hour of Prayer every Sunday, with devotion, with fervor, without laziness, without ill will, without fail!
And at this moment I spread on you the most abundant Graces of my Fatherly Heart and always watch over you!"