Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Message from Angel Beruniel

I am the Angel Beruniel. I come from Heaven to invite you to perfect union with us, the holy angels, and to have with us a deep life of communion, of feelings, of love, of intention and, above all, of desires...Wish you were more with us in prayer!
Wish with us to fulfill the will of the Lord.
Wish with us to bless and praise Him.
Wish with us to fight evil and overcome it.
Wish with us to raise the flag of love in so many souls who have already died spiritually and who have lost all love for the Lord, so that in them love may return1, burn again, shine again.
Wish with us to live in intense communion with God, loving Him with all your strength, feeling Him in every way you can, so that in your hearts and souls Divine Love may be the only force that moves you, the only light that illuminates you, the only desire that consumes you. I am with you every day, I cover you with My mantle, I protect you with My shield from the fiery darts of Satan, with which He desires to make you discouraged on the path of prayer, good and virtue, and to make you lose your salvation. With my mantle I cover and warm you in the midst of the immense cold and arid desert in which you live, a desert in which this world has been transformed, without love, without faith in the Lord, without goodness, and each day I strengthen you, guiding your steps so that you may walk more and more decisively, with a firmer and more certain step towards your salvation, towards the heaven that awaits you! Come with me and I will make you reach the greatest heights of Divine Love and perfect communion with God. Speak to me during your daily life, place your orders in my hands so that at all times I may have 'your yes', your consent to be able to help you, to be able to enlighten you, to be able to guide you... I bless you, Marcos, friend of the angels, my friend, with love at this moment, and all those who love us, who obey the Messages we give here, who entrust themselves to Us, who already have for Us a true and sincere friendship...Peace, Marcos. "1 Reder: in the sense of increasing, growing.