Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Cenacle commemorating the Apparition to Saint Catherine Labouré
Message of Mary Most Holy

My beloved children. Today, when you still celebrate the Feast of my Appearance to my little daughter St. Catherine Labouré, to whom I have revealed my Medal, which you know and rightly call the Miraculous Medal, I want to pour on all of you today new Grace from my Heart and call you again to Love.
Be like my little daughter Catherine Labouré , loving me with all your heart. Loving Me with all your strength, fulfilling all that I say in My Messages, because the Love that is not tested by works is dead and false.
If your Love for Me is real and true, it must be translated into works of love, that is, prayers of love, sacrifices of love, spreading it with love, meditation with love, works to help My work here, to spread the Messages that We give you here with Love!
Without Love, your works do not attract the gaze of the Most High, on the contrary, they attract His indignation because He Himself said it in Sacred Scripture: "Cursed be the man who does the work of the Lord in vain". That is, that he does the Work of the Lord without Love in his heart.
Unhappy is the soul that serves the Lord seeking, in truth, his interests, his glory, his personal satisfaction, because this soul does not have the kindness of the Lord and all his works before him are vain and without any merit.
That is why I call you to Love. To true Love!
May your heart expand in that Love in which my little daughter Catherine Labouré's heart was continually expanding and expanding.
The merit of Catherine, the merit of Bernadette, of my little shepherds of Fatima and of all my seers and also of all the saints who loved me, besides their exceptional virtues that I myself helped them to cultivate and to make flourish, was of Love!
They loved Me more than themselves! They loved Me not for My gifts, for My Graces, they loved Me for Myself.
They loved Me with all the strength that their powers were capable of loving Me.
Yes! This Love transformed Catherine, transformed Bernadette and all My seers into true stars that shine around My Head as a heavenly and Mystical crown of glory, brightness, holiness, honor.
If you will also be like them, you, my children, will one day be transformed in Heaven into so many other stars that together with My Saints and My seers will form the most wonderful constellation of glory, beauty and holiness, of praise and Love around the Head of your Mother in Heaven.
To everyone today, with Love, I bless again and say: Only Love...Only Love. Only Love!
Marcos Peace! Have My Peace! Stay in My Peace. Stay in My Peace!
Message of Saint Joseph
" - My Beloved Son Marcos, I thank you from the bottom of my Most Loving Heart for this beautiful and Divine Picture that you enthron here today in My honor.
I bless you and I bless all those who helped you accomplish this task for My greatest honor and glory. You cannot imagine how much good you do and how much Glory you give to God by enthroning this My painting here that has been prepared for this place for so many centuries and for which it has always been destined.
Through this painting, I promise to pour new grace into this Place for all those who love Me in it and for it, and for it and for it honor Me, obey Me, love Me, glorify Me.
Continue with all the prayers that I have given you above all with My Hour of Prayer because through it, I transform them into true Seraphim of Love.
What was My Treasury? What was the treasure of Catherine Labouré, Bernadette de Lourdes and all the saints? The treasure of all of us was Love. Through Love, We became friends of the Lord, we became his companions, his consorts, his relatives...We became one in Love with Him.
Through Love, you become one with the Lord. You will become His true children. Not just by name, but you will become children of God in truth and in life.
The mystery of God is the mystery of Love! The mystery of the Trinity is the mystery of Love! My mystery is the mystery of Love.
To all I now deeply bless".
Most Holy Mary
"I now bless all my Miraculous Medals that you have brought to this feast, so that on this feast they may be blessed, so that wherever they are, there may be the copious Graces of my Immaculate Heart".