Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Cenacle of the Feast of Our Lady's Tears

Commemoration of the 1st Appearance to the Seer Amalia Aguirre on 8/3/1930
"-Dear My Brothers! I, IRENE, servant of the Most High and of Mary Most Holy, come to you again to bring you Peace from Heaven, to fill you with the Grace of the Lord and to make you truly exultant with joy for the immense Love that He and Mary Most Holy, Our Queen and Mother have for you all!
They loved you in spite of your miseries and even loved you with them, that is; they loved you in spite of your miseries and even those miseries inclined them to have greater Mercy towards you.
They want your conversion, they want you to truly abandon the life of sin, to truly repent of all the evil you have already done, of all the time you have lost in the pursuit of the passing things of this world, of earthly pleasures forgetting the True Good, the Supreme Good that is God. His grace, his Law of Love, God who is the Good itself.
I invite you to seek this Good before all else, above all. to accept this Good and to unite with this Good, giving your YES to the Lord and consecrating yourselves totally to Him, so that finally the Peace of Heaven may spring up in your hearts and that you may be true sowers of this peace in the world!
Sow Peace. through your life full of prayer, full of meditation, full of contact with God and the Blessed Virgin through a deep, living, ardent prayer that each day grows and burns within you like a burning fire, until it becomes a living mystical fire of love and desire for God.
The more you pray the more you will feel the desire to pray! And if your prayer is with your heart, that is; if your will empties itself completely to want the Will of God in prayer, then your hearts will experience a deep joy and your whole being will plunge into a true Ocean of Peace. And all of you will then feel this Peace in you, automatically attracted to you by the emanation of the Celestial Peace that reigns in you. And then, you will also be able to give them the Peace, of which you will already be full and all of them will also be full of the Peace of the Lord, they will love the Lord and they will never want to lose this Peace that comes from the Lord and that only through the united life with Him can be achieved and you can reach.
Sow the Peace. Through your word, seeking to announce at all times the Messages of the Lady MESSAGE OF PEACE, who for nineteen years here in this place has invited you to Peace, brings you Peace, teaches you how to obtain it and how to make it grow each day through the Messages of Peace that She has given you.
In this way, by proclaiming the Word of God everywhere, you will contribute greatly to pacify the earth, that is, to quench the fire of sin that leads the world to injustice, discord, hatred, war, division, disunity and self-destruction in order to make the world truly flow rivers of divine peace. which is the fruit of love for God, which is the fruit of love for truth, which is the fruit of the grace of the Lord who comes to you only through his Mother the Mediatrix and Messenger of Peace, and in her Messages this Peace is offered to you without measure, without amount to all those who want to obtain it every day!
In this way, soon the world will know the Peace of Heaven, in this Peace it will live, in this Peace it will walk and in this Peace it will serve and adopt the Lord our God in Spirit, Truth and Life.
Sow the Peace. Suffering for love of God and the Virgin Mary, as WATER OF CATANIA and as all We Saints of God accept pain and suffering for love of the Lord, thus contributing to the work of salvation of humanity. completing in you all that which was lacking in the Passion of the Lord, so that with this mystical and powerful force against which the devil can do nothing We may save many souls, from so many unfortunate sinners who wander the earth going from abyss to abyss, from sin to sin, from horror to horror. so that all of them repenting and leaving their evil ways may walk the road of salvation and peace. And so the whole world may live in that Peace of perfect union of all hearts among themselves and with God, so that what Our Lord said at the Last Supper may soon be realized:
'May all be one.
Only in this way will the world truly walk the path of his salvation and escape the terrible and great destruction that soon awaits him and will fall upon him if he is not converted in time!
You must help me! You must help Mary Most Holy and help the Grace of the Lord to bring together at least one-third of truly converted, truly dedicated, turned to the Lord, living in prayer in penance and holiness every day, otherwise the whole of humanity will perish.
With your sufferings you contribute the precious part of the Plan of the Most Sacred Hearts and help to save many more souls more quickly! Therefore, accept every day the Crosses that the Lord sends you, in an act of atonement for sins with Him is offended and begging for the conversion of sinners, and I promise that one day in Heaven you will be covered with joy when you see in shining light the souls you have helped to save, accepting the little difficulties that the Lord allows you each day and suffering them with patience, while the Lord does not provide and has nothing else for you. In this way, truly, you will be children of the LADY OF THE LANGRIMES and with your tears united you will save many more souls!
Sow Peace. Seeking to coordinate your whole being, your whole interior in the unique and exclusive search for God, His Adorable Will, His Love and the fulfillment of His Designs. To this end, empty yourselves of yourselves, renounce your will so that there may be room within your heart for the Will of the Lord, for what He wants, for the Grace of the Holy Spirit. So that He may act in you and transform your hearts into true marvels of holiness and perfection, into very pure mirrors in which God powerfully reflects His Light, to overcome the darkness.
Thus, having your inner being all ordained, having as their only purpose in this life: to seek God, to know His Will, to feel, to taste His Love, to live of His Love and to give others to know this Love. your whole being will be in Peace and then you will be able to help all those who live disorderly in the unique and exclusive search for satisfaction, for their pleasures. to also order their being to God, so that they may then seek only the Highest Good, live only for the Highest Good and finally reach the Highest Good in Heaven.
I am with you every day! And as I have promised other times, I will help that soul powerfully, from whom I hear a YES. A YES to all that you ask in the Messages!
I promise to protect, keep and increase the Peace of the Lord in you, if you also promise to protect Peace, cultivate Peace, keep this Peace and increase this Peace, which is the fruit of union with God, which is the fruit of faithfulness and perseverance in His Love every day: with prayers, sacrifices, meditation and above all, 'the flight from occasions of falling into sin', of losing this Peace because of the offense against God, because of the hurt you will cause God with sin.
If you protect Peace by doing all this, I too will protect it.
I am with you! And in each account of your Rosary that you pray with love I too am present, offering your united prayers to Mine, to the merits of My martyrdom sufferings together with WATER OF CATANY and with all the Saints and Angels in Heaven! We ask for you night and day. We pray for you night and day. We present ourselves as your lawyers, defenders and even your guarantors before the Lord at all times.
Oh! Don't frustrate so much effort Ourselves! Correspond to Grace! Correspond to the Love of God!
Be docile to Me, let yourselves be guided and led by Me on the path of PRAYER, PENITHENESS and SUNITY and I will lead you safely to Heaven.
I want all of you, every day, to invoke Me sincerely, so that I may help you to keep the divine Peace in you. I have placed myself as a seal on the hearts of all those who invoke Me with confidence.
"To all at this moment, I bless the Mother of God, generously.
(Great Pause)
(Marcos): "-Till soon."