Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Message from Our Lady

(MARCOS): May Jesus, Mary and Joseph be praised forever! (Pause) Yes beloved Mother, yes.
"-My beloved children! I desire your conversion and therefore I invite you again to True Love. Empty yourselves completely, imitate the generous YES that I have given to the Lord, seeking ever more to grow in total self-giving, and in the perfect consecration of your life to God, through my Immaculate Heart.
Leave yourselves. and the devil will leave you!
Renounce yourselves. and you will be inwardly free!
Free yourselves, that is, free yourselves from your corrupt self, from attachment to your will, to your way of thinking and judging, to your own will and feeling, to your own doing and executing. And truly, your soul will plunge into an Ocean of happiness, of peace, of softness, of inner freedom, which will send you higher and higher, closer to the Lord and to my Heart.
Give yourselves completely to Me and I will give myself completely to you. Give Me all your love, all your heart and I will give you all My Heart and all My Love too.
May these days be days of profound conversion for all of you. I will be with you all, to help you achieve the Grace of dying for yourselves, for the world and for all that is earthly, so that with Christ you may rise to a new life in God!
Keep praying my prayers, my Meditated Rosary, the Rosary Crusade every day, my children! Always in the days that I have given you, because with your prayers I am accomplishing great things all over the world and I am putting on the footstool of the Lord's feet. satan, his pomp and his works and I am performing in many hearts the miracle of the Spiritual Resurrection, for a true life in God.
I have triumphed. little by little. soul by soul. and soon you will see my absolute and general Triumph throughout the world when the Triumph of my Immaculate Heart comes to you all!
To all at this moment, I generously bless".
(MARCOS): "-I will pray more yes during this week (Pause). As the Lady knows, I am already in the final phase, and I wanted to know if everything is to your satisfaction, at last, if everything is to your liking, if it has gone according to your wishes! (Pause)
I am relieved to know! (Pause) We will prepare for her coming, yes. Okay, I'll wait. See you soon."
The bells ring in the Chapel, concluding the Apparition.
Comment by the seer Marcos Tadeu;
"Let's meditate a lot on the Message of our Blessed Mother, given to us today with so much love, with so much affection, on this remaining Sunday that we still have.
"Let us meditate deeply on this Message.
During all the days of Holy Week, try to read the passage from the Mystical Book City of God, the 3rd TOME that deals with PASSION, so that you can go each day following Jesus and Mary, along the painful path that they have taken throughout this week.
Let's try to bring more people to watch the movie of the Passion of Christ (that will be shown in the Shrine - Good Friday at 12pm), this movie has a tremendous power of conversion, it has a virtue with it that is difficult even to explain, so great it is. And certainly many will be touched and converted being here, so it's worth making a sacrifice and invite, try once again to invite people to be here on Good Friday.
I wish that in this Holy Week, Our Lady of Sorrows will realize many graces of sanctification and conversion in the lives of you and your families as well. This week is a week in which God's grace is very strong, very alive in the world and perhaps this is the ideal opportunity for the conversion of many people. So let's take the movies, take this material (available at the Shrine) and who knows many of them this week will watch and then every conversion will happen and it will be the greatest gift for Our Lady, for sure!
May the Peace of the Sacred Hearts come down upon us and continue with us forever.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen
We go in Peace and until Friday at noon.
Hail Mary!"