Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Message from Our Lady

Dear children, I am the joyful Mother of resurrection. On this Easter day I saw my Divine Son resurrected, glorious and brighter than a thousand you are together. He rose beforehand from what He had promised in attention to My unceasing prayers and supplications that I made so that He would not delay in coming to console My soul, to come and give the soul of His heavenly Mother and wife His loving embrace.
My Jesus rose again to give you the new life of Grace, so I am the Mother of Grace. It is My Mother's Mission to give it, to communicate it and to dispense it to all My Children, so that all may live a true life in God, a true life in Christ, in His grace, in His law and in His love.
In the Light of the Risen One, you must live. In the Light of the Risen Jesus you must love and suffer.
In the Light of the Risen Jesus, you must walk more and more each day toward fulfilling the will of the Father and His divine blessing.
In the Light of the Risen Jesus, you must spend every day of your life searching more and more for what pleases Him, fleeing from what offends Him, from what renews His Passion, from what displeases Him, and so that your life may be lived more and more in the light of the resurrection of My Divine Son.
On this day when My Son has risen to truly fill all things with His light and His divine life, I generously bless you all at this moment".
"Dear Brothers, I IRENE, servant of the Lord and of Mary Most Holy, I greet you again. How happy I am to see you again here! I wish to continue instructing you on how to achieve true peace of heart, how to keep it, maintain it and increase it in you.
True peace of heart is not given to those who make concessions to themselves and to the world, to those who do not know how to die perfectly for themselves and their will, to those who are afraid of God's love, that is, who do not give themselves totally to God's love for fear of what this love will accomplish in their lives, of the transformations it will bring about, of the sacrifices it will demand, of the renunciations it will ask for, of the effort it will ask for so that the soul can truly live in peace with God, with itself, with others and with His holy law of love, the law of the Lord's love.
It is written in the holy Word of God 'that the timid will not bring salvation', that is, those who know the will of God, know what God wants of them, have been called to be favorite children of the Lord to know Him and follow Him closely, Sitting at His table with Him and eating side by side with Him the Bread of His love, and these souls for fear of what the Lord wants of them, of what the Lord asks of them, of what He calls them, these souls run away, these souls do not accept what God proposes to them, what God offers them. These people will never have peace, neither in their soul, nor in their conscience, nor in their heart, nor in their life, because by stealing, by dodging, by fleeing, by resisting the will of the Lord it is impossible to have and to keep true peace. Therefore, I call you My brothers, open your hearts. Embrace the Love of God. Accept His Will, His Adorable Plan upon you. Say your yes so that His will be fully done in you, and then I assure you: the peace of Heaven will embrace you in such a way that you will truly exclaim:
'Lord, swim in the peace of your grace, your cross, your victory and your love.
To all at this moment I bless you generously".
"Dear Brothers My, I, PATRICIA, am very happy to come here today to give you My first Message, even though I have always been here in this Chosen Place and where We, All Saints of God, dwell and welcome your prayers every day, night and day.
My brothers and sisters, open your hearts to the Love of Christ, who spared not himself until he gave his life totally for you on the cross. The Lord emptied Himself completely, the Lady of sorrows emptied herself completely to such an extent that in Her Hearts there was only the immense and infinite love, the infinite charity that they had for God and for you.
This Love (Jesus and Mary) who gave Himself for you on the cross, this Love that gave life so that all of you would come out of eternal death and we could find life, this Love desires to give Himself, to communicate, to give Himself to each one of you. But with a heart full of earthly and passing things, of attachments to the things of this world, it will not be possible to receive it.
Therefore I ask you: empty your heart, throwing away all love of yourselves, all attachment to your own will, all pride, all vanity, all disordered attachment to creatures, so that truly in your souls there may be only space, openness and place for God's Love. Behold my brethren, that Christ gave his life for you as the most extreme king, as the most loving father, as the brother most full of true charity. While kings send their subjects to fight to save his kingdom and even his life, his crown, Christ has set aside his crown in heaven, descended from him to dwell on earth and among you, together with his Most Holy Mother. And the two gave their lives, so that all of you, his subjects, could come out of eternal death and find true life in God.
What an extraordinary love the Lord and His Mother had for you! And with how little love you have responded to them, served them, loved them until now.
Do not make them suffer anymore! Open your heart. Give yourselves completely and take a firm and decisive step along the path of true Love for the Lord and His Mother, so that you do not become the accused of that sin into which countless souls have already fallen, which was to lose the love and divine choice over them because they loved themselves more than God and His Mother and because they preferred themselves over them.
I call this true love to you, I can and will give it to you. And those who consecrate themselves to Me, who ask Me for this love, who ask for My help, I will give it.
Continue with all the prayers that I, Heaven, have given you here. Prayer is Love that ascends to Heaven, the Lady told you here. And it is true.
Prayer is Love that rises to Heaven.
Prayer is Empty Heart that Climb to Heaven.
Prayer must be a detached heart from the earth so that it can then finally become light and ascend to heaven.
Prayer is divine love in pure transformation that descends from Heaven to Earth for the soul that wants it, that seeks it, that asks for it and sighs for it!
Continue with all the prayers that the Blessed Lady has given you here, because these prayers have the property of emptying, opening your heart. If he has the minimum of good will and if he truly wants to empty himself, then these prayers will make your souls and hearts light, detached from everything that pulls on the earth and weighs on the soul. Then your souls will fly swiftly toward the Sun, the infinite love of God. I am with you at all times and will never, never leave you, if you also never leave Me.
To all, at this moment, with love, I bless.
I bless you too Marcos. Everything was very well explained by you. I congratulate you Knight of the Immaculate, servant of the Most High God, friend of the Angels and Saints and dearest to me".
Patricia was a descendant of Emperor Constantine the Great. She was born in the early 7th century in Constantinople and was brought up for court by her lady Aglaia, a very devout Christian. The little girl grew up pious and, despite her young age, took a vow of virginity to Christ. But to remain faithful she had to flee the city because her father, Constantine II, then emperor, insisted on imposing a marriage on her.
Patricia, helped by and in the company of Aglaia, with some followers, hid for some time. Then they embarked for the Greek islands, bound for Italy, where they landed in Naples. Patricia was delighted with the place and indicated the place where she would like to be buried. She then sponsored the city helping to decorate many of the new churches, which were devoid of the essential liturgical objects, and helped financially the convents that attended to the poor and sick.
Only then did he travel to Rome with Aglaia and the faithful disciples, where he sought protection from Pope Liberius. It was when he learned that his father had already resigned himself to his will. He received the veil, symbol of his consecration to God, from the hands of the High Pontiff. So they returned to Constantinople for Patricia to renounce the right to the crown and distribute their goods to the poor before going on pilgrimage to the Holy Land.
But other incidents occurred. The vessel distanced itself from the various dangers and went astray until it crashed into the rocks of the sea coast of Naples. Precisely on the small island of Megaride, also known as Castel dell'Ovo, where there was a small convent in which Patricia died after some time.
Patricia's funerals, according to the records, were organized by the faithful Aglaia and took place in a solemn way, with the participation of the bishop, the duke of the city and an immense crowd. The car, pulled by two bulls without any guide, stopped in front of the monastery of the Basilian sisters, dedicated to Saints Nicandro and Marciano, whom Patricia had indicated for burial. There the relics remained guarded by the sisters who became called "patricians", or Sisters of St. Patrick. Later the Basilians transferred the Rules to those of the Benedictines and these sisters also accompanied the renewal.
To repay the affection of the saint who returned to Naples just to be buried, the people spread her cult more and more, making it strong and vigorous. In 1625 St. Patricia was proclaimed co-Patroness of Naples, being as celebrated as the other patron, St. Gennaro, the famous martyr.
For historical reasons, in 1864 her relics were transferred to the side chapel of the splendid church of the Monastery of St. Gregory Armenian. The Church confirmed the cult of St. Patrick on August 25.