Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Feast of Our Lady of Perpetual Help and Commemoration of the 30Th Anniversary of the Apparitions of Medjugorje and Feast of Our Lady
Message from Our Lady

Love children, today with renewed Love in my Heart, I come to you once again to call you to conversion, to love, to peace.
Although I have been appearing for so many years in Medjugorje and Here and calling My Children to sincere conversion, most of humanity is still far from the Lord, far from His Love, far from az, conversion and salvation. Although I am tired, I am not discouraged My Children! I will continue fighting for your salvation until the end, no suffering is too heavy or too hard to save you My children. I will fight, I will fight with all My Love to save you, only I will not save those who consciously and willingly do not want, do not want to change their lives, do not want to obey My Messages, do not want to renounce His will to do the will of the Lord and Mine. Look my children, if with so many of my apparitions around the world, in Medjugorje, Here, every day the number of those who answer me YES is so small. Imagine if I did not come, if I did not come to call you, if I did not appear, if I did not come to invite you to conversion and draw you to salvation with My Messages!
See then, My children, how great is the Love of God and Mine for you, and how great is the hardness of your hearts. Open your hearts, call upon the Lord with confidence and you will be saved, that is, truly return to the Lord with your hearts contrite, humbled, repentant and open and you will be saved. If you invoke the Lord in this way, He will come, I will come, with the super abundant graces of salvation to save you, to transform your life into a little Paradise, where peace, where love, where holiness, purity and God himself will always reign, will always be present.
My Messages from Medjugorje and from here call you to live a true life in God, a new life in God. You are called to be the beloved children of the Lord, who are always with Him, who always work with Him and who are the heirs of His own Grace and happiness, of His glory and of His eternal benevolence. You are called to live a wonderful, extraordinary and very high life. If you want to achieve it and live it, just one act of your will is enough, just one YES and I promise that I will take you, that I will help you to arrive and live this true life in God.
I came here and I came in Medjugorje to bring all of you, my children of these last times, the workers of the last hour, to the highest and most consummate holiness. If you, My children, are docile to Me, I will transform you into true copies of the Angels of Heaven, angels of love, angels of obedience, angels of perfection, angels of grace. You are My dear children, My apostles of peace. Go therefore, doing My Cenacles from house to house, carrying My Messages of peace, of conversion to all, carrying the grace that I emanate from this Place, that I emanate from Medjugorje, to all of you, to the whole world. If you do what I asked of you, many souls will be saved and there will be peace. Justice, truth, equity, charity, concord, peace, and love will triumph over injustice, ungodliness, violence, discord, disaffection, and evil among men. And then we will rise, we will build together, you and I, a new world of peace, the world of my Immaculate Heart, the world of God.
Each Hail Mary of my Rosary, which you pray with your heart, is an extra brick that you place in building this new world of God, the world of Jesus, the world of Mary, the world of my Immaculate Heart. You are the living accounts of my Rosary and as such you must join me in continuous and unceasing prayer before the Most Holy Trinity, to obtain from her still the grace, mercy and salvation for so many of my children who are very far from my heart. I count on you to draw them all to my Heart, so that I may also save them.
Time is pressing My children, My apparitions Here and in Medjugorje are the last for humanity, that is why I appeared there and Here for so many years. Soon this time will end, this time of grace will end and you will no longer hear My voice calling you, My words will no longer resound in your ears: - My dear children, pray, pray! For My voice will silence you, and then you will begin to tow the thunder of Divine Justice and the cries of the demons who will come to fetch all those who did not want to hear My calls, My ears, My Messages.
Be converted quickly My children! There is almost no more time, your time has almost run out, raise your hands with me every day asking that He still awaits the sinners who are still to be converted in order to finally execute His Justice.
I, your Mother, am with you at all times and I place My Message of peace in your hands, that you may bring it to all My children throughout the world like a dove of peace that brings the Message of the Lord, of salvation and peace to all the world!
To all today, I bless Pellevoisin, Medjugorje and Jacareí".