Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Message from Saint Camilo De Lellis

Dear Brothers! I, CAMILO DE LELLIS servant of the Lord, servant of the Virgin Mary, greet you and give you peace today. Peace to your heart! Peace to your soul! Peace to your life! Peace to your soul! Peace to your life! May your peace be God! May your Peace be the Mother of God!
May your Peace be the continuous practice, obedience and observance of the Word of God, the Word of the Lord, which is addressed to you at this time, in these Apparitions. May your peace be the Truth, may it be to live continually in God, in His grace, in His law, in His Friendship. Nothing, no one can destroy your peace, if your peace is God, if it is unconditional, total, full love for him and for the Blessed Virgin Mary, if your peace is obedience to the word, to their Messages, nothing, no one can ever steal this peace from your hearts and souls. You know that I am the patron saint of doctors, nurses, those who care for the suffering and the sick.
It is my mission to be the nurse of your souls, to be the nurse of your hearts, so often tired and downcast from battles against the devil, against sin, against the harshness, rebellion and disobedience of the souls you meet on your way and who do not accept the Lady's Messages, who do not want what She wants, who do not want to fulfill Her orders, the Lord's orders.
It is my mission to heal ever more your souls, who suffer the shock of good against evil, of truth against lies, of faith against incredulity and apostasy, of obedience against the disobedience that you find in so many souls every day and that when they shock your heart so many times leave in your hearts deep marks of sadness, perplexity, discouragement and discouragement.
It is my mission to heal these wounds in you, to give you new courage, new breath, new vigour in the service of the Lord and of Mary Most Holy, and to take you ever further, ever further, as courageous and fearless apostles who are not ashamed to take the light, who are not afraid of the world's refusal to receive that light, who are not intimidated by the world's threats, who are ever more rebellious to God and His law of love.
It is my mission to heal your hearts also from the wounds caused in you by the sin that you still carry within you. These miseries, these open wounds in you because of your faults always repeated and committed, your sins always repeated and committed, these wounds I want to heal with the balm of divine love, with the sweetness of heaven, with the love of the communion of all the saints who pray for you, intercede for you, fight for you, fight for you also every day trying to keep evil from you, violence, occasions of sin, the snares of the enemy, so that each day your heart will be ever stronger, ever more vigorous, love God with all its might, love the Blessed Virgin with all its strength and love your neighbor, work for the salvation of souls ever more for the greater joy of the Lord, for the greater contentment of the Immaculate Heart of Mary and the joy of all Paradise.
It is my mission to heal your souls and your hearts from the wounds inflicted by the devil. He strikes you more every day with temptations, with suggestions, with ideas that lead you to sin, because he knows your bad inclinations, he knows your weaknesses, he studies, analyzes your behavior, your way of being, your natural tendency to evil, and he arms the most intelligent plans for a fallen Angel like him to lead you every day to offend the Lord, to turn away from Him and Mary Most Holy for sin, making you fall continually into your weaknesses.
I want to heal your hearts from these wounds that the enemy of your salvation has opened, leading you ever more to resist evil, to oppose the temptations of the devil the virtues, to oppose your defects, leading you also to live a life of deep prayer, intimacy and communion with God, with Mary Most Holy, with us the Saints and with the Angels. I take you each day to a greater, more ardent and profound love for the Word of God, for the Word of Mary Most Holy, for the Celestial Messages that have been given to you here for 20 years and in so many places on earth for many more years.
It is my mission to lead you to a life of deep sacrifice and penance, to renounce yourselves and your corrupted will, to renounce evil and perfect mortification of all your disordered desires so that each day you may live a perfect life in prayer, in sacrifice, in penance, in sobriety, in temperance, in the Christian balance of the Saints, in the perfect renunciation of yourselves and of the world, may you follow ever stronger and more resistant to the temptations and the action of the infernal enemy, our enemy who every day frames your condemnation. Thus you will always escape more and more unharmed and stronger from their temptations and pitfalls, and you, as true champions, victorious warriors of holiness, will one day be able to come to Us in Heaven and receive that crown which We, the Saints, have already received for having fought the good fight fiercely until the end.
It is My mission to heal you of all evils also from your heart, from your inmost self, from your mind, from your human nature and even from your body because the Lord wants you to be warriors, soldiers fully strong, fully steadfast, fully fierce in the struggle, in the battle for the salvation of souls and to make the Truth, the holy Catholic Faith, the Immaculate Heart of Mary triumph in the world. Ask me for the graces, the cures for the soul, for these all God wants to grant you. Ask me for the healing graces for the body, but without clinging to them, because many times God also allows you to suffer so that with him you can save more souls, but ask me, because many physical healings the Lord wants to accomplish through me, so that you may be healthy, not to return to the world and get lost with the world, but to become worthy apostles, in the struggle for the salvation of souls, for the triumph of good over evil, of light over darkness, of truth over lies, of God over Satan, of Heaven over Hell.
I promise to pray for you unceasingly, as I have done up to now on the throne of the Lord and His Most Holy Mother. Live the true devotion to Us, the Saints, for this true devotion will lead you to Heaven, to Paradise, to God, and We, the Saints of the Lord, will lead you safely down the right road, which We have already discovered, traveled, and with which we have victoriously come to Heaven. We will lead you down this road and will not rest until we see you with Us in eternal glory.
Let Yourself be led by Us, let Yourself be led by Us, form by Our Messages, the Messages we give You here. Make our Hour of prayer on Wednesdays with more love, because through this 'Holy Hour' we will transform you into the greatest Saints that the Blessed Virgin wishes to produce at the end of time for greater glorification of God, of the Most Holy Trinity, of Truth, and for greater humiliation, defeat and disgrace in Hell and its powers. You are called to be these Saints and you will be them, in fact, if you allow yourself to be led and formed by Our Messages.
To all of you at this moment, I CAMILO DE LELLIS, I generously bless the Mother of God and all the Saints and Angels of Paradise. Peace, Marcos, beloved of the Saints, chosen of us. Peace, My beloved people".