Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary
Messages from Our Lady and Saint Beatriz Da Silva De Menezes

"Dear children of mine, I AM THE LORD OF ROSARY. With this Name I have appeared in Fatima and in so many places. And also here I am the Lady of the Rosary, because here besides asking you for the prayer of the Rosary, I gave you my Rosary of Peace and so many other Rosaries that I wish you to continue praying every day, for the conversion of sinners and the salvation of the world.
I am the Lady of the Rosary and I call you to become true flames of love for my Rosary, to be ardent apostles of love for my Rosary, bringing it to all my children, teaching it to all people, so that all my children may know me, know Christ and thus find salvation through my Rosary.
Be flames of love for My Rosary praying every day with devotion, faithfulness, piety, contrition, respect and love. so that your intense prayer may be carried by your Guardian Angels and by Me to the Throne of the Lord, to attain from Him His divine Mercy.
If your prayers come out of your heart, that is, if your prayers are made with true thirst for God, with the true desire to renounce your will, to do God's will and if you pray with sincerity and fear of God. Then, your prayer is extremely pleasing to God and your Rosary rises to the presence of the Lord like a fragrant incense that pleases him, that satisfies him, that cheers him and that inclines him to look at you with looks of mercy. In this way you reach for yourselves and for many souls who are benefited by your prayer: graces of mercy, peace, salvation and light.
Be the living flames of love for My Rosary, praying all the time, truly meditating on it, seeking to contemplate Its Mysteries and draw from them the lessons, the virtues that you must practice in your daily life. So that in this way you can truly grow in the school of holiness, which is My Rosary, and you can become true giants of love, of divine wisdom, of charity, of purity, of fortitude, of temperance, of fear of God.
Be a flame of love for My Rosary, speaking of it in every time and place, spreading it to all the people you know and above all, giving the example of your love for My Rosary by praying it with all the love of your souls, so that other souls seeing in you the love for My Rosary and the fruits of peace, joy and holiness that it gives in your lives, those souls too, other people too want to love My Rosary, want to pray it, want also to be children and apostles of My Rosary. It is for the Rosary, it is because the Rosary is not known that I am not known. And because I am not known it is that Christ is not known. When all My children know My Rosary they will know Me, and when they know Me they will know My Son Jesus Christ. Therefore, the victory of Christ's Kingdom in the world depends on the Rosary, it depends on it becoming loved, known and prayed by all.
Be then, My Angels, that is, My Messengers of the Rosary, those who take My Rosary to all hearts, to all souls, to all My children, even the most distant.
Today, when you are still celebrating the Feast of My Rosary which is on October 7 with My magnificent victory in the Battle of Lepanto, I generously bless at this moment, all those who spread My Rosary, who do the Cenacles with My Meditated Rosary in the houses. I bless all those who pray My Meditated Rosary, which My little son Marcos does and all those who bring With Me My Rosary inseparably every day in the hands and heart. of Lourdes, Fatima and Jacareí.
Peace Marcos, Knight of the Rosary, Apostle of the Rosary, I bless you generously and especially at this moment".
(MARCOS:) "-Thank you My Queen, will you come the day after tomorrow? (PAUSE) I will wait".
"-Marcos, I, BEATRIZ DA SILVA E MENEZES, bless you again today. What a joy to come and speak to you for the second time! I bless all My brothers here present. What a joy it is to be here again for the second time to speak to you.
Dear My brothers and sisters, love the Immaculate Virgin, be deeply devoted to her, because devotion to her Immaculate Conception is the source and was the cause of holiness, it is the source of holiness for all those who have loved her and who love her. And this devotion is deeply united to these Apparitions of Jacari, because here the Immaculate Virgin and of Peace wants to be loved by you with all the strength of your heart and wants to establish in you Her Kingdom of love, holiness and grace.
Love the Immaculate Virgin with all your strength, through words, deeds and your apostolate, trying always more and more to give two things to this world so immersed in darkness and so hungry to know the truth: your witness in the first place, by your example and in the second place, your spoken and written witness of God's love, of the love of Mary Most Holy, of the truths of the Catholic faith, of dogmas so that all may know the truth, be set free by the truth and reach salvation.
Love Mary Immaculate, praying your Rosary every day with love, devotion, fidelity and piety, trying to make your Rosary a moment of total intimacy with the Mother of God, uniting your heart to Her, conforming your will to Her, renouncing while praying Hail Marys to your attachments and opening your heart to want what She wants, to want the truth, to want the good, to want the will of the Lord. In this way, your Rosary will be a great act of love for Mary Immaculate and a true proof that you are Her true children.
Love Mary Immaculate, seeking to glorify ever more the holiness of Her, to exalt Her, to glorify Her, to make known also to others Her privileges, Her prerogatives, Her glories that We Saints have left so much written for you to know. So that in this way all may know the beauty, the sublimity, the glory, the beauty and the perfection of this most pure, most perfect and most subliminal creature that God created and chose for His Mother, Daughter and Wife, so that in this way all enchanted by Her, all wounded with love for Her may surrender themselves in Her arms with all confidence, with all joy and with all faith so that she can bring everyone to God, so that she can accomplish in everyone the plan of salvation of the Lord and so that she can model all souls and make them more and more like herself and that of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Love Mary Immaculate seeking to spread Her Messages more and more by word and example, spreading Her Scapulars, the Gray Scapular of Peace, the Green Scapular, the Blue Scapular of the Immaculate Conception, the Brown Scapular of Mount Carmel and all the others and the Medals that She gave in all Her Apparitions, including Here, so that all His children may have these powerful shields against evil and that they may have through these sacramentals, these sacred signs of the Blessed Virgin the strength, the support, the maternal help that they so need to persevere in fidelity to the faith and love of Christ, in these difficult times that you are living through and through which you are now passing. With the love of Mary Immaculate you will win! With the love of Mary Immaculate you will triumph! With the love of Mary Immaculate you will overcome everything! If Mary Immaculate is for you there will never be anyone against you! That is why, my children, yes, my children, because I love you at the same time with the love of sister and mother, I feel responsible, I feel so close to you that you love even more than a mother loves her little child inside her womb.
You love Mary Most Holy, make her known and then you will have eternal life, because the Lord himself made her say so in the Old Testament:
'Those who make Me known will have eternal life; those who love Me will not perish but will live forever.
Fight! Work! Run! Run! Take her love to all hearts and make her loved by all and I promise my dear brothers, that a very beautiful abode, very close to mine awaits you in eternal glory, where all of us from above look forward to you with love and with unceasing prayers before the Throne of the Lord for your salvation.
To all at this moment, with Mary Immaculate, I generously bless you. Peace".