Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Message from Saint Joseph

Dear children, my Most Beloved Heart blesses you again today and gives you peace. I love you so, so much! That I would like to keep you all within my Most Loving Heart, so that my children may drown you even in the Ocean of my infinite Love for you.
I LOVE YOU SO MUCH! I love you more than your parents loved you or can love you. I love you with a love greater than that of all the parents in the world together for their children.
I keep you in my Most Loving Heart. My gaze is always upon you. Trust in My Love! Trust in my grace and my protection, for I will never, ever leave you alone.
I am always with you! My gaze accompanies you throughout the day, wherever you go and whatever you do. My gaze follows you, my gaze probes your heart, knows your sufferings, knows your anguish, knows your problems, knows your fears and ambitions, and my Heart takes care of everything. Provide before God all the graces necessary for you, so that you may live in peace and always walk more and more and grow in the perfect love of God, in the fulfillment of His commandments and so that you may overcome with love and faith all the difficulties and battles of this life.
I am always with you! No tears fall from your eyes without I see, without I know, without I know. Therefore, My children, give Me all your care, all your difficulties. Pray much to my Most Loving Heart! Contemplate Him, because to contemplate my Most Loving Heart is to contemplate my own love for you. In contemplating him you will see that you have a refuge, you will see that you have a home and a dwelling, you will see that you can always dwell in the atrium of my Most Amiable Heart, in the Sanctuary of my Most Amiable Heart, and therefore you can live in peace.
I LOVE YOU SO MUCH! I have offered you my love so many times! But so many have rejected it! I no longer know what to do to show you my love and to make you believe that my love for you is true, that it is great, that it is pure, that it is faithful and that it desires nothing from you but perfect correspondence, that is, to be loved by you.
Come My children! Give me your hearts, give me your hearts, and I will take you completely and place you within my most loving heart, where we will live together, where we will remain together in the same fremitus, in the same rhythm of love toward the Lord, toward his law of love, toward his word. Thus, with Our Hearts beating at the same rhythm, We will glorify the Most Holy Trinity with the perfect hymn of love.
Pray! Pray a lot! Prayer My children is your salvation always, it is the salvation of the world. There is nothing more important, nothing more precious and powerful on this earth than prayer. Because prayer made with the heart is love and love goes up to heaven and makes the supreme Love rain down on earth only the graces of mercy, peace, grace and salvation.
Pray! Pray! I will pray with you! Pray with me and your prayer will have all the power.
I bless you all at this time".