Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Celebration of 180 Years Since the Revelation of the Miraculous Medal to Saint Catarina Labouré - France (1831)
Message from Santa Catarina Labouré

Dear Brothers, I, Catherine Labouré again rejoice in being here and giving you a new Message sent to you from God and the Mother of God.
"You, beloved of the Lord and His Most Holy Mother, the Lord has called and chosen you to be His holy and chosen people, irreproachable to His Eyes and to be in the world: a sign of His love, His grace and His mercy. Therefore, I come to call you again to true love for God and for Mary Immaculate.
Live true love for God and for Mary Immaculate, making your lives ever more: self-giving to the Lord, self-giving to the Mother of God through perfect works of love, works that come out of the depths of your hearts, works done with the fire of true charity, divine charity that makes your works supernatural and eternal before God and makes your works a perfect and most pure reflection of the inscrutable, infinite, eternal and unchanging love of God.
Love the Lord truly with this love. Truly love the Blessed Virgin with this love and your works will be worth more than gold and silver, they will be worth more than all the riches of this world, they will be immensely pleasing to the Lord and to the Holy Virgin and these works of yours will be of incalculable merit, with which you will achieve great glory in Paradise, not only for yourselves but also for many other souls who will benefit from the treasure of your merits, the merits of your holiness.
Have true love for God and for Mary Immaculate, making your lives a continuous YES, a continuous offering to the Lord and to the Mother of God, living each day donated, totally consecrated to their service, doing your duties of state with love, dedication and perfection, For this gives supreme glory to God, as I myself did, that is, I did all my actions even the smallest, like sweeping the asylum or cleaning the corridors of the convent, with total love for God and the Mother of God, and with this I earned many merits for Heaven. And you too will gain if you do everything with supreme love for God and the Holy Virgin. And if you offer even the smallest actions of the day as a sacrifice to God for the salvation of souls.
Live in the true love of God and the Holy Virgin praying more and more every day, more compassionate, more concentrated, praying more and more with the heart, that is, renouncing your will to want the will of God in prayer, praying with a true thirst to know the will of God and fulfill it, making your prayer the most important moment of your day and in your life and always putting prayer first, before all things and above all things.
So that in this way your life being a continuous incense of prayer, burned before the Lord may please Him and incline Him to you.
Live in true love for God and the Holy Virgin, doing ever more works of sacrifice, works of penance, works of corporal mortification, lowering yourself ever more to the last place, hiding yourself ever more from the honors, glories and public esteem of the world, fleeing ever more from all that adulates and inflates, inflaming your vanity, your greed for goods, for glories, for the honorable titles of the earth.
So that in this way, living as I myself have lived, you may each day grow in holy humility, grow in loving silence, grow in unrestricted and pure love for God and grow ever more in that true life hidden in God, which I myself have lived and to which you are all called to live.
Live ever more in love for God and Mary Immaculate, obeying the Messages they gave you Here with all the strength of your heart, as I myself did with the Messages I received from the Mother of God. So that your soul may always be more faithful and obedient to the Mother of God, grow in true love, grow in perseverance and grace, grow in the total and faithful consecration of yourselves to their love.
Obey the Mother of God before everything and everyone. Do as I have done, strive to see Her desires fulfilled and realized on Earth as sāo in Heaven.
You know that I have been very hindered, I have been very hindered from accomplishing what the Mother of God sent Me and I have died with the pain of not seeing many of Her desires manifested to Me fulfilled.
You, who have lived in this sacred and blessed time of Her last Apparitions on Earth, where She reveals Her love and has given you a stream of graces and Messages like never before in human history.
You have fulfilled, fulfilled what She commands you. Do not let anything or anyone prevent the desires of the Blessed Virgin, Her orders and Her plans from being fulfilled to the letter, as She has commanded you here.
Fight together! Pray together! Seek and fight together so that Her desires may always be fulfilled from the first to the last, one by one, with all perfection, with all love and fidelity.
You can, you must and you will do it united with Me and with the Saints in Heaven, for We will give you the strength and courage to fulfill the desires of the Blessed Virgin and then collaborate effectively with Her Triumph on Earth, in hearts, in families and in all humanity.
Use, spread, spread the MYLAGROSE MEDAL that I received from the Mother of God, because this Medal has already saved many and many others still have to save, because the mission of this Medal is not yet fully completed, it will still take many souls to Heaven, because through this Medal the Blessed Virgin will burn the hearts of many of Her sinners who will convert and fall in love with Her. And she will teach them many secrets of holiness with which these souls will become great in God's eyes, as it was with her dear son Alfonso Ratisbone.
And on the day of this Feast of 180 years of the Revelation of the Miraculous Medal of the Mother of God to Me, I ask you to also wear and spread all the Medals that the Mother of God gave in Her Apparitions: a MEDAL OF PEACE that she gave you Here, and above all, the MEDAL OF PEACE, which for many souls is not yet known, not loved and not used as it should be. In this Medal of the Tears of the Mother of God with Jesus Held in Verse, the Mother of God has placed great power against the forces of hell, great help in great needs and, above all, She teaches souls to wipe their tears corresponding with love to Her immense Motherly love.
She teaches souls penance with the purple robe that She wears.
She teaches souls true and generous love with the starry blue robe, which She also wears.
Teaches souls the value of virtue of purity and innocence with the candid veil that covers Her head in this Medal.
Teach souls the value of love for Her Blessed Tears with the Rosary She holds in this Medal.
And it teaches everyone to imitate the meekness of Our Lord, to imitate the patience of Our Lord in suffering as they contemplate the image of the Held Jesus.
Thus, suffering with the Blessed Virgin the tribulations of this life with patience, imitating Her innocence and purity, imitating Her generosity and total love for God, imitating the works of mortification, of penance that She without sin did for the salvation of all, loving Her Tears and resorting to the powerful prayer of the TERRY OF HER LANGUAGES, souls will help to overthrow the infernal empire and to make Her Immaculate Heart triumph without delay in this world.
May this Medal of Tears be spread, known and loved as soon as possible by all Your children. The knowledge of this HOLY MEDAL OF TEARS, as well as of MYLAGROSE MEDAL, of PEACE, depends on the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary in many souls, families and nations.
Go, therefore, Messengers of the Medals of the Mother of God!
Go, therefore, last-minute workers!
Go and bring to the world these powerful shields, these powerful planks of salvation that are the Medals and Scapulars that the Mother of God gave you here.
I will be with you in this arduous task and will help you. To you Marcos, servant of the Most High and the Mother of the Lord, you who have spread, worked and fought to spread these gifts of the Immaculate Heart of Mary to the whole world with such perseverance for so many years until now. To you at this moment I give a special generous and profound blessing. And to all of you who are here too, I generously bless".