Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Tuesday, January 1, 2013
First Cenacle of the Year 2013 and Feast of the Most Holy Mary Mother of God
Message from Our Lady

Dear children, in this new year that is born I invite you again to turn your hearts to God and to begin a new journey of conversion. Begin a new journey of conversion, truly redoing all your purposes and vows to be holy, seeking from now on to deepen your prayer, your knowledge of God, His word, His love, seeking to flee ever more from the vain things of the world and trying to please the Lord for a beautiful, pure and fragrant life of prayer.
Have a true conversion, seeking always to know more about the will of the Lord in your deep prayer, by meditating on My Messages, on His word and also by attentively observing the events that take place every day in your life through which God speaks to you, so, traveling ever more along the road of seeking to please the Lord with your acts and your holiness, you will truly grow this year like beautiful and fragrant flowers to give Him honor, praise and glory.
I love all of you My children and this year I will increasingly help you grow in holiness. Be docile flowers in My Hands that allow yourselves to be cultivated by Me and that allow Me to truly pour over all of you the gentle water of God's grace that purifies you, that gives you life and vigor to grow ever more in the perfection of the saints, in Christian perfection.
My Immaculate Heart will follow this year all the steps you take on the path of holiness and will be at your side in all the moments of your sufferings, anguish and sorrows.
During this year the Angel Reaper, the Angel of God's Justice will pass through many nations of the earth and woe to those who are at fault before the Lord. The Reaper Angel will also seek out all those who have sown corruption among souls and woe to those souls who are inscribed in the Book of Justice. Therefore, My children, be converted, each one renounce the sin of the heart and that he practices with his hands, so that in this way you may truly be visited by the Angel of Peace instead of the Angel of Justice.
If you convert, if you pray the Holy Rosary, the prayers I have given you every day, if families pray the Holy Rosary, then the Angel of Peace will come down and give peace to the world.
Leave the sins of the year that passed behind, start today a new life, the past no longer matters, now what I want from you is LOVE, PRAYER, SUNITY and TRUTH WISH TO SERVE GOD. May each one of you follow in the footsteps of the Saints, God placed them as luminous stars in the dark night of your time so that all of you could see the way that leads to Him to Our Sacred Hearts and so, even in the midst of darkness, you could follow the way of salvation, grace and holiness.
I will grant everything to those who ask Me through the intercession of My Saints and who are truly striving to follow their example.
To all at this time I lovingly bless you, especially Marcos, the most striving of My children, I bless My Slaves of Love who have given Me here all their lives throughout the past year and in previous years and who are the ward of My Eyes. And I bless you all, My children, who strive to faithfully follow the example of the Saints and fulfill My Messages.
I bless you from LA SALETTE, from LOURDES and from JACAREÍ. Peace My children, Peace Marcos, I love you very much".