Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, March 31, 2013
Cenacle of Easter Sunday - Resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ
Message from Our Lord Jesus Christ and Our Lady

(Marcos:) My Lord and life of my life, speak that your servant listens and is ready to announce your will to all. Take Jesus in possession of this heart that is Yours, speak Lord that Your Will is My greatest wealth, the greatest joy is My heart's greatest desire. Do not delay any longer, come, enter into my heart, speak Lord that I want to know Your Will that saves me.
"Dear children of mine, I, the Risen Lord, come today to pour out upon you the peace of my Sacred Heart and to give you the blessings that on this day, my Eternal Father and I together with my Spirit wish to grant you for your greater edification, sanctification and salvation of your souls.
Just as I came out of the glorious, immortal, impassive, shining, beautiful and luminous tomb, so this world of yours that now lies in the tomb of sin, of Satan's dominion, of violence, hatred and evil will rise to a new time of peace that My Heart together with My Most Holy Mother and My Father Nurturing Joseph are preparing and will soon bring to you.
My Sacred Heart will resurrect this world fallen into sin, renewing all things, youth lost in vices, sensuality, drugs, violence and evil will be resurrected, with the powerful breath of My Spirit I will make their souls killed by sin, revive, resurrect to love, and then I will be the King of their hearts and they will love Me and out of every mouth will come forth the most perfect praise to Me. My Sacred Heart will resurrect the children, the poor children of this time who were poisoned by Satan, by the pagan education they receive from their parents and teachers, from the world and the family, and out of the mouths of the little ones and of those who still suckle will come forth to Me, the Lord your God, the purest and most perfect praise. Yes, there will be many saints among the children, because my Sacred Heart will resurrect their souls and truly make them live for me, for my Mother, for my Father Nurturing Joseph, as the little Shepherds of Fatima will live with my beloved daughter Bernadette de Lourdes, Dominic Savio, Maria Goretti, Lucia of Syracuse, Filomena and so many of my servants. Yes, I will make childhood and youth glorify Me and the little ones I will take the greatest glorification for my Immaculate, Immaculate and Sacred Heart, without sin, risen today to be with you eternally giving you ever more: Peace, Love, Grace and Salvation.
My Sacred Heart will resurrect the families that now suffer under Satan's rule, for having turned away from Me, for having suppressed the prayer of the homes, the devil has entered the families, captured the minds of the spouses, inciting them, leading them to adultery, betrayal, falsehood, captured the minds of the wives making them dry and arid, and before where it was a furnace of love there are now tombs where death and sin championed day and night. How many mothers have become living tombs because they kill their children inside their wombs, crucifying Me cruelly again, because this sin cries out to Heaven for vengeance. How many mothers are guilty of condemning their children for not having brought them up according to My Word, according to My Law of Love, and so their children go to perdition and they follow them because they are guilty before Me for not having given their children knowledge of My Love, My Word and the Truth, and also the spouses are guilty because they did not imitate My Father Nurturing Joseph and they occupied themselves solely with the vain things of this world without worrying about the salvation of their souls and those of their children. Yes, cursed is the man who builds his house on the sand, on the vain things of this world that perish, because this house will crumble upon itself. Cursed the man who tears down his own house by letting the enemy penetrate it with his smoke and doesn't fight to throw it out, this fool will be the cause of his own ruin, of his unhappiness and of the eternal unhappiness of his wife and children. Blessed is the man, blessed is the man who builds his house on the rock, on My Sacred Heart, making truly all the hearts of his family entrusted to him love Me, honor Me, Praise Me and serve Me because this house will endure for all eternity and in the Kingdom of Heaven this family will sing My praise among My Angels and know the sacred mysteries of the Holy Family of Nazareth, knowledge that I will not give to families who do not pray, who do not love Me and who were not built according to My commandments.
My Sacred Heart will resurrect the Church, this My daughter who is now wounded like a leper, apostasy obscures the light of truth in her, errors poison and kill the souls of the faithful, errors spread by pastors, bishops and priests such as progressism, Communism, socialism, disguised and diluted Protestantism, as well as all the other errors cause the death of millions of souls, and that is why My sheep die, perish to the point of scarcity, and there is no one to take them the medicine of My Sacred Heart. But I will raise them up by raising up apostles and faithful servants who will bring to My sheep Our Messages of Pain and Love, the Holy Prayers of this Place as well as the knowledge of Our Apparitions and the Life of the Saints, and these sheep will heal, recover their health, and I will save them from spiritual death, and I tell you the truth: I say to you, there will even be sheep that have already died and are now in bones, and these same sheep will live again because I will blow My Spirit upon them thanks to Our Apparitions Here and They will come back to life and glorify Me, I will give them the healthy and holy pasture of Our Messages, of the knowledge of Our Sacred Hearts which are given to you in abundance Here, and these sheep will become fat, healthy, and sturdy, and they themselves will come to Me and I will feed them, because those of the Truth know My voice, recognize the timbre of My voice in Our Messages Here, come to Us, and We too will come to them.
My Sacred Heart will resurrect the Church, therefore, and all mankind by freeing them from the power of Satan and through Our Servants, Our Apostles of the Last Times, We will make all mankind relive and become a garden of grace and holiness.
Fight My Children! Fight the good fight, you will be rewarded in Heaven, those who suffer and fight for Me will win the Crown of eternal life, those who give their lives for Me will live forever, those who want to keep His life for themselves will perish and together with them will perish all those they could have led to Me and did not lead because of their ugly ambition for pleasures, power, honors and worldly esteem, and their ugly omission. Fight, My children, because I fight with you, I am always two steps ahead of you, leading you, opening for you the way and leading you along the road of holiness. Just as I gave the victory to Constatine and to His Holy Mother my Servant Helen, because they entrusted themselves to me, because they opened the door of their hearts to me, I will also give victory through my Cross to all those who love me and trust in me.
Here in this Place my Sacred Heart is extremely consoled, because here I, my Blessed Mother and my Nutritional Father Saint Joseph, as well as my Holy Spirit and my Supreme and Eternal Father are loved with all our hearts by my little son Marcos, who for so many years has worked tirelessly day and night for the Triumph of my Sacred Heart throughout the world. Yes, here my Heart rests, rests in it, I am with him twenty-four hours a day and through his word, his work and his example I radiate on the souls of my children the mystical light of my Sacred Heart. Here too I am extremely consoled by you, who love Me, who correspond to My desires, who obey My Messages and who with all your heart live the Consecration to My Sacred Heart. In you I rejoice, I delight, in you I rest, in you I rest as the dew on the pure lilies. Yes, come, My children, let us further tighten the bonds that unite Us, giving you completely to Me, giving Me your sincere and truly yes, letting you lead and guide by Me on the Road of Holiness.
At this moment I bless you all with love and I give you my Holy Spirit, blowing Him over you.
Stay in My peace, stay in the peace of My Mother's Heart. Stay in My peace Marcos, you, the most hard working and dedicated of My servants".
"Dear children, I am the JUBILIAN MOTHER OF RESURRECTION, I am the Co-redemptrix of humanity, I am the triumphant Mother of the world's redemption. Yes, I am your Mother and today my Divine Son has entered the room where I was, greeted Me and in a mystical flame of Love has united Himself with Me making us one heart and thus raised in ecstasy, I was struck by the greatness of My God and by His almighty mercy and goodness, and I remained talking to My Divine Son and begging Him to apply the merits of all His Life, Passion, Death and Resurrection to the whole human race, establishing His Kingdom of Love and Grace in His faithful and in His Church.
I am the joyful Mother of Redemption, and therefore I invite you all to come to Me, who alone can bring you to your Redeemer, who can apply to you the copious and abundant fruits of the redemption wrought by Him, because I have always been His coadjutor and treasurer of all His Graces. Come to Me and I will fill you with the copious redemption of the Savior by pouring His fruits upon you, filling you with His Love, His Peace, His Grace with the Virtues of the Holy Spirit, and above all, purifying you and making you more and more beautiful, more holy, more pleasing to God for His greater glory.
I am the joyful Mother of redemption and therefore whoever wants to be saved must come to Me so that I may distribute to you all the abundant fruits of the Savior's redemption and thus become truly servants of the Lord, His instruments, His Apostles of the Last Times, His brave warriors who take His Word and His Grace to all the ends of the world.
I am the joyful Mother of Redemption and I announce to you that the resurrection of this sin-fallen world is at hand, that after two thousand years of preaching the Word of My Son, He has again become pagan, atheist, and enemy of the Lord. Yes, this tomb will be opened by a miracle from Our United Hearts and humanity already reduced to a putrid corpse will return to life and from His mute lips will emerge again the perfect hymn of adoration and praise to the Most Holy Trinity.
Trust! Because My Plans are perfectly realized thanks to My Apparitions, to Our Apparitions Here, thanks to the yes that My son Marcos gave Me with so much love and in which He persevered and was faithful for more than twenty years. In his work, effort and dedication I accomplish My Plan of Love, I accomplish wonders for the conversion of souls and I always make My glory brighter. And in all of you My children who answered Yes to Me and answered My call coming to My Heart, in you I also accomplish the greatest Triumph of My Heart, leading you ever more to live in purity, love, humility, the practice of virtues, sanctifying yourselves more and more day by day and sanctifying many and many other My children through your word, your prayer, your sacrifices, your sufferings accepted with patience, and above all, your love and example.
Therefore, trust! I will now act powerfully for the salvation of humanity, now that you know My Appearances through the Videos that My little son Marcos made for you, now that you know My Messages, My desires and the desires of the Lord through Our Holy Hours of Prayer, now that you know the truth that saves and frees you I will act powerfully with My Flame of Love to bring Brazil, to bring Portugal, to bring the whole world, to the Triumph of Our Hearts. This year I will pour out My Flame of Love in abundance as I have never done for the world, because My little son Marcos has done Me a great work, a great service to the Lord by making My apparition to My little daughter Mother Mariana de Jesus Torres known to all My children, and therefore the Almighty has given Me more power to act more effectively for the salvation and liberation of the world. For a soul that obeys, sacrifices, works and sanctifies all humanity is benefited, affected, purified, forgiven and elevated by the Holy Trinity.
At this moment I bless you all generously with love and I say to you: Persevere in the prayers that I have commanded you so that My Flame of Love may finally carry you forward on the path of holiness and make you perfect saints for the greater glory of God.
I now bless you all from Casanova Staffora, Fatima and Jacareí.
Peace My children, peace to you Marcos, the most striving and dearest of My children".
(Marcos:) "Yes, these have been such wonderful days, it is a pity that it is over and that only next year we will have Holy Week again. (pause) Yes, I understand, we have to come down from Tabor. (pause) Yes, tomorrow I start again. Yes, for April it will be ready for sure. (pause) Besides La Salette, do you have anything else that you want me to put? (pause) Yes, I understand Madam. Yes. See you soon.