Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
10Th Class of the Holiness and Love School of Our Lady

(Marcos): "May Jesus, Mary and Joseph be praised forever! Yes. Yes."
"My beloved children, today I thank you for all your prayers and your sacrifices. Because you answered me yes, because you help me every day with these prayers that you make Here at night together with my little son Marcos, Here in my Shrine and the other prayers and sacrifices that you make, my plan of salvation unfolds and walks perfectly.
My works will reach their full success and Triumph and soon not only Brazil but the world will be freed by Me from the dominion of Satan. Now you must pray even more and fulfill all that I tell you for the salvation of humanity. Keep peace in your hearts, give no place to temptation, give no place to the devil paying attention to the suggestions he puts in your hearts and thoughts to offend God, close your hearts and the senses of your souls to him, turning your thoughts to God, to Me, to the Saints, reading and meditating on the lives of the Saints and My Messages, living a life of intense prayer, above all, praying with the heart as My little son Marcos knows how to do very well and as I personally taught him since the beginning of the Apparitions.
Pray My Rosary, pray the Rosary of Tears of Triumph and all the Rosaries I have given you, because with these prayers you will drive the devil further and further away from you with his suggestions and his temptations.
My Immaculate Heart watches over you day and night, My Immaculate Heart offers to the Most Holy Trinity every day His merits in order to obtain for you the grace of salvation. Behold, now all that I have announced to you from La Salette will be fulfilled, so pray My dear children, because only with the Rosary and the Prayer will you be able to achieve miracles for this world which no longer has any hope. From my Immaculate Heart will come to you the luminous day of salvation, grace and peace.
Come Here to My Sanctuary! I have come to this place where I am living day and night. Here I will shower you with my graces, here I will shower you ever more with my love. Drink from the water of the Fountain that I have blessed for you Here, love this water more, trust in the power of my Immaculate Heart with God, those who believe that I can do everything with God and drink from the water of my Fountain with love and trust will not deny anything, no grace will I refuse.
To all at this moment I bless with love, especially you Marcos, the most ardent of My children and all My dear children who now listen to Me, love Me and sincerely obey all My Messages.
I bless you from La Salette, Kerizinen and Jacareí.
Peace to you all".
(Marcos): "Yes. See you soon Madam. Thank you very much".