Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, August 4, 2013
Message From The Divine Holy Spirit And Our Lady - Communicated To The Seer Marcos Tadeu - 49th Class Of Our Lady's School Of Holiness And Love

(Marcos): "Oh, my Lord and my God! My Lord Holy Spirit, I present to you all these cards and also this plate, which have been made by your children, the children of Mary Most Holy and your subjects, to make your messages and Her messages better known and loved by all men all over the earth. Will You bless these little efforts we make for Your greater honor and the honor of Your Mystical Spouse, the Virgin Mary, Your Mother and Your Queen. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes."
(Divine Holy Spirit): "Beloved children of Mine, yes, for I love you as a mother loves her little children, her beloved children. My children, I, the Lord, the Holy Spirit the Third Person of the Trinity, come today with My Mystical Spouse, the Virgin Mary to tell you: How great is My love for you. Yes, you are My temples, you are My dwellings, you are My holy cities, and in you I desire to make My definitive abode, dwelling with you, uniting Myself with your souls, living in you and through you sanctifying the whole world.
You are My holy dwellings, My holy palaces, but My enemy, the rebel from the beginning, with your permission and your consent, has ruined these My holy palaces, and now I come to restore these palaces, to restore these dwellings of Mine, giving them back the beauty, grace, holiness, and perfection they had before they were ruined by My eternal adversary. I come to put back in place all that the rebel has destroyed, I come to raise up again all that he has brought down, I come to renew all that has become old through the nefarious action of My adversary in you. That is why, on this day, I desire that you open the doors of your hearts to Me, so that I may enter them and sanctify them, renew them, make them worthy of Me, pure before My eyes.
Truly, your ruined souls harbor nothing but serpents and scorpions, that is, sins, errors, and vices of every kind. I come now to annihilate all these serpents and scorpions in you, to give your souls again that beauty, that innocence, that purity, and that holiness that they had in the beginning when you became children of God, children of the Lord. Yes, I come to give your souls the new beauty, the new spiritual beauty that I want to imprint in them until it makes them similar to My Mystical Spouse, the Virgin Mary, and be a perfect reflection of Her purity and holiness. I, who am the Spouse of your souls, search in your souls for true love, but in many of them I find nothing, but a cold desert without any love, I search in you a drop that is pure love, but I find it with difficulty. Behold, I now come to make rivers gush out in the desert, that is to say, to bring forth in your souls the river of true and perfect love for Me, which will finally make you give Me the water of pure love, which will finally make you water Me in My great thirst for Love, and will even make this water of My love overflow to all mankind, to the whole earth.
I, the Lord, come to restore again in your souls the original beauty, which was lost, which was ruined by your first Parents and by My adversary, this beauty will be restored by My power, so soon I will shake all humanity as one shakes a sack of mane. Yes, I will shake all of mankind, and make all of them see their mistakes and their sins, as I see them. Each one will see his life, his life lived in sin, living contrary to My Laws and My precepts of love, and when each one sees his life as I see it, the pain for sin will be as strong as fire. Yes, you will feel yourself burning within, but you will be burned by My flame, the flame of My Righteousness, My Holiness, and of Truth. And this flame will burn your heart, and you will not be able to smother it, as you now do well with the voice of your conscience, where I am continually warning you and warning you of the sins into which you are falling. You will not be able to smother that flame, you will not be able to stifle that flame that I will send you and it will burn, it will burn your soul, your interior and your heart and many of you will feel a pain so strong that you will not be able to bear it and will even lose your life. This flame which will be more ardent than the flames of purgatory, which purify the Holy souls from their light faults, these flames will burn you, burn in you all the love of sin, all the disordered attachment to yourselves and your corrupted will. This flame will consume in you everything that is contrary to My Will, opposes Me and My Law of Love and will make you new, new men, new women, new creatures for Me, it will transform your heart into a true flame of love for Me, it will transform your soul into a flowing river of life-giving waters of My grace, which will overflow and gush upon the souls of the whole world giving them also the grace to revive and even those souls that were already withering away in spiritual death will revive by My great power, by My great Mercy.
I, the sweet Spouse of your souls, will then finally have a wife suitable for Me, I will have a wife worthy of Me, where I can truly live, dwell with her, and with whom I can unite Myself. Your souls will be purified, to receive My Love and My Grace, and in them I will realize My great Plan of Love, My great Design of Love. Your souls are more precious to Me than all the rubies, diamonds and gold in the world. For each of your souls I exchange kingdoms, I exchange Nations, I give away Nations, but I do not wish to lose even one of your souls, because they cost all the Blood of Jesus, because they cost all the Tears of My Mystical Spouse, the Virgin Mary, and therefore, your souls that are so precious to Me must now be restored. I will blow upon you, I will blow upon the whole earth like a gale of love, charity, and holiness far greater than that of the Day of Pentecost. I will cause tongues of burning fire to descend upon you and renew you all, you will be renewed in spirit, you will be uplifted, you will finally be enlightened about all that Jesus told you and that you did not understand because you are slow of heart. Yes, I will reveal to you many things that Jesus could not reveal to you because you could not bear to hear it, you will know the full, total, integral Truth, and this will truly be My Triumph and the Triumph of My Mystical Bride. For I say to you: That millions of those who are far away at that moment, will return to Us, will glorify Us, and will give Us their hearts with love. I will do this, and let no one think that this will never happen, because I am not weak and mortal like you, but I am the immortal God, the Third Person of the Trinity, the Love, the Divine Love that can renew in a single instant the entire face of the Earth, because for Me to will and to do are one and the same thing.
I, the Spirit of Love, come to tell you: whoever wants to come to Me must come to Me through Mary, and to go to Mary must first go to Joseph and the Saints, this is the path established by My Justice and My Love, I reject all those who insolently come to Me without Mary, I look at them and I see nothing but leprosy and the sin of insolence, impudence and pride. And I love those souls that come to Me, through Mary and Joseph, these souls that come to Me already embellished by Mary, already embellished by Joseph, already perfumed with their virtues, already purified of their sins, already pacified with the love of their hearts and that come to Me presented by the Hands of Mary, by the Hands of Joseph, these souls I receive as a personal gift to Me made by Mary herself, by Joseph herself, and as a gift received by Them, made to Me by Them, I cannot refuse, I cannot reject. So let your souls come to Me, through them, and I will look upon you with love, with delight, with mercy, with kindness and appreciation.
Yes, blessed are the souls that come to Me through Mary, through Joseph, because in these souls I will not only give My graces, but I will do through them many, many wonders so that My grace will triumph in the hearts of the whole world. Oh, yes! I will give these souls a beauty more fascinating than sapphires, I will give them a value far greater than gold, I will give them a grace, a charm and beauty far greater than of all rubies and emeralds, and I will make their soul shine brighter than the light of a thousand suns put together, because I Myself will clothe it with My light, and it will then project My light into the darkness, and the souls that are in the darkness, seeing My lovely light, will come to Me and unite with Me.
Oh, how blessed are the souls of this place, that My Mystical Spouse the Virgin Mary prepares, forms, educates, corrects, sanctifies every day with Her Apparitions and Messages. Oh, yes! These souls like lush mystical roses are growing in the garden of Her Immaculate Heart and behold, the time is coming when She will cut them, gather them all into a wonderful bouquet to present to Me, as the personal Gift of Her Immaculate Heart, as the most precious Gift of Her Heart made to Me.
Oh, how blessed you are, My Eyes rest upon you with love, in many of you already see the traces of the physiognomy of My Most Holy Spouse forming, the traces of Her own face, Her Holiness, Her Love, Her intense Prayer, Her Innocence, Her Kindness, Her Charity. Yes, She is transforming you and imprinting on your countenances, on your souls, Her spiritual traits so that you may resemble Her and thus be pleasing to Me, because this is My will: that you know Me through Mary, that you love Me through Mary, and that you come to Me through Mary and come to Me similar in holiness to My Spouse Mary, so that I may truly receive you and unite Myself with you.
Oh, yes! How blessed you are, how loved you are by Me who has favored you so much by sending My Spouse here and having her stay here with you for more than 22 years, to teach you what pleases Me, to teach you the holiness that gives Me holy pleasure, joy and satisfaction with you.
See how much Love I have had for you, how much mercy and grace I have given you here. Return this great Love by loving Mary as I desire, coming to Me for her and Joseph as I desire, and uniting with Me with all your love as she has taught you to do. Renounce the world, sin, yourselves, when I say renounce the world, it is not to leave the world, but to be in the world without being a slave of the world, but being Lord of the world, not letting yourselves be enslaved by anything, by any passion of this world. Yes, come, come to Me that I love you so much and that I want to unite Myself to you, repay the great love I have for you by uniting you with Me as My Spouse has taught you, living a true life with Me, living a perfect intimacy and union with Me, for I am your God and I want your respect, but I am also the Spouse of your souls and your greatest friend with Jesus and for this reason I want you to love Me and to have a life of love with Me, of intimacy with Me, not hiding anything from Me, showing yourself before Me as you are in prayer, recognizing before Me all your faults and miseries, recognizing your nothingness and My everything and at the same time recognizing My immense love for you and giving yourself completely to this Love, which does not want to condemn you, nor throw your faults in your face, but rather, forgive you, love you, elevate you, love you, and in loving you, making you worthy of Myself and holy in My eyes.
Oh, come to Me, have no fear of Me, but rather fear, that is, fear of offending Me with sin, of hurting Me with sin of grieving Me to the point of forcing Me out of your souls and no longer living in the temple of your souls. Just have this fear, but do not be afraid of Me, because I love you and I am here in this place that I created and chose for Myself before all the centuries, to tell you that I love you, that I want your salvation, and that I do not tire of pouring My Gifts and My Graces over you through My most chaste Spouse every day, to save you, to help you, to sanctify you, and to raise you up to Me.
Renounce My enemy, renounce Satan, renounce all sin, so that truly, you can unite with Me and I with you in one flame of Love, because what prevents My union with you is sin and your attachment to sin, is your resistance and your hardness of heart to surrender completely to My Love. Make the renunciation of yourselves, give yourself to Me with a generous yes, and I will unite Myself to your souls and then, truly, in you My Love will triumph and you will be filled with My grace as were the Apostles, the Prophets and the Martyrs, and your soul will be in the kingdom of Heaven, beautiful, more beautiful than the most beautiful stones and will be more luminous than the light of a thousand suns in a single day. I love you and desire that you continue with My Hour of Prayer every Monday, for through it I always more, form you with Mary, educate you through Mary, elevate and sanctify you in Mary, and make you more and more pleasing to Me with Mary, in Mary, and through Mary.
I bless you all at this time generously and especially you Marcos, the most striving and obedient of My children and the one on whom I rest, happy, joyful and satisfied and in whom I have always found My delights and consolations."
(Mary Most Holy): "Beloved children of Mine, today, when you are already celebrating the Feast of My Birth, of the true day that I have revealed to you Here, I come once again to tell you: I am the Dawn of your salvation and therefore I was born beautiful, pure, clean, refulgent as the Sun, to be for you My children, so threatened in this treacherous world in which you live, to be for you, a sure sign of salvation, of hope, to be the luminous star that leads you to My Son Jesus, who wants to save all of you and to whom He wants to give true happiness already on this Earth and in Heaven, through the communion and the perfect union of your souls and your will with His.
I am the Dawn of your salvation, so I was born to announce to you that the Sun of Salvation, the Sun of Justice Christ Jesus My Son, comes into the world to save you, to rescue you from sin and to give you the true life of the children of God, the true freedom that consists in being in this world, but not being a slave to anything of this world and to live serving and loving his Lord, all the days of your life, so that you may receive in glory the eternal happiness, the eternal glory of God and there be happy at His side for all eternity.
I am the Dawn of your salvation, so I was born to tell you that the time of salvation has come, the Kingdom of God is near, convert and do penance, as My son and John told you. Convert, renounce sin, renounce everything that separates you from God, keeps you from His Love and weakens the life of sanctifying grace in your souls, reform your whole life. Oh yes, resize your whole life, putting God first in your heart, putting the Lord's holy will first in your heart and doing what pleases Him, for His greater glory. Make living prayers, prayers with the heart, as Here so often I have asked you, how often your prayers are dead and even your good works are dead because they are not made with a true thirst for God, with the intention to please Him, they are not made with the heart, with love, but with lukewarmness, with aridity, with coldness, with indifference and even with evil intentions in your hearts, asking for what is not good for you and seeking what will kill your soul.
Oh, renounce, renounce these dead prayers and dead works, renounce the evil intentions in your heart, which so often disguise themselves with good intentions to deceive you and thus lead you to satisfy your personal vanity and not to seek to fulfill God's Will. Make living prayers, prayers with the heart, prayers in the true Spirit of Love, that is, in the Spirit of God, with the true intention to please God, to be Holy, to fulfill the Holy Will of God Here on earth, for this is the best and most necessary thing for you, of which My Son Jesus spoke to you in the Gospel, and it is the most important and principal thing that God expects, that God wants from you.
Conform your will to His, conform your thinking to the Lord's, so that then you will be one with Him and truly His Plan of Love will be realized in the world, in you, and through your lives.
I am the Dawn of your salvation, and just as I came before My Son Jesus the first time, to bring the world the new time of grace and redemption, so now I come before Him to prepare the way for His Second Coming. This Return is near, and do not think that it will happen only in a thousand years, and therefore you can be quiet, in your sins, living in peace with them, because this return is closer every day. Yes, suddenly, when men are asleep, you will hear a great thunder, and the Voice of My Son, louder than a thousand thunders together, will shake the whole earth, and then all men will be judged for the good they have not done, for the evil they have done, and the righteous will receive the reward for the good they have done in the name of the Lord.
Yes, when the Catholic Faith is most persecuted, when it seems that there is no more hope, when the last remaining souls are almost crushed by the weight of the trial, the suffering and the opposition of this world, which has become again pagan, atheist and enemy of the Lord. Then will come the great grace, the great Triumph, the great renewal, the great resurrection, and all will be saved, all will be renewed, and the men who have remained faithful in the great tribulation will receive the great prize that the Lord and I are preparing for all the righteous.
Stay on the Road of Righteousness, stay on the Road of Holiness to which I have called you, so that then, My children, I can present you: pure, holy and perfect before the Lord, to receive the Crown of Victory, which He is preparing for you.
Continue with all the prayers that I have given you and commanded you to do Here, because with those prayers you will have a strong faith that will endure to the end, and that will earn you the reward that the Lord and I have prepared for you in Heaven, to give you as the prize for your faithfulness.
Here, in this Place, I am truly loved, consoled, praised, obeyed, defended, and perfectly matched, first of all by My little son Marcos, My Knight, the one who gave Me his yes more than 20 years ago and persevered in it, renouncing everything, even what he was allowed, to have an ordinary life in this world with a family, and who during all these years has served Me in perfect obedience, perfect love, perfect correspondence to all that I have asked of him, and who has faithfully fulfilled all that I have entrusted to him and all that I have entrusted to him. And then by My Slaves of Love, who are My precious stones of this Place, who are with Me, who love Me, who obey Me, who make Me known and loved, helping the work of My little son Marcos. And then I am also loved, perfectly consoled and corresponded to by My little children all over the world, who here have given Me their yes, correspond to My wishes, obey My Messages, and follow Me along the road of prayer, love and holiness.
Persevere, little children, because great is My joy, yes, great is My joy for you, and great is also the joy of the Almighty for you, because you are doing His Holy Will for these times of yours, and you have not gone elsewhere to do your own will and follow your own inclinations, but you have remained here with Me, faithful to My apparition, to the Cenacles, to My School of Holiness, and you have not strayed from Me. Yes, here truly, I am training you for Holiness, I am training you for Heaven, I am training you to be strong in suffering, I am training you to be virtuous and to overcome every setback, every trial and every evil in the world.
Yes, My son John Mary Vianney, prophesied by Me in My Apparitions to My little daughter Mother Mariana de Jesus Torres, is the model of holiness that you must follow to love Me and to love the Lord perfectly as We wish. Oh, yes! For this wonderful video of His Life that My little son Marcos made and that so inflamed the souls of the holy love of God, I promise you Marcos, as many souls will be converted and will be fervent in the love of God, will be inflamed in the love of God by this video that you made, so many will be the crowns of glory that I will give you in Heaven. And you, My children, who make the life of My little son John Mary Vianney known, will also have a part in this great reward, which I will give to My son Marcos in Heaven. Be, therefore, the good heralds of the truth, bringing this light to this whole world that lies in darkness.
To all of you, at this moment, I bless and thank you because today you have given Me the greatest and best Birthday gift I could ever receive: your hearts, the yes of many, the complete surrender of many hearts, and, above all, your love and your prayer ever more perfumed by the graces of My Heart, of My Spouse Joseph, and of all My Saints.
I bless you all now from Ar's, from Lourdes and from Jacareí.
(Marcos): "Until soon dear Mother. Until soon my God and My Lord."
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