Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, August 18, 2013
Message From Our Lord Jesus Christ And Our Lady - Communicated To The Seer Marcos Tadeu - 63rd Class Of Our Lady's School Of Holiness And Love

Moment of ecstasy of seer Marcos Tadeu at the Apparition
(Our Lord Jesus Christ): "Beloved children of Mine, I, Jesus, your Master and Lord, come today to bless you with My Mother and to give you My Peace.
My children, convert quickly, because your time is running out, do not think that things will remain undefined and undecided forever, nor that this situation of sin and rebellion of souls and the world against Me will be tolerated by Me forever, because I can no longer bear so much sin that I see in the world every day. And that is why I will soon cleanse the earth with a much greater rigor than when I purified it at the time of the Flood and the punishment of Sodom and Gomorrah. Yes, I am going to cleanse the earth because it is soaked with sins and crimes, and My eyes can no longer bear so much abomination. Do not be like the people of the time of the flood, who saw Noah getting into the Ark, building the Ark to save themselves from My wrath, and who said laughing to each other: let us eat and drink, let us marry and give in marriage, because Noah is crazy and nothing will happen, the world will never end, it is we who will end ourselves with death, so let us give ourselves all the pleasures we want because life is short. Yes, those unhappy people said that, and they laughed at Noah until the moment he entered the Ark and I sent the flood and they were all killed. Do not be like the number of those unfortunate people, because from one moment to the next, I will surprise you with a sudden Chastisement.
Convert yourselves without delay, be true disciples of Mine, fervent, ardent, courageous, and zealous for My Glory, for the knowledge of My Name, and for the salvation of souls. Do not be lazy or slothful, for I hate the lazy and slothful, I also hate the cowardly, I hate the lukewarm and the cold-hearted, the hard ones I will punish with eternal punishment in the flames of hell where they will gnash their teeth, and the lukewarm ones I will spew out of My mouth.
Be faithful and zealous, for only the faithful and zealous will reach Heaven, the place of the lukewarm is the depths of Hell.
I, just as I sent the prophet Jonah to the city of Nineveh, I sent My Mother to so many places on earth, and also here, to bring My Message of conversion and penitence, if this humanity, if this generation is like the generation of Nineveh and heeds the Message of penitence and converts from its evil ways, I will forgive this generation, I will glorify it, I will give it peace, I will renew it, and I will make it the most extraordinary generation of all time. But if this generation despises the Message of penitence that My Mother announces to you, then I will punish them with such severity that they will be known as the most wicked and cursed generation of all time.
Salvation and damnation are in your hands, good and evil are before you, hold out your hands for what you will, you are free to love Me or to despise Me, to serve Me or to persecute Me, that which you prefer will be given to you, and for that and for that which you choose you will have your reward in this life and in the next.
I, the Lord, am already tired, to see so much Apostasy in My house, so many bishops, priests and religious who no longer believe, no longer pray, are not faithful to their vows and lead My people to the path of perdition, denying them My Mother's Messages, which are the only thing that could save the men of this time. Because I cannot tolerate them, because I cannot stand them anymore, I am going to send a great chastisement, yes, it will be the most tremendous of all, whoever lives will see it. And My Sacred Heart will then purify this earth and transform it into a new garden, I will start the world over again from scratch, and this time this world will be completely holy and will no longer degenerate, because My enemy, the devil will be bound in chains that he will never again be able to break in the depths of hell, and will no longer be able to tempt the earth. The remaining men will go through a great judgment first, I will burn them with the Fire of the Holy Spirit in such a way that they can no longer return to the old wickedness and inner corruption, so with their hearts completely purified, they will love Me, serve Me, and never betray Me again.
All this will happen My children and it will happen soon, so prepare yourselves, fill your lamps with the oil of love, prayer and zeal, because the Bridegroom is about to return to His house, and woe to the wives He finds sleeping negligently. Truly, he will bind their hands and cast them into outer darkness, blessed is the wife that I find watching, blessed is the soul that I find zealous, watching with the lamp of prayer and love burning, because then, I will give this My wife the reward that since the beginning of the world is reserved for her.
Here in this place of My Apparitions, where My Sacred Heart has revealed His Mercy to you as never before, I desire to make you great Saints, but your defects spoil My work, your laziness, your bad will, your insensitivity spoils My work in you, above all, your idea that only by praying the Rosary you will already be worthy of Heaven, all this, too, is an error that delays My work in you. The Holy Rosary is powerful for your salvation yes, but it is a means for you to have the inner strength to practice the virtues, without practicing the virtues, no one will enter Heaven, no one will be admitted by Me. Therefore, be truly converted, practice the Virtues and with the prayer of the Rosary you will have the strength to fulfill them and practice them in your life as I desire, you will then be pleasing to My eyes like precious stones, like diamonds, which I love and which I keep in the treasure chest of My Heart as the dearest goods to Me.
My chosen souls, whom I have loved and called here to great perfection, come to My Heart, do not delay any longer! I am a loving Father to all, a savior, a friend, and a most sweet Spouse to all the souls who come to Me. Come as you are and with all that you have, come you poor, come you rich, because I do not hate the rich, but as I have already said other times, I hate those who fix their hearts on riches, those who grow cold in their love for Me in order to love their riches.
Come, come to My Sacred Heart, for I truly desire to give you true life, life in Me, abide in Me and I will abide in you. I do not care for the moment that you have weaknesses, what matters most is your desire to convert, to improve, to be holy, this is what counts most before Me, and your imperfections, little by little, I will burn them away, one by one, until there is not even a memory of them left in Me.
Come to Me, because I love you, I desire you, and I want to save you with all the strength of My Heart! If you give Me your "yes", you will do crazy things for yourselves, I will not measure efforts, and even if I had to create a thousand worlds to give in exchange for your souls, I would do it, but I do not accept losing any of you, My beloved sheep, for whom I have shed My Blood to the last drop. Come to Me because I want to save you and give you My peace.
Here, in this Place, where My Sacred Heart is perfectly loved, perfectly praised, obeyed, and forgiven by My little son Marcos and by so many of My children who have lovingly given their hearts and lives to Me and truly desire to love Me and to be My disciples, here, I pour out graces as I have never done before in the entire history of mankind. Come to My Heart, because My Heart desires to transform you into pearls, into diamonds of great spiritual beauty and holiness, for My greater glory, so that My truth may triumph throughout the world, and so that at last this world of swamp of sin may be transformed into a garden of grace and love.
I bless everyone at this moment generously from Paray-Le-Monial, from Dozule and from Jacareí."
(Blessed Mary): "My dear children, today, I your Queen Assumed into Heaven Body and Soul, whom you celebrate with such love, affection and devotion, come once again to bless you and give you My Peace.
Be diamonds of perfect love, diamonds of My royal crown so that you, then perfectly beautiful, pure and luminous may be the most precious adornment of My Heart and at the same time through you I may radiate the beauty, the perfume, the grace, the splendor, the radiance of My Glorious Body subject to Heaven, in this world full of darkness, of sin, of apostasy, of vices and so much coldness towards God and towards Me.
Be My diamonds of love, whose beauty enchants the eyes of all who see them, that the spiritual beauty of your soul enchants the eyes of all who look at you, that it attracts all hearts to Me, so that then, all souls will also want to become My diamonds of love, loving Me and through Me loving God with a heart full of true love, true desire for God, and faithfulness.
Be My diamonds of love, by living a life of deep prayer, of deep intimacy with God and Me, of deep penance for your sins, of mortification, of renunciation of the vain things of the world and of your will, so that then, the beauty of your soul, the radiance of your soul, may drive away the darkness of sin with which Satan has adorned the souls of My children, darkened the souls in the world. So that in this way, the radiance of My Glorious Body will illuminate all, triumph in all, and cause all to live in the light of God's grace, holiness, and love.
Be My diamonds of perfect love, obeying My messages by reading and meditating on the lives of the saints, meditating on the virtues that I so desire that you practice: Innocence, Love, Purity, Humility, Zeal, Obedience, Fortitude, Longsuffering, Prudence, Temperance, Constancy, so that all of you may truly be My precious diamonds of love with which I will illuminate, embellish, and renew the entire face of the earth.
Living like this, you will be the most precious diamonds in the Royal Crown that the Lord has given Me in Heaven, you will truly be the pupils of My Eyes, you will be the gold brocade of My royal robes with which I will make so many souls know Me, love Me, and through Me reach My son Jesus, and through My son Jesus reach the Father.
I, your Mother, am with you at all times, My children. This is truly My Heavenly Jewelry Workshop, where I am polishing the souls, where I am faceting so many souls until I give to these souls, to these My precious stones, the beauty, the beauty, the value, the charm, the carat of the Saints, so that then, My children, truly you can give joy to the Holy Trinity, that is so saddened with so many sins of this world, with so many abominations that it sees, and that wanted to give course to Its Justice, but that was impeded by Me, when I asked for more time to try to save the world with My Apparitions Here in Jacareí. You cannot imagine the great Chastisement I have saved you from, you cannot imagine the scourges I have turned away from you, deserved for your sins. Therefore, redouble your love, fidelity, and obedience to God and to Me now, so that you may be saved. I do not want to see you suffer, so I beg you My children: Convert without delay! In your sufferings come to Me; I suffer with your sufferings, and I rejoice in your joys. In your sufferings, come to me for consolation, and I will give it to you; come to me who loves you so much and wants to save you no matter what it takes.
I suffer for what is coming for you in the future, so My children, change your future by changing your present, by converting and deciding for God and Holiness, for Heaven and for Me.
I bless you all at this moment, especially you Marcos, the most obedient of Our children and of Our Servants, the hardest working of My warriors. In truth on Friday, when you were recording, making a new Rosary for Me, again I bound the demons, neutralized their action in the world, blinded Satan and he could no longer harm souls, I closed the gates of hell and no one was condemned during the hours you were making the new Rosary. I delivered many souls from Purgatory to Heaven and converted many sinners and upon you, upon your loved ones and upon those who truly love you and whom you love, I poured an immense shower of blessings, an immense shower of graces.
Come My little pigeon, My little diamond, whom I never tire of favoring and blessing, for all the love you have for Me, for all the services you render Me, for all the obedience and your hard struggle each day to make Me known, loved, and obeyed to all. Come, enter the refuge of My Immaculate Heart, rest in Me and drink of the mysterious and special waters of My Love that I give only to you and that have been reserved for you since the beginning of the world, My dearest Angel and My most obedient child.
I bless you all now with My special blessing of Lourdes, of La Salette and of Jacareí.
Peace My beloved Sons."
(Marcos): "See you soon."
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