Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Monday, August 26, 2013
Message From St. Norberto - Communicated To The Seer Marcos Tadeu - 71st Class Of Our Lady's School Of Holiness And Love

(Saint Norbert): "Beloved brothers and sisters of Mine, I, Norbert, servant of God and of the Mother of God rejoice to come today for the first time to give you My Message and My blessing.
I love you with all My Heart and have long desired to come here to bless you and to pour out the graces that the Lord has given Me upon you.
I love you very much and I am by your side in all the moments of your life, I love you, I protect you always and I will never leave you. Pray, pray for the conversion of sinners who need so much, a great number of souls have been entrusted to you, to your prayers and only you can save them with your prayer, with your sacrifice and with your work of spreading the Messages that the whole Heaven here gives you.
Do not be discouraged in your apostolate, in your mission, because if you are discouraged many souls will be lost because of you. Go ahead, because one day in Heaven you will rejoice and exult, seeing how many souls are saved by your prayers and by your work of spreading the Messages, the Word of God.
Yes, My beloved brothers, pray, pray a lot, because the world can only be saved by a Miracle from Heaven obtained by the strength and power of Prayer. With words and discussions you will achieve nothing, only with prayer, so pray, so that the miracle of God's divine goodness, the miracle of divine love, will happen as soon as possible in this world, for the conversion of sinners.
Perform your daily duties with all your love, because they, added to your prayers, go up to Heaven as a great power, to achieve the grace of the transformation of the world. Do not think that your common, ordinary, day-to-day actions are insignificant, because it is love that makes small actions great, and so God will look with love and pleasure upon your works and will cast His blessing upon them, making them pleasing to Him and extremely useful for the salvation of humanity.
I, Norberto, come to ask you also for a greater love for the Angels, because you have forgotten them very much, you have forgotten the Angels and this causes great sadness to Heaven, they are so eager, so anxious to help you and to act in your life, but you have forgotten them, you do not pray to them, you do not invoke them in your prayers and therefore they cannot always act in your lives, because the condition for the grace of the action of the Angels to happen in your life is and always will be prayer, petition.
So pray to the Holy Angels, asking for Their help, and you will see how many graces They will accomplish in your midst. Love the Holy Angels by trying to imitate their obedience, their faithfulness to God, their readiness to fulfill God's will, have a true friendship with them, uniting them to your daily actions and prayers, and cultivating towards the Angels, a great veneration, admiration, imitation and devotion.
I, Norberto, wish to help you in the fight against the evil one, in order to reject and overcome his temptations, close the senses of your soul to his evil suggestions, always thinking of God, praying, singing, thinking of the Saints, and also trying to occupy yourself with fulfilling your daily obligations with great love and perfection, in this way the devil will flee from you.
Renounce yourselves, your will, and you will crush the devil as I have crushed him.
I bless you now with all My love and with all the graces of Heaven.
Peace Marcos, the most obedient of the Mother of God's children and the dearest of My friends. Remember always, My brothers and sisters: God in Me, Me in God, God sees Me. Thinking like this you will overcome the devil and every temptation. To all I give My peace."
June 06 - St. Norbert
Norbert was born, around 1080, in Xauten, Germany. The youngest son of a noble family, he could choose between a military and a religious career. Norbert chose the latter, but sought only pleasure and luxury, as did many nobles of Europe. He circulated in high circles, wearing richly fashionable clothes, devoted himself to hunting and court life, until one day he was struck by lightning while riding in the woods.
His horse died, and when the young nobleman awoke from his swoon, he heard a voice telling him to abandon worldly life and practice virtue to save his soul. He understood this as an omen for a conversation with God. From that moment on, he abandoned his family, friends, possessions, and the life of pleasures. He began to travel the roads of Germany, Belgium, and France in solitude, barefoot, with the clothes of a penitent. To hone his gift of preaching, he completed his theological studies at the Siegburg monastery and received priestly ordination.
Perhaps ashamed of his past, he undertook the struggle for reforms in the Church, aiming to end the privileges of the nobles within Christianity. He was strongly opposed, especially by his own clergy, but he won the support of the pope and his work prospered. When the reforms were already in place and in progress, he retired into solitude and founded the Order of the Premonstratensian Regular Canons, also known as "of the White Monks," a reference to the habit, which is of that color.
The main rule of the new Order was to have the priests live their apostolic life with the discipline and dedication of the monks, a revolutionary conception of religious life for the time. But his apostolate did not end there, for he wanted to continue preaching outside the monastery. He resumed his work of itinerant evangelization as a simple mendicant priest.
In 1126, he was appointed archbishop of Magdeburg, fighting the schism that threatened to divide the Church at that time. Respected by King Lothar III of Germany, he was chosen by him as his spiritual advisor and chancellor to the pope. Norbert died on June 6, 1134, in his episcopal see, where he was buried.
He was canonized in 1582 by Pope Gregory XIII. Due to the Protestant Reformation, his relics were moved to Strahov Abbey in the city of Prague, the capital of the Czech Republic, in 1627, where they are kept to this day.
Alongside St. Bernard, St. Norbert is considered one of the greatest ecclesiastical reformers of the 12th century. Today, there are thousands of monks of the Order of Saint Norbert, in various monasteries found in many countries on all continents, including Brazil.
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