Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, January 3, 2016
Message of Mary Most Holy

(Mary Most Holy): My dear children, again I invite you at the beginning of this new year to grow in true love for God, for Me, and also in zeal that is the fruit of love for the salvation of your brothers and sisters.
"You cannot continue in the same degree of love you have had for God, for Me until now. You are called to great holiness and great holiness requires great love.
Only those who have loved God and me very much have been great saints. Therefore, you must truly grow more and more in the degrees of true love for God and for Me, so that you may reach that extreme holiness that I have come to seek Here and that I have asked of you since My first Message Here and to which I have called you.
This great holiness will only be possible for you if you love God very, very much and Me. How can you know if you love God and me very much?
If you are able to make sacrifices for God and for Me, then you truly love Me.
If you are able to renounce your will, your opinions to do the will of the Lord and mine, then truly you love Us.
If you are able to prefer God and to prefer Me over creatures, then you truly love Us.
If you are able to truly leave everything and renounce all worldly things for love of God and Me, then you truly love Me and love My Son.
If you truly prefer what is best for the Lord, what is best for Me instead of what is best for you and most comfortable and enjoyable for you. Then truly you love the Lord and you love Me more than yourself.
You must grow in that love and if you do not yet have it, you must seek it, you must ask it, you must desire it with all the strength of your will. This Love is My Flame of Love, which will only be given to those who want it with all the strength of their will and heart.
True love will be manifested in the works of love that each one does. When each one is capable of sacrificing himself completely for God and for me, then truly my love will be in him, our love will be in him and live in him.
True love will lead you to tears when you think of My Love and God's Love. True love will lead you to tears thinking of the pain of the Lord and of My pain at losing so many of My children without having anyone to help Me save them.
True love will lead you to set aside your will, your will, the will of your flesh and what you think is most delicious for you. To embrace what is best for God, what brings more joy to Me and what does more good for the salvation of souls even if it costs you work, sacrifice, tiredness, pain and suffering.
Then, My children, you will be like Me, you will have the love I had burning in My Heart for the Lord and for the salvation of souls, perfect charity. And this Love will then transform you into living likenesses of Myself, it will resemble Me. And it will make you so like Me, that those who look at you, those who talk to you, will feel My presence in you, My Love in you, will feel My affection in you, and will feel My peace in you.
Then My children will feel the sweetness of My Love, they will understand the beauty of My Love, they will fall in love with Me, and I will lead them to the complete conversion and salvation that God and I desire for all Our children.
Grow more and more in true love, seeking every day to exercise yourself more and more in renouncing your will, the will of your flesh. To grow ever more in perfect love for God and for Me, which will truly lead you to be those souls who have loved God the most and who have loved Me the most in all humanity.
Continue to pray My Rosary every day and all the prayers I have given you, so that more and more I may make My Flame of Love grow in your hearts and never the world, the devil and yourselves may quench it in your hearts.
To all I bless with Love from Lourdes, Fatima, Akita and Jacari".