Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Saturday, January 9, 2016
Message of Saint Lucy

(St. Lucy): My beloved brothers, I Lucia, Lucy of Syracuse, come to call you again today to have in your hearts true love for God.
Only when you have perfect charity, perfect love for God, will God dwell in your hearts and be able to perform His wonders in you. Pray, pray, pray, now more than ever asking for the increase of God's flame of love in your hearts.
How many people are looking everywhere for messages about punishment, about future events. They also seek only graces, favors and miracles, but not the true Flame of Love. This is the most important thing: to learn to love God perfectly, to do His will, to love the Mother of God and to do Her will perfectly.
Happy is the man who focuses on this and who seeks it with all his heart. Because he will truly please God, he will please his Mother, he will attract their loving and merciful gazes, and God and his Mother will come to make their dwelling in the heart of those who love them this way.
Here is truly, the Mother of God's nest of love, Her School of Love, where She desires to form souls burning with love for God. But the soul that loves herself more than God and Her and is not capable of sacrificing herself for them, this soul has not yet known true love for God or for Her.
So learn that to love is to sacrifice for God and His Mother, putting them first in life. Only when you do this will God's love be in you.
I Luzia, pray that all of you will reach these degrees of love. During this year you must progress, rise higher in the degrees of true love, pray for it, wish for it, seek it with all your strength and it will be given to you.
To all with love I ask: Continue praying the Rosary of the Mother of God every day, praying my Rosary and all the prayers that the Lady of Heaven asked of you here. Through these prayers you will grow ever more in the knowledge and desire of true love.
To all I bless with love Catania, Syracuse and Jacari".