Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, January 17, 2016
Message of Mary Most Holy

(Mary Most Holy): Dear children, today when you celebrate here the Anniversary of my Apparitions in Pontmain, I come again from Heaven to tell you: I am the Lady of Hope and Prayer.
And in Pontmain I gave My Message asking all of you to pray to persevere in prayer, because My Son Jesus would allow Himself to be touched and would save all of you from all dangers, from all evils especially of this time.
That is why little children, you must pray, you must pray with perseverance without ever getting discouraged, because prayer is the only thing that can save you in these bad times from the predominance of sin, Satan and apostasy.
Whoever prays will be saved. Whoever prays little will put himself at risk of being condemned. And he who does not pray will be condemned. So pray a lot! This is My Message from Pontmain.
Pray with your heart, pray with perseverance, pray without discouraging until my Son Jesus lets himself be touched by your prayers. And change all war, all conflict, all evil, all sin, all the work of Satan in grace, in peace, in salvation, in joy, in hope.
I am the Lady of Hope and Prayer and in Pontmain I have come to give you the sure sign of my great victory. In truth, the Mother of Heaven who in Pontmain, alone, with four children and a group of a few peasants praying the Rosary defeats the great army of Prussia, shows you all My children how much I am more powerful than all the armies of the world.
I am more powerful than the entire army of hell, more than all the demons. And that is why in the end only I, only my Immaculate Heart will triumph.
You, if you persevere in prayer and love with Me, will triumph with Me. I will give you the grace to be participants in My Triumph and I will take you to a new time of Peace, which I prepare with love together with My Son every day for you.
I am the Lady of Hope and Prayer. And in the great victory that I obtained in Pontmain, with the prayer of a few children My children together with Me in the midst of the cold and the snow I showed to all of you, to the whole world My children My great power as Queen of Heaven and Earth, Mother of God, Lady of the Universe and General of the heavenly armies.
Therefore, My children, have confidence in Me, in the end I will only triumph. Now you must carry the heavy cross of suffering in this time of great tribulation, but do not be discouraged, do as My little son Marcos and the Saints did. Even carrying the cross hold firm, pray, trust, wait.
Go on working for Me, that I will work for you. Fight for Me, that I will fight for you. Make My prayer groups, spread My Messages, work for Me that I and the Angels will work for you and in the end we will lead you to the great victory.
I am the Lady of Hope and Prayer, who so many years after Pontmain appeared Here in Jacareí to say to all of you again My children: Pray, pray, pray!
Pray with perseverance, pray without rest, pray with the heart, pray with love until my Son Jesus lets himself be touched by your prayers. And come clean and transform this world full of violence, sin, evil, discord, dishonesty, injustice, impurity, falsehood. To transform it into a world of peace, a world of love, the Kingdom of Our United Hearts. He who fights until the end will be crowned with the crown of eternal life.
Pray, pray, pray! Follow the example of the people of Pontmain, pray three hours a day, pray in joy and sorrow, in abundance and poverty, in war and in a time of peace. Pray three hours a day like them and you too will have my protection and my special blessings.
In this year dilate your hearts even more, to receive My Flame of Love, sacrificing yourselves for Me, giving yourselves for Me and truly even in the midst of suffering holding firm, carrying the cross for Me and going ever further for Me.
I am the Mother of God, I have been raised to the highest dignity to which a pure creature could be raised by God, the dignity of the Mother of God! My dignity borders the frontiers of divinity as my Thomas of Villanova and my Alphonsus of Liguori so rightly said.
Yes, he who trusts in my power as Mother of God and I can do everything with my Son, will experience the extraordinary graces of my Flame of Love. Happy is he who believes in my greatness as Mother of God, in my dignity, in the dogma of my divine motherhood. Happy whoever loves Me and trusts Me, because everyone who seeks Me will find Me.
I live close to those who bless Me, I live close to my little daughter Mariana de Jesus Torres, to my Alphonsus de Ligório, to my Thomas of Villanova. I also live close to my little son Marcos and whoever seeks Me here, whoever seeks Me close to him, listening to what he says will find Me and whoever finds Me will find eternal life, will find peace.
To all I bless with love from Pontmain, Medjugorje, Quito and Jacareí".