Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Friday, February 12, 2016
Message of Mary Most Holy

(Mary Most Holy): My beloved children, today when you celebrate the Christmas Anniversary of my son Marcos, I come from Heaven again to say: Open your hearts and welcome into them my Flame of Love as my son Marcos did, so that my Immaculate Heart may triumph in your lives as it has triumphed in the life of my little son Marcos.
My Heart triumphed in the lives of My son Marcos when he gave His 'yes' with all His heart, all His life, renouncing Himself, His plans, His opinions, His dreams and His will living a life totally for Me and for the Lord through Me.
If you do the same, give Me your 'yes', renouncing your will, renouncing what you want, renouncing your opinions and letting yourself be completely led by Me as He left you, My Immaculate Heart will also triumph in you, in your life and through you in the lives of so many of My children who will meet you on this life's journey, and who will receive through you My Flame of Love.
My Immaculate Heart has triumphed in the life of My son Marcos during all these 25 years that he has served Me, praying so many hours a day, obeying My Messages, working tirelessly for Me, to make Me better known and loved by all My children. And to make the whole world burn with My Flame of Love, and then My Heart can triumph all over the world by defeating Satan and the forces of evil.
If you also work for Me, if you also pray as much as My son Marcos does, My Immaculate Heart will also act powerfully through you until it destroys the whole satanic force, the whole plan of Satan. And it will free many souls from Satan's slavery and lead them all back to the Lord, to the God of salvation and peace who wants to save all His children.
My Immaculate Heart has triumphed in the life of my son Marcos and will also triumph in the life of all those who like him give their 'yes' and live every day confirming, maintaining and persevering in this 'yes'. Then nothing can stop the advance of My Flame of Love and I will reach the hearts farthest from Me, most hindered by the darkness of Satan.
And then My Heart will fill those hearts with Peace, Light, and Love and finally make the Kingdom of My Son Jesus come to earth establishing itself in all souls. And then it will be the triumph of my Heart! Then love will win, good will win, my Heart will win.
To all and especially to my little son Marcos, the most obedient and hard-working of my children, I bless him today, with all my Affection and Love: from Lourdes, Fatima and Jacareí".
(Mother Mariana de Jesus Torres): "Dear brothers My, I, Mariana de Jesus Torres, servant of the Lady of Good Success, servant of God, come today on the birthday of my beloved Marcos to say: He is the Apostle of the Lady of Good Success, prophesied by Her to Me that would make Her apparition to Me and My life known to the whole world.
Here, in these Apparitions, finally the Apparitions that the Mother of God made to me with the very grave Messages were known by so many thousands of souls. And much more so, because here truly the Lady of Good Success will begin to work Her great Triumph, with the realization of all the victorious prophecies that She has given Me that will culminate with the resounding and inevitable victory of the Lord and the Triumph of Her Immaculate Heart on all the earth.
Here the Prophecies of Quito, of Our Lady of Goodness, will be fulfilled, for here at last the Mother of God will find in the souls of so many of Her children the perfect love that Our most beloved Marcos will create, cultivate, form and bring to its fullness. Giving her the consolation, obedience, love, service and faithfulness that she so desired and expected from all her children.
Here, the Prophecies of Quito, of the Lady of Goodness, will be fulfilled! Because Here truly Her Messages are proclaimed without censorship, they are proclaimed without any fear of men, any fear of the world. The truth is proclaimed loud and clear in everyone's ears, in everyone's eyes. That is why Here truly the Lady of Goodwill will radiate Her Flame of Love, which will dispel all darkness from the world, enlightening humanity and burning all souls with Her ardent love.
Here the Prophecies of Quito of the Lady of Good Success will be fulfilled, because truly Here Her Messages are put into practice by Our Most Beloved Marcos and He will make everyone put them into practice with accuracy and perfection.
And then, Here a Shrine will be formed, an unshakable fortress of faith, prayer and love. And this will also be formed inside the hearts, in the souls. Then, all will be living shrines that here in this physical shrine will form around the Mother of God the invincible crown of mystical love, perfect and in pure transformation against which Satan can do nothing.
Truly Here the Mother of God will make a shrine burning with her flame of Love in such a way that Satan can do nothing. And just as serpents cannot approach the fire and flee from it, so Satan will flee from the burning furnace of the Flame of Love of the Mother of God, who here will always burn in the hearts that love her similarly to our beloved Marcos.
And especially this Flame will burn Here forever, because of the burning heart of love that he has for the Mother of God and for the merits that he will earn, that he will reach for this Place, that here faith, prayer and the Flame of Love of the Mother of God will always be preserved, overcoming all evil and working out her greatest triumph in souls, in nations and in the whole world.
I, Mariana de Jesus Torres love you very much, pray the Blessed Rosary of the Mother of God every day and all the prayers that She gave you here,
To all I bless you with the love of Quito, Ars and Jacari.
Peace to all of you, Peace Marcos, the most ardent of my friends and the servants of the Lady of Good Success".