Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Tuesday, March 15, 2016
Message of Mary Most Holy

(Mary Most Holy): My dear children, today I invite you all again to open your hearts to My Flame of Love.
My Flame of Love must grow in your hearts, but this will only happen when your hearts expand to My Flame of Love with more prayer, meditation and also the total surrender of your lives and will to Me.
The time is fulfilled My children, and soon all the Prophecies and Messages I have given them during all these years will be fulfilled. Now you must prepare yourselves and keep the lamps of your prayers burning, the lamp of faith and love burning.
See that without love your prayers and works will be in vain before God. Therefore, little children, create true love for God and for Me in your hearts and do everything with love, so that truly when My Son returns He will recognize you as His seed, as His true disciples, and also as His true children of love.
Continue to pray My Rosary with love every day.
To all I bless Fatima, Caravaggio and Jacari".