Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, April 10, 2016
Message of Mary Most Holy

(Mary Most Holy): My dear children, today I again invite you all to love, to perfect and true love.
Create in your hearts true love, expanding your hearts each day for more prayer, prayer of love, prayer with the heart, ardent and fervent prayer, prayer made of pure fire of God's desire, of more and more uniting with God, of more and more knowing God and of more and more loving God.
Dilate your hearts more each day with more meditations on My Messages, on the teachings of the Saints, so that truly your hearts desire ever more to unite with God, to renounce all the things that still distance you from God. And so that you can see all that you need to be changed, the defects that need to be plucked out, so that you truly grow in the virtues and holiness that pleases God.
Create in your hearts true love, each day more and more renouncing your will, your opinions, your desires so that you truly fulfill only the will of the Lord and mine. And so truly your life becomes perfectly what I desire, what God desires. And the plan of the Lord's holiness in you will be accomplished with 100% success, so that you can glorify God and my Immaculate Heart very much with a holy life full of fruits of virtues and holiness.
Create true love in your hearts by living each day more in my love, in God's love by putting my Messages into practice and not only by listening to my Messages with curiosity, coldness and indifference. But truly putting My Messages into practice with love so that they truly transform all of you into the great saints that I have come to seek here.
Create true love in your hearts by renouncing ever more what your flesh desires and seeking ever more what I tell you in My Messages.
God is Love and what He seeks in His children is true love. What I have come to seek here in all of you is true love, this love that I have searched all over the face of the earth and have not found. Because there are no souls willing to renounce their will, their opinions and their desires in order to want and do the will of God and Mine.
So, little children, I call you to be these souls that the Almighty sought with Me and did not find. And may this Place truly become a Rosary of mystical roses of true and perfect love for Me, for the Lord as My little son Marcos is.
Then my Immaculate Heart will triumph in your lives and in the world as it has already triumphed in his life and truly in you I will be glorified and my Immaculate Heart will be exalted and triumph before all nations.
Continue to pray My Most Sacred Rosary and all the prayers I have given you here every day. The miraculous cures and graces I perform in this Place confirm to you that I have been alive Here giving My Messages for 25 years. And all those who truly obeyed Me and said 'yes' will be rewarded by My son Jesus generously and will at the end have the crown of eternal life. Be careful not to lose this crown for any sin and for your betrayal.
Persevere in prayer and in My Messages and in the end you will be crowned with glory in Heaven and you will be happy with Me forever.
To all I bless with Love from Lourdes, La Salette and Jacareí".