Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, April 24, 2016
Message of Mary Most Holy

(Marcos): Yes, I will, I will, I will begin. Oh my love, my Lady, I will! Yes, I will do whatever the Lady wants!
(Marcos): Yes, My Lady, I will run with it. Yes, I will. Yes, immediately, My Lady, I will do it.
(Mary Most Holy): "My dear children, today, I come to invite you once again to welcome into your hearts my Flame of Love.
"Open your hearts to My Flame of Love, so that it may completely transform all of you into those Saints whom I came to look for here in Jacari, from the beginning of my Apparitions. The Saints who will set fire to the whole earth with My Flame of Love burning and falling in love with the Lord.
If you renounce worldly pleasures, worldly things, if you renounce your will, your will, and if you open your heart to My Flame of Love it will come into you and transform you into these great saints who will even surpass My Vincent Ferrer.
You will set the hearts of all men on fire so that the earth will soon become a small heaven. It will be the Kingdom of God, the Kingdom of my Son Jesus already here on earth.
Give me your 'yes' today so that I may burn your hearts with this Flame of Love, even from those hearts that you have nothing left today. I want to give you a new heart, the reborn heart of My Flames of Love, a heart completely purified, ardent, burning with this Flame that will transform all of you into living, burning furnaces of the Holy Spirit's own Love.
Understand little children, that to love God is to do His Will. That he who loves God is not the one who says he loves Him, but the one who proves that he loves Him with works. And what works do you have to show God, to prove that you love Him?
What works do you have to prove to the world that you truly love God? If you have none yet, start now to change your life and produce works of love and holiness for the greater glory of God, living God's love, fulfilling God's will in your life. So that your life may be filled with true works of love for God, so that all may see and truly believe in God, who acts, lives and truly reigns in you.
My children, time is practically over now, you must speed up your conversion because the three dark days are very near. The great Punishment is very near My children and humanity will be caught by surprise one night, one night for you here very hot, for others very cold. Then, the thunder will rumble, after its thunder the Earth will begin to tremble and many My children will die that night without even leaving a trace.
The fire will fall from heaven and destroy most of humanity. I do not want you to suffer in the future, so I ask you My children: Pray My Rosary every day, change your life, convert!
He who prays My Rosary every day with his heart will have salvation from Me, as well as the salvation of his family on the day of Punishment.
He who serves Me praying My Rosary with the heart every day will receive from Me all the graces that I ask and that are not contrary to the Will of God. And if that soul, if that person teaches My Rosary to others, as many souls as he saves for having taught them My Rosary, will be other as many crowns of glory and victory that I will put in his head in Heaven.
The son who serves Me who loves Me and who propagates My Rosary will be held and known by the Angels and Saints of Paradise as My son. And My Son Jesus will have Him as my brother and the Eternal Father will see Him as My beloved Son and give Him His eternal salvation.
Pray, change your life! Open your heart to Love. Renounce your laziness, renounce your opinions, be docile and let yourselves be carried by Me, in My arms to the holiness and perfection that God desires from you.
I am the Lady of the Rosary, I am the Queen and Messenger of Peace and everyone who comes here with faith and love will be marked with the sign of the Cross and with my Mother Sign. And the Eternal Father will love him and cover him with all his graces and blessings, and finally he will give him salvation.
Go drink to the Source, wash yourselves in it and you will receive great graces from my Heart. Come Here praying and singing in procession! Come all to My Heart and My Divine Spouse the Holy Spirit will descend upon you with His Graces and His Blessed Lights of Holiness and Love.
To all I bless with Love from Lourdes, Fatima and Jacari".
(Mary Most Holy): "Dear children, today I invite all of you to grow more and more in true love for God.
You know that my Son Jesus gave my Consolata Betrone the Act of Love: Jesus, Mary I love you save souls! Here I want you to say the Act of Love all day long adding: Jesus, Mary, Joseph I love you save souls!
Repeat this act of love all day long, so that truly our Flame of Love may grow in your hearts each day more until it reaches fullness, what I have come to seek Here is love, true love. In order to foster this love and to make this love truly a furnace, an uncontrollable volcano in your hearts, in your hearts I want you to repeat the Act of Love incessantly all day long.
Yes, truly by repeating the Unceasing Act of Love you will all become a living flame of love, in the midst of this world full of hatred for God, hatred for the Catholic faith, hatred for me, the saints and the angels. And truly, you will be living flames of love that will melt the ice in the hearts of all those who are hardened in sin and far from God's love.
With the unceasing act of love you will keep your souls always burning with the flame of true love. And just as snakes cannot get near a fire, so do demons and their temptations to make you fall into sin, to make you fall into the deceptions of the world, the flesh and your will. These demons will not be able to come near you with their temptations and bad thoughts, because Our Flame of Love burning and burning in your hearts will grow more and more and will drive away all demons and temptations.
Behold, I give you an effective and powerful means for you to overcome all temptations, to turn them away and grow each day in true love for God. The unceasing act of love can be repeated all day long in work, in study, at home, in the midst of the Mysteries of the Rosary, in travel and everywhere.
This little unceasing act of love, this tiny prayer will be able to burn the hearts of all those who pray it of love from My Flame of Love. And then, truly souls will feel the desire to love Our Three Hearts, to console Us, to repair Us and to love Us.
Marcos, John the Baptist was called the voice crying out from the desert and I call you the Unceasing Act of Love. Yes My son, you have been repeating it and praying it all day long for many years. And truly that is what you are: A ceaseless act of love for Jesus, for me and for Joseph.
And now I want to transform all My pilgrims, all the pilgrims who come in My Appearance Here in Jacareí, all My obedient children into so many thousands of other ceaseless acts of love that will give to God every day and to Our Hearts: love, consolation, correspondence, affection, faithfulness and obedience.
Continue to pray the Holy Rosary every day and all the prayers I have given you here.
To all I bless with love from Lourdes, Fatima, and Jacareí".
(Saint Lucy): "Dear brothers My, I Lucy, Lucia of Syracuse come today to invite you also to repeat the whole day an incessant act of love to Me saying: Lucy, I love you save my soul, save many souls!
With this little act of love to Me, I will give you My Flame of Love, I will burn your hearts with the desire to follow Me on the path of holiness. You will grow in true love for Me, you will grow in true affection for Me and your hearts will feel the desire to give yourselves more and more confidently in My Hands and in My arms so that I may lead you to the Hearts of Jesus, Mary and Joseph.
If you allow yourselves to be led by Me in my Arms by repeating this little act of love to Me all day long, I will also give you my flame of Love and lead you ever more into the safe refuge of the Hearts of Jesus, Mary and Joseph.
I desire to join you all through this indissoluble, deep and mystical bond of love. And this bond I will give to you, I will put around you by uniting you to Me if you continually repeat this Act of Love.
I love you all very much, each day that passes in truth I love you more. Therefore, I now desire to come closer and unite myself even more with all of you through a small Unceasing Act of Love for Me, which will also lead you to live a continuous Act of Love for the Hearts of Jesus, Mary and Joseph.
I love you, never lose heart! In difficult moments call upon me and I will come to help you.
Continue to pray my Rosary at least once a week so that I may truly give you all the great graces that the Hearts of Jesus, Mary and Joseph have granted me to distribute to you.
To all I bless with love from Catania, Syracuse and Jacari".