Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Saturday, June 18, 2016
Message of Saint Lucy

(Saint Lucy): Dear brothers, today, I Lucy, Lucia, come to call you once again to true love for the Lord and His Mother, love-friendship
Try to cultivate in your hearts this love, doing everything, everything for God, everything for His Blessed Mother out of love and not out of interest and even less out of servile fear of the Lord's punishments or punishments.
Do everything with love creating in your heart that pure love that the friend feels for his true friend. The desire to love him, to give one's life for him if need be, because one loves the friend more than oneself. Yes, when you love God and his Mother more than yourself you will have true love, love-friendship. And then you will truly come to that perfect, filial love for God and for her.
And then, your heart will be a living, unceasing flame of love like the heart of our beloved Marcos.
Yes, Marcos, living flame, unceasing flame of love of the Mother of God, continue loving God, loving the Mother of God in this way. He teaches everyone more and more to love in this way, so that everyone will also be transformed into unceasing flames of love.
For this is what the Mother of God came to seek Here, souls that are other ceaseless flames of love for her and for God. And may they give to them at all times this love that they have sought in the whole world and have not found.
Here, truly, it must be a ceaseless furnace of love, a furnace full of souls burning with this true love for the Lord and for Her.
So teach. Teach more and more by the word, by your example, by your love, to everyone to understand this love, to desire this love and to want this love.
When souls have this love, then the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary will happen easily and quickly in the world. Because what delays, what delays the Mother of God's Plans is the lack of souls who are ceaseless flames of love, who help her to work for her, to tire, to fatigue for her, to help her save souls and to carry out her Mother's Plans.
When there are a great number of souls, incessant flames of love, then nothing can stop the Immaculate Heart of Mary from triumphing. And truly, the kingdom of the enemy will be destroyed for good.
Here in this place, in this Shrine, there must be many generous souls, living flames of love.
This is Marcos, your mission for life: to form souls that are living and unceasing flames of love, for the greater Glory of God and Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
Come, come with me that I will burn your heart of love for the Lord and the Mother of God even more with this flame.
And may you all pray my Rosary at least once a week to ask for this flame and to truly transform yourselves into this flame.
I bless you all with love from Syracuse, Catania and Jacari".