Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, August 14, 2016
Message of God the Father

(God the Father): My beloved children, I, your FATHER, rejoice to be here with you today on the day of my feast. I am your Father, I am your Abba, I am your loving Father who misses you, who misses his children.
The Father who weeps for the children who have turned away from Him, who do not want His graces, who do not want to be loved by the Father, who do not want the inheritance that the Father prepares to give to each one of them.
I am your loving Father who misses the children who abandoned Me, who left My home like Lucifer, who I raised as a child of Mine, but who did not want to stay in My home and wanted to leave My presence.
He rejected My love, rejected all the beauty and all the graces that I wanted to give him, rebelled against Me and wanted to destroy Me. That is why I drove him from My face, from My presence in Heaven, and threw him into the depths of hell where he will suffer eternally for his rebellion, his ingratitude, his disobedience, his wickedness.
I am your loving Father who misses His children and that is why I came here, that is why I sent the Mother of My Son here 25 years ago to call you back to Me, to bring you back to Me, to lead you back into My arms. And She came showing in Her voice, in the sweetness of Her Messages all the sweetness of My Love, for I am a Father full of sweetness, of tenderness toward Her children. In Me there is nothing hard, nothing severe, nothing bitter.
It is with great reluctance that My Hand imposed the Sword of Justice to punish sinners and I only use the resource of Punishment when I have exhausted all My graces and all the ways of bringing sinners to Me.
I am a loving Father who never tires of forgiving, I forgive seventy times seven if it is necessary per day for the repentant sinner. I only do not forgive the obstinate sinner who does not want to repent of his wickedness, of the offenses he does to Me.
How I love you! But from most of My children, I do not receive love, I do not receive gratitude, I do not receive obedience, I do not receive the affection that I hope to receive from them. That is why My Heart, My Father's Heart is filled with sadness, because I am despised and rejected by the very children I have raised.
My children, do not make Me suffer anymore, come, come to My arms that I want to love you, save you, forgive you and give you all My graces and finally Heaven for an inheritance.
Come My children, come because I am waiting for you, My lips are already dry from calling you so much through the Mother of my son, Mary Immaculate in her apparitions. I have been calling humanity back to Me for centuries, but I am not heard, I am not answered. And that is why my Heart is filled with sorrow, drowning in sorrow.
Come, come My children, come to Me who wants to forgive you, save you and give you My Graces of Love. Come so that I may save you, come so that I may bless you, come so that I may make you happy.
I ask only love of you, the filial love that My most beloved Daughter Mary and My Saints have taught you here. A pure love that seeks Me for Myself, that wants Me for Myself and that desires nothing but to love Me, to give Me love, love without limits, without measure.
I want this love, this love from all of you My children, and if you give Me this love I promise that I will also give you all My Love and I will do in your lives the same wonders that I did in the lives of the Saints who loved Me most with this filial and boundless love. And through you I will draw to My love and save many souls doing wonders.
I am your Father of love and all I want most is your love. I want your 'yes', give Me your 'yes' and I will come so close to you with My graces and do so many wonders in you, in your life and through you, that you My children will live more as Angels than as men.
I look at each of you, I peer into the heart of each of you, and I seek love in the heart of each of you. I want your love, I ask for your love, I seek your love, and if you give Me your love I will give Mine to you My children.
And then, everything, everything you ask of Me will be accomplished, even the most difficult or impossible things, because my love and your love together will make the impossible Truth. And then, the world will change from a cold and icy desert, without love, dark. It will become a beautiful, bright, fragrant, joyful and happy rose garden where you will be happy with me forever and there will be no more pain, no more sadness, no more fear for you.
Here, in these Apparitions I have revealed My Love as I have never done since the Word became flesh and why? Because I have loved you so much, I have loved this generation much more than many generations ago. I loved this generation with an almost mad love, from a Father who no longer knows what to do to save His children.
Oh, my children! How much I have loved you! How much I have favored you! How much I have blessed you, how much I have magnified and elevated you.
Here I have given My grace without measure, without limits to all of you, and unfortunately many hearts have not received My grace and therefore it has not borne fruit. But if you receive My grace and collaborate with it, it will bear much fruit of eternal life for your salvation.
Then open up, expand your heart to receive My Flame of Love which is the flame of Mary's Love, so that this flame may transform you and open you completely. And transform yourselves into that perfect image and likeness of Me which man had when I created him in the Beginning.
"Oh, My children, you were loved by Me, I loved you even before you knew Me. I prepared the Apparitions of the Mother of My Son Jesus Christ, Mary Immaculate Here, to save you, to protect you from this dark world where so many have already lost their faith, and their soul, their salvation, to protect your souls, to keep your souls safe. As a father guards his children, so a bird guards its children under its wings.
That is what I have done and have done with you here in these Apparitions. Happy is he who lets himself be loved by Me, happy is he who accepts My Love and does not question Me. Happy is he who believes in Me as a little child believes in his father, because to him I will reveal My Secrets.
He who loves Me with filial love will reveal My secrets. Those who love out of fear, out of interest, those who doubt My Word, those who equivocate about My Word to those I will not reveal My Secrets of love, but those who give Me their filial love I will reveal all to him and We will be one in Love.
And then we will sup and our joy will be complete, it will be eternal. Be of the number of these blessed souls My little children and give Me this filial love that I want. And then, I will do in your lives all the wonders that My Son Jesus promised in His Word that would make those who believe in Us.
Then the world will change, and I will finally reign on earth as it is in heaven, and My will be done on earth as it is surely and perfectly done in heaven.
Marcos, My unceasing Flame of Love, unceasingly calls the Mother of My Son, as I love You, my little child. You are a pure soul, you know neither evil nor malice, you know no limits in love, no limitations, no calculations when it comes to love.
You have always loved Me, you have always loved the Mother of My Son with all the forces of your Love. And it was this love of yours that also attracted me from my throne on high to here, to this place, to these my children.
Yes, Marcos, your love attracted me, your love attracted the eyes of the Infinite, of the Omnipotent, of Everything. You must feel happy because your love like a magnet has attracted Me to you. And in drawing me to you, in drawing me closer to you, I have come and I have showered so many graces on these My children through you.
I have done this so that everyone knows that when a soul has true love for Me, when a soul loves Me without limits, without regulating, without calculating that love, without doubting, without prevarication, without questioning, without obstacles, I do everything and will do everything for it.
Blessed are you if you are like My son Marcos, incessant flames of love if you are like him longing in love, magnanimous in love, generous in love, without limits and without calculations in love. For if you are like that, truly, I will pour out all the outpouring of My graces on you as I have done in the life of this My beloved son who believed in Me. As a little child believes in his father, trusts in his father, gives himself to his father, and loves his father, not to mention how much he has loved how much he has given himself to that father.
That is why I revealed to him My wonders, I revealed to him great things that I hid from the wise, the understanding, the proud and the great of this world. Because I don't look at the condition, I don't look at anyone's possessions, names, or social positions. I look only at virtues, I look only at the greatness of love.
And this My Son with the greatness of his love drew the Mother of My Son Here, drew My Son, drew Me to Me, drew all Heaven to you. And this is why Here through him, who is the mediator between Me and you, between the Mother of My Son and you, every grace, every blessing and every good is given to you without ceasing.
My unceasing Flame of Love continues. It continues loving Me without ceasing and without limits. Love also this My most beloved son Carlos Thaddeus, whom I have given you as spiritual Father to do with you when I do not speak to you, when I do not appear to you.
Through him I will give you my love, I will give you my affection, I will also give you many times inspirations, advice, words of salvation. Welcome them, obey them, love them and you will be happy.
Love this My son as you have loved Me and in this love that you have for this My son I will teach the whole world what true love My children must have for Me: A pure love, without interests, a deep, intense love, without limits, without measure, without adjustments, without calculations. A love that finds all its joy, in loving in giving of oneself, infinitely until the end to see the loved one happy.
Love this My child and you will be loving Me, because all the good that is done to your neighbor is Me and all the love that is given to your neighbor is Me that will be given. So, love this My son as you have loved Me and you will be loving Me. And then you will do My will which is: May the two of you walk together hand in hand forever, carrying My children in the middle of the desert like Moses and Aaron to the promised land that I prepare for you in the Triumph of Mary.
And you, my son Carlos Thaddeus, how much I love you! When I created the world in the Beginning I was already thinking of you and My Son Marcos Thaddeus with love. When I created man I created with immense joy because I already knew that you would be the descendants of Adam who would give Me great joys, who would give Me great consolations, great glory, and great love with your prayers, good works, and holiness of life.
When man sinned, although I felt infinite pain for man's rebellion and disobedience, My Heart was comforted and rejoiced when I thought I would create Mary, send Mary into the world. And Mary with Her Love, with Her 'Yes', with Her faithfulness and obedience to Me would give Me all the glory, all the honor and praise for all men and together with My Son would satisfy for all men.
And then I rejoiced in Her also because I thought of you My son Carlos Thaddeus and My son Marcos Thaddeus. And when I saw the faithfulness, the love, the affection, the dedication of you to Me My Heart was consoled, My Heart was glad and I decided to spare the world from total extermination.
When My Son Jesus was nailed to the Cross and agonized and I suffered to see Him agonizing, dying for you, My Heart was consoled, His Heart was consoled, that of Maria Dolorosa was consoled when the Three of us thought of My son Marcos Thaddeus and we also thought of you.
We thought and saw all the good works that you would do for My love, for Mary's love, the souls that you would save for Me and the glory that you would give to Me, that you would give to Us. Then, in that immense bitterness of seeing my Son dying on the Cross, my Heart was comforted by your faithfulness.
When I saw Mary Sorrowful suffering, I saw My Apostles suffering too, being persecuted. And when I wanted to exterminate the world for this ingratitude after I sent my son and the world continued to reject the Word of my Son, I did not exterminate the world because I thought of you two and the consolation, the love, the glory that you would give me.
How many times would I have destroyed the world for its sins, for its crimes, for its ungratefulness, just not for My son Marcos, for His faithfulness, for His future love, for all that He would do for Me. And also for you My son, united to this most beloved of My children by My will, that you may be one with Me as I and My Son are one. As I, the Son and the Spirit are one in Love.
Then, my son, love me in the person of my son Marcos Thaddeus, for all the love that you give to him is to me and to my most beloved Daughter Mary that you will give, it is to my son Jesus that you will give. And then you will do My will, so that you may truly console each other, help each other, grow in My Love, in holiness. And truly, be one with me in love.
Thus My will will be done and many souls will be saved, so all the goods and graces that I and the Mother of My son Marcos give to you and through you to many other souls. And in this communion of love you two will grow much, you will progress much, you will do great things for Me, you will burn the hearts of love for Me.
And finally you will make souls give me what I have been waiting for for centuries and not receiving: filial love, the true love that will end Satan's empire in souls,
My son you are engraved on the palm of My hands, you are engraved on My eyes, on My lips, on My Heart. And truly, as long as I am God I will love you, as long as I am God I will never leave you, as long as I am God you will never lack the help of my grace.
You and my son Marcos alone can do nothing, but with me, with my grace you can do everything. Remain in Me and I will remain in you.
On the day of Pentecost one of the Revelations of My Spirit that most joyfully caused the Heart of Mary, Judas Thaddeus, John and My Apostles, the Apostles of My Son, was the knowledge of these Apparitions of Jacari, of My Most Beloved Servant, of My Most Beloved Son, of My Angel Marcos Thaddeus, of My children who here would love Me, give their hearts to Me, love Mary and truly give Me glory.
And above all, the revelation of your presence Here, of what you will be Here, of what you will do Here, of what I will do through you Here to save many souls. And your faithfulness has caused great joy in everyone's heart, especially in the Mother of my Son, Mary Immaculate. Therefore, son, rejoice in your Heart, exult with joy, for I have loved you from the beginning of the world as I have loved my son Marcos.
And just as I have done great things in My Son Marcos, in you I will also do as your heart expands to Me, to give myself, to this love, and to all these works which, though mysterious to you, are wonderful. And if you surrender yourself entirely you will see My glory, you will see what a God in love with you is capable of doing.
So believe, pray, trust, wait and you will see My grace, you will see My glory. You will see that the God of Israel is still alive, the God of Armies, the tremendous God who truly falls when all powers rise. You will see that this God will rise upon you and through you will spread His saving grace in the lives of His children.
And to you My dear children, who are here, I love you all, I clench you now between My Hands in My Heart and I say to you all: Keep coming here that you may learn true love, filial love for Me and never look back, because these Apparitions of Jacari after the Incarnation of the Word are the greatest, greatest work of My love and My power for you, it is the last time that I come to call you with Mary back to Me.
Soon I will close the door of My house, the children who are inside with Me, with Me they will sup, and those who are outside even if they knock I will no longer open the door for them.
Speed up your conversion because when all but wait for Me from My Throne, I will command My Angels, who with their flaming Swords will redden Heaven and Earth with the fire of My Wrath and consume you in a sudden Punishment.
So speed up your conversion because soon My voice will be silent, Mary's voice will be silent, and those who have not heard Our voice now, even if they want to hear it, will never hear it in the future.
Therefore you who now hear Me whom I love, give Me your heart, give Me your 'yes' while My arms and My door are open to you. Come that supper is already prepared. The time has come, it has sounded My Hour! Sit down at the table with Me, which I have prepared for you delicious treats of My grace and of My love.
And then, My children, there will be among Us joy, happiness and love forever. And in the meantime, outside, My fire will consume all sinners together with their father, the rebel. And then great will be the weeping and the gnashing of teeth.
Come while I love you, while I wait for you, while I am near and I leave myself tangerine for you. Come, come, My children, and do not delay that My Heart fades with longing for you and can no longer bear the pain of your absence.
Come and I will love you and put a royal ring on your finger and declare you My princes, children of the King of Heaven and together with Me you will rule Heaven and Earth, you will be happy forever and at My side you will live eternally in ecstasy of endless love for all eternity. And every tear will be wiped from your eyes and songs of joy will resound from your mouths through the four corners of Heaven, and then together we will sing Victory!
Continue with all the prayers that Mary has given you Here, for they will bring you to Me and make you grow in true love for Me.
I bless you all with great love now and pour out upon you the outpouring of my Spirit".
(St. Jude Thaddeus): "Dear brothers, I, Judas Thaddeus, love you very much and I rejoice that I can come today once again with Our Most Holy Father and Our Queen to bless you.
Yes, I come to tell you: Great is my love for you. Great is My Love for you My brothers and sisters, and for this I have prayed for you for a long time. I have protected you, guarded you, I have kept from you many evils, many punishments, many pains and sufferings even if you do not know it, do not know it.
I love you, I love you very much, and upon each one of you I pour many blessings every day. I have for you a love, a care, a special and solicitous love, because I am deeply connected to these Apparitions of Jacari and to each one of you who are here, who believe in the Mother of God, who believes in these Messages, who believes in our beloved Marcos.
You are truly My brothers and I care for you, I protect you, I love you with all My affection, with all My solicitude. I love you with all my heart, I love you very much!
And many years ago I prayed that you would be reached by the grace of the Mother of God in these Apparitions and that you would come here to Jacari. Here you will receive Our Graces, Our Flame of Love, to receive all this Wisdom, all this abyssal knowledge of the Lord and of the Mother of God, of His glories, of eternal truths, of true love for God so that you will truly be holy.
I love you, I love you with all my heart and truly Here I give you grace upon grace, blessing upon blessing every day. I have prayed for you dear brothers and sisters for many years, and I have often acted personally in your lives to bring the Messages to you and you to come here.
I have prepared the way for you, brought you here, and have the mission here to keep you and to make you grow in true love for God and our Queen.
Love is God, God is Love! And what He has come to seek Here is true love. What I wanted to teach you with My letter and My Messages is that God is Love and whoever is in love is in God and in Him there is no darkness. And this love, this light is not in harmony with darkness and darkness.
And therefore, if you want to remain in God and that God remains in you, you cannot remain in the errors, you cannot remain in the idolatry of this world. Therefore, I invite you to conversion, renounce everything that binds you to worldly things, to the idols of this world: money, power, pleasure, joy, fame, honors.
Let go of all this, so that you may truly hold on to God, to the Mother of God as I do, and receive from them all the outpouring of her wisdom, her grace, her love, her great lights that have illuminated, filled, burned my heart with love.
Come My brothers, give your 'yes' to the Father, to Our Queen today and they will do true wonders in your hearts.
I love you with all my heart and so long ago I truly fought for your conversion, I fought for your coming Here, I plucked you many times from the snares of Satan, from sins, from mistakes, I plucked you from many snares. And truly, I have kept you safe, protected, unscathed for the Mother of God Here.
For this reason, give glory to God, rejoice with joy because he is very good for you. He sent Here the Mother of His Son and He sent Us the Saints to seek you out, to draw you out, to bring you here long before you knew us.
Then, for this great love of God, give all your love to God.
I love you with all my heart, I want you to pray my Rosary always because through it I will burn you much from my Flame of Love.
Yes, on the day of Pentecost I met each of you, I met my beloved Marcos, I met my beloved Carlos Thaddeus and this knowledge made my heart tremble with joy and love, I exulted with joy.
In My walks and preaching in faraway and pagan lands when I suffered, when I was persecuted, when I was repudiated, and My rejected preaching consoled Me with the thought of My beloved Marcos, My beloved Carlos Thaddeus, and the thought of you.
I kept thinking of these blessed souls who would be in the future and who would be called to love God so much, the Mother of God so much and be so favored by them. And that thought comforted Me, gave Me strength to move forward.
When the thought of Marcos Thaddeus' faithfulness, of the love he would have for our Blessed Queen, for God, of so many thousands of souls that he would save, the thought of faithfulness, of love, of the obedience of my most beloved Carlos Thaddeus, of your obedience consoled me greatly.
And I placed my head on the stump courageously, decisively to receive the fatal blow that made me fly to the heavenly abodes. Oh my brothers! And there, when I got there, God showed Me the Apparitions of Our Holy Queen Here, He showed Me everything they would do Here. He showed Me, your prayers, your faithfulness and obedience, the graces and miracles that would follow Here. The immense and invincible work of salvation that would be done Here and hell could not destroy.
And all of this gave Me an immense accidental joy and since then, I have always had My gaze upon each one of you. In fact, since when I was on Earth and was preaching all over the world I was already praying for you, those blessed souls that at the end of time God and Our Queen would love and favor so much.
You are a miracle of mine just like my beloved Marcos Thaddeus, that is why I have united the two of you so that together with me you will be invincible in true love for God, for our Blessed Queen and in bringing His words of salvation to the whole world.
Oh, how much I have loved you! At the moment of my Martyrdom I thought of you and your future faithfulness and love for God consoled my Heart.
On the day of Pentecost when the Holy Spirit revealed to Me who you would be, if His grace did not comfort Me I would die of love. Because I truly knew your soul in God and My Heart rejoiced, rejoiced with joy, since then I have always loved you and I will never stop loving you. So be happy, glorify God, rejoice with joy and give yourself completely to His Plan of Love.
Because I protect you, I keep you, I lead you, I defend you and nothing will happen to you, because I will be at your side. Even if sometimes something has to suffer, but even from this God will take the victory, because He is wise and knows how to transform cross into resurrection, He knows how to transform water into wine. And even he knows how to make water, milk and honey come out of stones.
So go ahead do not fear because I will always be by your side. And as for you, dear brothers, I now bless you all with all the graces of my love.
To all I now cover with My Mantle. To all I now pour out the great graces of My Martyrdom and My Merits.
I bless you all from Jerusalem, Nazareth and Jacari".
(Marcos): "My God, my all I have never dared to speak to you or ask you any questions, but today I ask you earnestly for the merits of Mary Most Holy, of St. Jude Thaddeus, of all the Rosaries, Hours of Prayer, of all I have done for love of you and for love of her all my life.
I earnestly ask you, my father, for the grace to touch these Rosaries that are here before Me, for my spiritual father Carlos Thaddeus, for your son.
Lord, give me this grace, I humbly beg you, recognizing me unworthy of such a favor, but for love of this blessed son of yours, for love of the Mother of your Son Jesus Christ, I implore you, I beg you, give me this great grace and I will thank you by loving you and serving you much more every day of my life, for all my life.
(God the Father): "Now I will touch the Image of Mary with my Hands and Judas Thaddeus will touch the Image of Him for our beloved son Carlos Thaddeus. So that wherever these images are my own grace, the grace of the Most High Father and the grace of my servant Judas Thaddeus may also be present being poured out profusely upon all my children".