Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Saturday, September 10, 2016
Message from Saint Luzia de Siracusa

(Saint Lucy of Syracuse): Dear brothers My, I, Lucy, Lucia, I am very happy to be with you once again today.
I invite all of you to live the true and perfect love for God, expanding your hearts even more to welcome the love of God and the love of the Mother of God in your hearts so that He may bring about in you the great conversion.
Be detached from all the creatures that still prevent you from being only and exclusively of God. And then your hearts, like free birds, will fly higher and higher in the heights of the true love of God and the Mother of God.
The Flame of the Mother of God's love cannot act in a heart still tied to creatures and worldly things. Cut all these ties so that you can fly high in the Heaven of God's true love.
And put your trust, your love only in God, because those who put their trust in God and His Mother will never be hurt or disappointed.
Unhappy is he who puts his trust or his love in creatures, because he will know how fickle, fickle, self-interested, false creatures are and how they are capable of betraying you and abandoning you for nothing.
I wish that more and more you grow in true love for God. And this implies: to cleanse your heart, to sweep from your heart all that is earth, so that God can fill your hearts with the water of His grace, of His love. And the Mother of God can finally also light in your hearts His Flame of Love.
This month must be for you a strong time of conversion, a strong time to learn true love, to cultivate love, true love that is obedience, that is docility, that is humility. True love which is charity, which is union, which is a prayer of love that rises to Heaven.
May this month be for you the beginning of a new life, of a new and true conversion.
Marcos calls unceasingly the love of the mother of God and the Lord, how happy I am to come to you today to bless you.
Truly, the Lord is very pleased with you because you made his Mother's Message in La Salette known to many nations, millions of souls throughout the world. With this you have pulled out millions of thorns that were embedded in the hearts of Jesus and Mary, because the Message of La Salette and the Secret had been forgotten, buried in contempt, denial of the Church and forgetfulness of humanity.
Yes, you have taken many, countless thorns from their Hearts and made the light of truth, grace and salvation shine for so many souls that without the films you made they would be hopelessly lost.
Yes, these souls saw the pain of the Mother of God in La Salette, they saw Her tears, their hearts were touched, they opened their hearts to pity Her, they felt true contrition for their sins and true and sincere desire for conversion and change.
For all this, the Lord is very happy with you! And that is why today and these days until the Anniversary of the Apparitions of La Salette, 170 years old, that the Mother of God appeared there, you will receive every day special graces from Heaven that will not be given to other souls.
Because you were truly the soul chosen by Heaven to make La Salette known and you said 'yes', you made an effort, sacrificed yourself, made a long and tiring journey. A dangerous journey to La Salette to make that place seen and known by all the millions of souls who knew it through you and the movies you made.
Because of this, by your 'yes' to this request that the Mother of God has made to you, you will receive truly abundant graces this week from La Salette.
And on the 170th Anniversary of her apparition this year, you, like no other mortal, will receive copious graces from the Mother of God, from the Lord for the Hands of His Little Shepherds of La Salette.
Yes, mystically you are truly united with the Shrine of La Salette. That Shrine and you, that Shrine and this Place are one in the Flame of Love of the Mother of God.
And that is why you will receive abundant blessings in this week of La Salette's 170th anniversary. And you will also receive many graces for your cause, for the love that the Mother of God has for you, for her merits, for having made her apparition in La Salette known to millions and millions of people, your spiritual father, for your merits will also receive many, many graces from La Salette.
Dear Brother My Rejoice because you have truly given the Mother of God a consolation, a glory, a joy. And I have brought children of Her repentant and converted to the Immaculate Heart of Her, for the films of La Salette that she made like never before in human history.
Rejoice because truly great is your award in Heaven.
And now I bless you and all these My beloved brothers who are here from Syracuse, Catania and Jacari".
(St. Gerard Majella): "Dear brothers My, I, Gerard Majella, rejoice once again to come from Heaven together with Lucia and Our Most Holy Queen to bless you.
Love God more than yourself and give your heart to Him. Do not keep your heart to yourselves anymore, that is, do not keep your life to yourselves anymore by denying it to God.
Give your life to God, renounce your will, lose your life to yourselves and give it to God. For he who gives his life to God as I have given will find it in eternal life, and anyone who retains his life for himself here on earth will lose his life in eternal life.
Love God more than yourself, renouncing your will all day long and doing God's, accepting God's even if it is contrary to yours, or costing you sacrifices.
Because the will of God is and always will be for you: salvation, happiness and peace. Whereas your will contrary to God's will will will be for you ruin, disgrace, unhappiness and death.
Love God more than yourself by living a life of intense prayer. But not a cold repetition of words, but a burning prayer made with the heart like the one I made during my whole life and that left me completely burned and drowned from the Flame of Love of God and His Blessed Mother.
Then truly your hearts will open to God and you will receive from God as many graces as you have never received until today. You will understand very subliminal things and you will understand very beautiful things of God. You will feel the most wonderful things that God and his Mother will give you to feel in your heart: a deep peace, complete joy, total hope, fortitude, justice and also a love such as you have never had before in your life.
Love God more than yourselves by leaving at once all your attachment to worldly things and creatures, to be only and exclusively of God and His Mother.
And then, truly God will pour out His Holy Spirit who is the Flame of Love of the Mother of God into you with such force that you will truly become a new creature in God and you will say: It is no longer I who live but God who lives in me.
Remain in Love and God will remain in you. Love is God and He only lives and remains in those who remain in His Love. Therefore, seek every day to grow in true Love so that God's presence and grace may truly increase every day in you until it reaches its fullness.
I, Geraldo, want to teach you to live this perfect love. It is not difficult to love God more than yourself. The only thing that is necessary is that you want, the desire is the first step to begin to die to yourself and God to begin to live in you.
Desire and above all foster these desires by repeating many, many times as I did during the day the acts of Desire Love that the Mother of God taught you here.
And above all, I also repeated this: "My Jesus, my Love, I love you, make me love you and die of love for you.
By repeating this little act of Love all day long, you will grow more and more in desires. Your desires for true love will grow in you and together with the desires will grow in you the flame of the Love of God and His Mother.
To all I bless you now with love and especially Marcos, the most ardent of My friends, My students, My followers. The most ardent of My friends, of My brothers, of My devotees. I bless you abundantly now.
How many Marcos souls have you plucked out of the clutches of Satan by the film you made of My Life, showing everyone, especially the youth, the right path they must follow to reach Heaven.
How many souls, how many saved souls, how many touched by grace, how many in love first with Me and then through Me with the Mother of God and God. How many souls! For all this, great will be your reward in heaven.
Rejoice, my beloved brother, because truly, the Most Holy Trinity is very happy with all the works of Love that you have done in these 25 years for Her greater glory, for the greater glory of Our Blessed Queen and also for the salvation of the world, of souls. Rejoice because great will be your reward in Heaven and because of your merits too, very great will be the graces and blessings granted to all those who love you, understand you, help you, fight with you.
And, above all, great will be your spiritual father, whom you love so much and who is a consort of your merits and the graces you must receive.
Yes, dear brother, rejoice because many souls you have saved for Heaven. And that is also why great, great will be the joy of your heart when you see shining in great glory, in a wonderful vision the countless millions of souls that you have brought, that you have brought back to God, to Our Most Holy Queen, and that you have pulled out of the clutches of hell.
To you and to all My brothers I bless with love from Muro Lucano, Materdomini and Jacareí".