Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, September 18, 2016
Message of Mary Most Holy

(Mary Most Holy): My dear children, today, on the eve of the Anniversary of my Appearance at La Salette, I come to call all of you again to true love that pleases God.
What I came to ask in La Salette at my apparition to Maximino and Melânia was Love, my son Marcos said very well.
Love is what My Tears asked for, Love was what My Words full of sadness and pain asked for.
Love was what my entire apparition at La Salette came to ask of you. The roses that I carried in my head, chest and feet were the supplication for you to become mystical roses of true love, prayer, sacrifice, penance, conversion and reparation. That with a holy life you might console the Heart of my son, who was so sad and so offended, and also console my Heart.
The crucifix that I carried in my breast with my son alive, writhing in pain, with the hammer and the torquese asked for love, asked for reparation. With conversion, with reparation you would despise My son Jesus of the Cross, every day again nailed to it for sins, for the contempt of men.
Yes, that cross asked love, love for my son, love for me, the Mother of Sorrows. May I still suffer today a continuous martyrdom of seeing My son crucified again by so many of My children who are full of evil, selfishness and contempt for My son crucify Him again.
The chain that I carried on My shoulders in La Salette also asked for Love, because being the Mother of all men, being the runner of humanity, being the advocate of all men I am chained to My children.
And seeing them despising the Love of their God, of their Father and their Creator, My Heart cannot but suffer. That is why these chains of love made Me suffer so much and weighed on My shoulders at My apparition.
These chains of Love that bind Me to My children make Me the Mother of Sorrows every day. Because seeing them despise My son Jesus, despising God's Love and My Love I suffer continual martyrdom of the soul. And that is why those chains I carry on My shoulders in La Salette are a great, ardent and vehement request for Love.
Give Me Love! Do not offend My son Jesus anymore, love Him, love Me! Don't despise My Mother's love anymore and that heavy chain I carried in La Salette will disappear from My shoulders.
And in place My children, you will see truly new golden roses appear: of pure love, of conversion, of holiness and of joy. The joy you will give Me for your conversion and holiness.
My apron at La Salette is also a request for love. For appearing as the handmaid of the Lord, as the Mother who also works and serves Her children, who struggles for the salvation of Her children.
My apron showed you that I am a working Mother who works for good, for happiness, for the salvation of your children, just as your mothers here on earth work for you: making food, washing clothes, tidying up the house, taking care of you, washing the child, giving medicine to the child always with the apron on the waist.
The apron is the symbol of love, dedication, service, affection, and the care of a mother for her children. And my apron in La Salette shows this also to you: My dedication, my zeal, my love, my service, my work for the salvation of all my children.
Soon my apron is a symbol of Love, it shows the Love that the Mother of Heaven has for all Her children. And also this apron asks for love, because every Mother wants to be loved by her children, she loves and wants to be loved.
There is no mother who does not want the love of her children. And this apron asks all of you to love Me, the Mother who works so hard night and day for the salvation of all of you, all of Her children.
Therefore, all My apparition at La Salette is Love, all She asks for Love, My words ask for love, My tears that fall from My eyes to My feet beg for love, ask for love. Therefore, My children, give Me love, give love to God and you will give everything, because what I want from you is not the goods, nor the gifts that you can give Me. I want your heart, I want your 'yes'.
I want to live, live, reign in you, so open your hearts, give your 'yes' to Me, let My Flame of Love enter you. So that it may realize in you my entire plan of love, and through you my plan of love saving so many and so many of my children.
I come here in Jacareí to finish what I began in La Salette. I come here in Jacareí to finish what I began in La Salette, to resurrect La Salette and to bring to full fulfillment My Secret of La Salette, which will culminate in the Lord's final Triumph and My Triumph.
You have been chosen by Heaven, choose Heaven, choose God who chose you, choose Me who chose you.
For what My son Marcos said is true: The divine election is a great grace, a great honor for the soul who receives it. But if the soul does not appreciate it, if it does not correspond, it becomes a great danger and a great reason for falling. Not because of God's fault, because of the soul that didn't give the due value.
So pray unceasingly, watch that you do not lose the grace, the honor you received. Because My enemy is lurking around you waiting for you to begin to devalue the heavenly choice, My choice made over your person.
To truly begin to cool and harden your hearts until you fall into some mortal sin. Be careful of Judas' betrayal, he did not value the choice My son made of his person, so he betrayed and condemned himself.
If you do the same, you will also betray My son and Me and condemn yourselves. Pray night and day for your faithfulness and perseverance.
And above all, cultivate a great love for the divine choice, for My maternal choice of your person.
I who brought you here with so much Love, that I chose you to be of the number who will be saved. So that you do not lose this great grace and honor My children, and do not end up pierced the Heart of My son and My Heart with a new and more terrible sword of pain.
Watch, pray continually and value this grace more each day, meditate on this grace. For he who meditates night and day on this great grace sees how extraordinary and wonderful it is, is not spiritually blind and does not fall into Judas' betrayal.
Give thanks without ceasing to God for this great favor that I have given you. He who is faithful in this will never become a Judas traitor.
And imitate My Little Shepherds of La Salette in their obedience, courage, tenacity, faithfulness to Me. Faithfulness that my little son Marcos also has. Tenacity and obedience ardor in his work for Me that he has always had even carrying heavy crosses.
Yes, like Maximino and Melanie he never lived without pain, never lived without crosses. And yet he always loved Me, was faithful, never disobeyed Me proving to the whole world that he who has My Flame of Love does everything, perseveres to the end.
And even on the cross, in the opposition, he does not discourage, does not betray Me, does not return to the world, does not exchange Me for anything and nobody. And that is why no one will have an excuse before my son Jesus after I gave them this example.
Follow Him and you will be faithful to Me, imitate Him and you will love Me as He loves me. Open your hearts to My Flame of Love as He has opened, and you too will save millions of souls as He saved them.
Follow this path of prayer, penance, sacrifice, conversion and holiness that you, together with My little son Marcos and My little Shepherds of La Salette, will one day sing the praises of God and My praises in the midst of the Angels and the delights of Paradise.
Pray My Rosary every day, the Rosary can save the whole world. If the world prayed the Rosary God would have already sent the Angel of Peace to give peace to the world. The Angel of Peace does not come down to give Peace to the world, because people insist in not praying the Rosary.
How much laziness, how much ill will, how much spiritual blindness!
Because my Rosary is not prayed the world has no peace, families have no peace. And the rotting grapes that I said in La Salette, which were a figure of souls and families, the grapes will continue to rot.
And they who should give the world a wine of new saints, of new holy, religious vocations will continue to bear spoiled fruit, evil children. They will think only of carnal pleasures, of the seven deadly sins, of the things of the world, giving themselves over to all sorts of vices, making Satan triumph in families and in society.
Only the Rosary can make the grapes, that is, the families stop rotting and give back the wine of the holy religious vocations, that they gave in the past, of the saints that came out of them in the past.
Pray the Rosary at home, so that the grapes of their families stop rotting. And the wheat, the priestly and religious vocations also stop turning to dust, stop rotting, stop spoiling themselves by apostasy, errors, vices and sins.
Everything is in your hands, the solution I have put in your hands: it is my Rosary. Pray it and I will perform the miracle of conversion in your families and in the whole world.
How many parents are guilty of the condemnation of their children. What My son Marcos said is very true: they will have to give an account to God for all their children who did not know how to guide or educate in the way of prayer, in the way of holiness.
And in hell they will be tormented not only by demons, but by the very children who let themselves be condemned.
Be holy parents, pray, guide your children on the path of prayer and holiness. And in Heaven they will put very bright crowns on your heads, as a reward for being holy parents and truly Catholic, God-fearing.
Pray a lot because the Punishment is at the door, from one moment to the next you will see a flash, the sun will become dark, the moon will color blood. The sky will become white like a sheet of paper. This spectacle will cause so much fear in the nations and in many people that they will die of amazement.
But those who obey My Messages, who pray My Rosary, wear My Medals and scapulars, and have My Rosaries, to these nothing will happen.
After this great warning during which in a fraction of seconds people will see their whole past life lived without God, God will wait for a little time. If they are not converted then the great Punishment will come.
I have said this so that when it happens they will know that I have warned them. Woe to those who see the flash, woe to them!
But My children will be at home praying the Rosary, prepared and guarded by Me and My Angels. Grace that they will not have those who all the time despised My Messages and made themselves deaf to My warnings.
I love My children so much! I am the Sorrowful Mother of all, I do not want them to suffer in the future. So I say to you: Convert without delay and live all the Messages that I give for your good.
I bless you all with love now, and especially my little son Marcos and my favorite son Carlos Thaddeus, the father of my son Marcos, my gift and my delight for him.
To these two sons I bless with love and say: Tomorrow they will receive great graces from me on the Anniversary of My Appearance in La Salette.
For Here My Appearance of La Salette thanks to the work of My little son Marcos, thanks to the films he made of this My Appearance, it has been known throughout the world, by millions of My children. Seeing My Sorrow, My Tears were converted, they began to pray the Rosary leaving worldly things and began to seek holiness.
Yes, to this My son Marcos, who drew so many swords of pain from My Heart, for those millions of My children who heard My Message from La Salette and said 'yes' to Me, tomorrow I poured out on him and on his father who is his consort many, many graces.
I will also pour out on My children who live near him, who love him, who help him, who work with him, who truly want him.
And I will pour out on all My children, who together with My little son Marcos made My Message of La Salette known to the world, and did everything to make My Appearance known, My Tears dried up and My Heart consoled.
To all of these children, to all of you I bless you now with Love from La Salette of Lourdes and Jacareí".
(Marcos): "Yes, I will.
"Yes, Mama wanted to ask the Lady if she would be good enough to touch a Rosary especially for my friend Andrea Paiola. He is a son of yours who loves the Lady very much, and loves me very much too and to whom I love him very much. And I didn't know, yesterday I felt like asking you to touch a rosary for him, and I didn't know if I wanted to have his birthday.
Today is his birthday and I would like to ask this great grace for him, who is a son who loves you very much and who is a son that I also love very much.
Yes. I will say yes".