Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, October 9, 2016
Message of Mary Most Holy

(Mary Most Holy): Dear children, today, when you contemplate Me as the Lady of the Most Sacred Rosary, I come again from Heaven to tell you: I am the Lady of the Rosary!
This weapon of salvation, this powerful prayer that I gave to my son Dominic of Gusmão, saved the world from the Albigensian heresy. This powerful weapon in the hands of My children at the time of the Battle of Lepanto saved the world a second time, saved Catholicism from being exterminated by My Son's enemies.
And now at the end of this bad time, the apostasy and the great tribulation in which you live, My Rosary will again be the weapon that will save the world a third and last time.
Yes, My children, My Son wants to save the world through the Rosary, so that the whole world will recognize that this salvation of your generation is My work.
And so, may everyone recognize Me as Queen, Mediatrix and Corridor of humanity and may My Sorrowful Heart be venerated beside the Sacred Heart of My Son Jesus, as He so desired and so much asked of My daughters Berta Petit and my little daughter Sister Lucia of Fatima.
Therefore, the salvation of the world, the conversion of sinners, the peace of the world in this evil time in which you live will be entirely My work. And I will do this with the simplest, most unpretentious prayer that so many proudly despise: that is my Rosary.
Through it I will convert sinners, I will perform many miracles of conversion and transformation of hearts, I will save many nations. And finally, I will bring all humanity back to my Lord, to his God of Salvation and Peace!
I am the Lady of the Most Sacred Rosary, and today I come to ask you again to renew the love of your hearts for my Rosary. Never pray My Rosary coldly My children, because otherwise you will make Me suffer and cry like one day a son of mine named Herman made Me, for praying the Rosary coldly, without love or devotion.
I want you to pray My Rosary ardently, with your hearts truly burning with My Flame of Love, so that you truly give Me joy. And one day I may come to you on the day of your death, beautiful, all glorious and luminous to take you with me to Heaven where I will give you to experience and taste wonderful delights.
I will make you see the wonders of God and above all, I will place on your heads, also crowns of glory as recognition and retribution for the crowns of roses that you have placed on My head every day on earth praying My Rosary.
I am the Lady of the Most Sacred Rosary and once again here in Jacareí, in this Shrine, which is the land of My Rosary. Where My Rosary is so loved, prayed and divulged by My little son Marcos, who recorded more than 300 Rosaries for Me until the present moment and divulged them to the world, making thousands and even millions of My children pray it every day.
Here where My Rosary is truly loved, prayed and propagated I want again to pour My loving graces on all of you. Therefore, spread even more the prayer of My Rosary and then the kingdom of Satan will be destroyed by Me, and My Immaculate Heart will triumph.
Live My Messages with love every day and seriously, because soon My voice will be silent. And as I said to My little son Marcos at the beginning of My apparitions Here, at the time of Punishment My Messages will be more sought after than water at the time of drought.
But My voice will already be silent and those who did not want to hear Me now that My voice resounds in the four corners of the Earth in that hard time of Punishment will no longer be able to find Me.
Come to Me now that I let myself be found by you that I am as close to you as the air you breathe. That I am here day and night giving My blessings, My graces and My love to you.
And then, I promise you little children that truly, you will receive all the graces of the Lord through Me, and then, your life will be changed from earth to heaven.
Make every day true love, filial love for God and for Me grow in your hearts through true and continuous asceticism.
That is, from a continuous ascent toward God, from an ascent and growth toward total union with God every day through many prayers, meditations of My Messages, supplications and, above all, by praying a lot of the acts of love that I have taught you here.
On Wednesday I will come with my son Jesus to give the blessing to the world and to Brazil once again.
To all I now bless with love Fatima, Pompeii and Jacari".