Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Wednesday, October 12, 2016
First Message of This Day

(Br. Joaquim do Monte Carmelo): Dear brothers My, I, Joaquim do Monte Carmelo, come today on the day of Senhora Aparecida, Our Queen and My Love to tell you: Be worthy houses of Her!
"Just as I built her a worthy house, the Old Basilica, so that she could live there, be loved and pour out her graces on her children, you too must build a worthy house for her like I did in yourselves.
You must build that worthy house in your heart so that the Mother of God may truly live and reign there. And what should the house of the Mother of God be like in your soul? Pure, without sin, perfumed with virtues, without defects! Enlightened, without the darkness of blindness, of sin or any evil.
It must be beautiful and therefore all ugliness of sin must come out of your heart. It must be rich in carvings and props, that is: in virtues, quality and good works, which you must possess in your soul.
It must be rich, precious, that is: there must be in your soul the pure gold of virtues. You must make in your heart, as I did for her, an altar of pure marble, that is: of the strongest, firmest, unshakest, deepest faith in the Mother of God. A strong, courageous, virile faith, a faith like that of the martyrs and saints who undertook hard things for the Mother of God and who did not become discouraged when they came to them from the adversities inherent in the mission that the Mother of God, whom the Lord had given them.
Thus you will truly make the Mother of God a beautiful home in your heart, as I did on Coconut Hill. Then she will come to dwell in your soul, she will then delight you in your heart, she will fill your heart with peace, with love, with grace, with the light of Paradise.
And then you will already live a little bit of Heaven here on Earth, because what will Heaven be? Our beloved Marcos explained to you very well: Heaven will be a continuous ecstasy of love with the Mother of God. You will remain eternally looking at her and she will look at you, and from her you will receive all the affection, all the love, the feeling of protection, the feeling of perpetual peace that no one can ever take away.
There will no longer be any care with work, with family, with eating, with sleeping, with dressing, because these things are purely temporal things. There your heart will not have to be divided among so many people, because there your heart will be all and only hers, the Lord's.
Then you will live immersed, immersed in the deepest heavenly peace, which will never end. For this reason, everyone who gives himself totally to Mary, who has in Mary his only treasure, who has made Mary his everything, his life, his only love. He already lives a little bit of heaven here on earth and after death only continues it in Paradise.
To live only for Mary, for Mary, with Mary, having Mary as his only love and through her God, he already lives Paradise on earth. That is how I lived, she was everything to me, my only love, my treasure, that is why where she was there was my heart too. Everything I did was for Her, all My thoughts, deeds, words, sacrifices, works, everything was just for Her.
The tears that I shed and that were many in the building of the Old Basilica. The drops of sweat that fell from My face in that painful work, in that painful enterprise, all fell for Mary. That is why in Heaven they all turned into very bright pearls, which She placed on My head when She gave Me the crown of eternal life.
Yes, every tear, every drop of sweat poured out by Mary here on earth will become a shining pearl in Paradise that the Mother of God will put on your neck, on your head when you get there.
So I say to you: Be houses worthy of the Mother of God, renouncing all falsehood toward her, all disobedience, all hardness of heart. So that she may truly believe in you, trust in you and come to live in you.
And finally, build houses, raise houses for the Mother of God in the hearts of your brothers and sisters, taking her messages to them, making everyone love her, making everyone also fall in love with her and make her your treasure, your everything.
For if everything and everyone's treasure is Mary, there will be everyone's heart. And if the heart of all is in her, the kingdom of Satan will fall to the ground and he himself will be thrown down, precipitated into the depths of the hellish flames, humiliated, ashamed, trampled underfoot and crushed, and from there he will no longer be able to leave. Then Brazil and the world will become the Kingdom of Love of the Virgin Mary.
I, Joaquim, of Mount Carmel, love very much my beloved Marcos, who besides making this House here for the Mother of God, has built and built houses in millions of hearts throughout the world so that she can live and reign in them.
And I love very much my beloved Carlos Thaddeus, who in his city has also built houses, homes for the Mother of God. True shrines alive in souls, where she will live, reign and realize her greatest wonders of holiness and grace for the greater glory of the Father.
To him particularly now I bless together with our beloved Marcos and you who love the Mother of God and spread her Word.
To you also I now generously bless with love Aparecida, Pompeii and Jacari".