Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Saturday, October 29, 2016
Message of Our Lady

(Our Lady): Dear children, today I invite you again to heed the Messages I have given you Here, for they are the last for humanity and many are still sleeping in the heavy sleep of sin.
Pray, pray for all those who are in that mortal sleep, because soon they will be awakened by the thunder of Divine Justice in the Great Punishment that will fall upon this world.
Yes, in the three days of darkness the demons will come and seize those who wanted to make themselves deaf to My Voice. In truth, I cried out, I cried in the four corners of the earth calling My children to conversion, but, My voice fell on an immense desert.
With each passing day humanity ends up sinking deeper into the mire of sin, indifference, hardness of heart.
That is why, my children, now that we are close to the hour of Divine Justice, reaffirm your hearts in prayer, in meditation, in obedience to my Messages, so that my Son Jesus may approve you when he begins the great examination of all humanity.
He will examine humanity with the boast of fire and woe to those who are not approved! Therefore, My children, be converted, sanctify yourselves without delay, because only in this way will I be able to take you to those beautiful abodes that the Father has prepared for those who are faithful to Him and who live in holiness in His presence.
Spread My Messages of Heroldsbach, Heede, Ezkioga and La Codosera more widely, so that more souls may be converted and My Immaculate Heart may obtain more conversions with the increase of everyone's prayers.
Continue praying My Rosary every day.
To all I bless with love from Lourdes, Heroldsbach and Jacareí".
(St. Lucy): "Dear brothers My, I, Lucy, come again today to tell you: Climb, climb in love, praying more and more with your heart, meditating more and more on the Messages of the Mother of God, on the word of God.
And above all, open your hearts to the Holy Spirit, who in these times seeks souls who are open, docile and well prepared for Him, to pour out like water, like abundant rain until their hearts overflow with His graces.
Yes, He seeks souls of intense prayer, of intense love, but He does not find them. If He finds in you these souls He will enter and do true wonders in the souls and hearts of you.
Pray without ceasing that you may truly rise higher and higher in the degrees of true love until the Holy Spirit comes to live and act in you until He leads you to full holiness.
Continue meditating on all that I have said to you in all my Messages. There are many who do not meditate on My Messages, so they are always poor, shaky, cold and stuck to the things of the world.
When you understand the beauty of all that I have said to you, then truly your eyes will be illuminated by a wonderful light, new horizons of holiness will open before you. And you will feel in love with the Lord and His Mother for seeing how great and how beautiful the wonderful life of holiness they have prepared and destined for you is.
To all I bless with love from Catania, Syracuse and Jacari".
(St. Gerard): "Dear brothers My, I, Gerard, rejoice to come once again today from Heaven to bless you and to say to all of you: Strive your hearts to grow in true love. Say every day 'no' to your will and do the opposite of what your will wants.
In this way you will continually grow in the mortification of the 'I', of your own will and become more and more docile, more and more open to the will of God and the Mother of God.
Every day also make a vow to try to fulfill, exercise a virtue. In this way your hearts will feel encouraged and emulated to seek more and more the good, the perfection, the holiness.
Read every day the Imitation Book of Christ, for I have read every day of my life and he was my great teacher of love and holiness. Pray the Rosary every day, because the Rosary I prayed had much more power than all the recommendations, all the advice, all the missions in which I participated and in which I spoke, I exhorted sinners to convert.
Yes, truly the sinners I did not convert during the day in My exhortations, at night when I prayed the Rosary for them I converted them and the next day they came seeking reconciliation with God and conversion.
Nothing is more powerful to save souls than the Rosary, and above all nothing is more important to save your own souls than the Holy Rosary. There is no sin, there is no evil that the Holy Rosary cannot overcome.
So I say: The sinner who perseveres in the prayer of the Holy Rosary will certainly be saved, as the soul who despises and leaves the Rosary will certainly be condemned. Pray the Holy Rosary every day and I also promise to give you with Our Holy Queen all the graces necessary for your salvation.
I love each one of you and I care for each one of you with love. I especially care for my beloved brother Carlos Thaddeus whom I love so much and of whom I want to be a great, intimate and deep friend.
Yes, my very dear brother, I love you, I love you with all the strength of my Heart and together with my holy companions in Heaven I will always protect you, guard you, bless you, free you from all evil and lead you along the same sure and secure road that led me to Heaven.
Do not be afraid of anything because I am with you. I, who in my earthly life have defeated the devil, will defeat him ever more in your life and the lives of all those who come to you and truly love you with their hearts.
Yes, you are the charm of the Mother of God, as she loves you! Yes, your prayers enchant her, she lives in love with you and for this she never tires of favoring you, of blessing you, of enriching you with her graces.
And I, too, who am in love with you, will bless you every day, I will favor you and enrich you with the graces that I can obtain for you from the Blessed Trinity with My merits that are great, great, great.
Beloved and dearest brother of mine, I love you, I love you with all my heart as I also love my beloved Marcos who is my delight. Yes, let the two together be one Flame of Love with me and with the Mother of God and so, in this Flame we will burn many hearts that are hardened in sin. And in this way the empire of Satan will finally be destroyed and overthrown.
To all I now bless with Love from Materdomini, Materdomini and Jacareí.
(Marcos): "Yes. My dear Geraldo, can you bless this image of yours that I want to give as a gift to my beloved father Carlos Thaddeus?
Dear Mama, can you bless these scapulars for your children?
Thank you, very kind".