Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Saturday, November 12, 2016
Message of Mary Most Holy

(Mary Most Holy): Dear children, today I call you all, once again, to go deeper into prayer. Pray until prayer becomes your life and life for you.
I will never tire of saying that you pray, because without prayer no one can please God, no one can be holy and no one can reach heaven either.
All the graces you want to ask for in prayer and My son Jesus and I will give them to you with joy as long as they are in conformity to the will of the Father.
Hurry up your conversion, because as I have been saying for so many years, the time of conversion of the world, the time of Mercy is running out and soon the time of Justice will come. The world has finished touching the bottom of the abyss, of violence, evil, immorality, impurity.
And the Church now knows the greatest hour of her apostasy, millions and millions throughout the world will enter into great spiritual confusion, many will completely lose respect, love and devotion for Me, the Saints and the Angels.
And this will be the catastrophic conclusion of the great apostasy lived and propagated by so many priests and pastors of the Church, of the Church of My Son. My Son now relives the painful hours of His Passion in His mystical body, the Church.
Again He is scourged, crowned with thorns and crucified by the very pastors of His Church. And My Heart bleeds with pain because My children are turned away from Me in great numbers because of the shepherds who preach to them that Me should not be loved, should not be prayed and that My Rosary is worth nothing.
Yes, many souls are lost and Satan triumphs with it. Help Me, help Me to save My children by doing everywhere the prayer groups that I asked of you, they are the only remedy, the only hope and the only salvation of humanity.
Pray My Rosary, for whoever is faithful to My Rosary will always remain Catholic.
Pray for the salvation of humanity, Satan plans horrible things against the world. Pray, pray the Rosary which is the only way to stop Satan.
Spread My Messages of Fatima, La Salette, La Codosera and Ezquioga more, so that the whole world may know how great My pain is, repent and return to the God of Salvation and Peace through My Immaculate Heart.
To all I bless with love from Fatima, El Escorial and Jacari".
(St. Lucy of Syracuse): "Dear brothers My, I, Lucy, come again to tell you: Open your hearts to God's love and live continually thirsting for it in deep prayer of the heart.
Seek God's love in deep prayer, dedicating many hours to prayer, meditation, contemplation of the Lord, of His Mother, of eternal truths as I did.
So that your hearts may be more passionate each day for the Lord, for our Blessed Queen. And every day try to grow in love, friendship, filial love for them that only grows in the heart of those who pray and of those who truly meditate on the love of God, His greatness, His attributes and also the greatness and love of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
Seek God's Love by searching every week for a purpose to overcome a defect you have. If each week you overcome a defect, in a short time you will become saints. Do the purpose of fighting such or such defect that you have and make an effort to do it day by day.
Fasting also on Fridays on bread and water, so that you have the strength to renounce everything that binds you to the world, to everything that enslaves you to your passions and your own will.
No one is exempt from Fasting, neither the workers nor the students. The sick can replace it with abstinence or something else, otherwise everyone is obliged to fast as the Mother of God asked. Because they do not fast they do not progress in holiness, they do not improve and they never fly toward holiness.
Always seek the Love of God by seeking every day to increase your friendship, your love for the Lord and the Mother of God by seeking always to renounce her own will to do His.
A friend who does not renounce his will to please his friend is not a true friend. A son who does not renounce his will to do his father's will does not love his father. Therefore, prove your love for the Father in Heaven by increasing your love, your prayer and also your renouncing your will to do His will.
Read and reread the Messages so that every day your soul will be well nourished and grow in the true love of God.
Continue praying the Rosary every day, pray also my Rosary so that I may open you with my love for it.
I love each one of you and never abandon you.
I bless you all with the love of Syracuse, Catania and Jacari".
(St. Gerard): "Dear Brothers My, I, Gerard, rejoice to be with you here today, to bless you and again to say: Be fires of love, carrying everywhere the flame of the true love of God, of our Blessed Mother Mary, teaching everyone to love God with all the strength of their hearts.
Be fires of love spreading everywhere the true love of the Most Holy Rosary, which is the prayer that most opens the hearts of people to love God.
It was also he who set My heart on fire and made Me burn every day in the most intense flames of love for God and for Our Blessed Mother Mary.
In these times when it is intended to destroy love for her, for the Holy Rosary by saying that she is some woman, that the Holy Rosary is worth nothing. You must raise the Holy Rosary high and shout to the whole world that it is the prayer of the Saints, the favorite prayer of the Mother of God and that there has never been a prayer that has raised so many Saints as the Rosary.
When he was prayed by most men there were many Saints, when he was abandoned the Saints became rare and today in those unhappy times of apostasy in which you live there are almost no Saints.
Therefore, spread the devotion to the Holy Rosary and it will make again emerge in the families many and many Saints.
I, Geraldo, love you all with all my heart and never abandon you. Always pray my Rosary and I will give you many, many graces.
To all I bless with love Muro Lucano de Materdomini and Jacareí.
Come always to the feet of My Image to pray My Rosary. I want you to pray it there every day".
(Our Lady on the pictures touched): "Dear children, as I have already said, wherever these pictures are there I will be carrying the graces of the Lord.
These paintings will be like the blood of the lamb at the door of the Israelites, it will be the protection for you against all the attacks of My enemy.
And especially in the times of the Great Punishment wherever one of these paintings is there, I will be with the Saints and Angels protecting you and that house from being hit either by the punishment of God or by the fury of the demons that will be loose on the earth.
To all I leave My Peace".