Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, December 25, 2016
Christmas Eve

Message of Our Lady
(early morning around 6:30)
Our Lady appeared with the child Jesus in her arms
(Mary Most Holy): "My dear children, today when you celebrate the birth of my Son Jesus, I come again to tell you all: His new Christmas is near.
Therefore, you must prepare yourselves for the coming of My Son Jesus, you must prepare yourselves for His new coming, His new Christmas which will no longer be in humility, poverty and suffering, but in glory. You must prepare yourselves with much prayer, because the second Christmas of my Son Jesus is truly near, a Christmas that will be in glory!
Christmas is near in the Glory of my Son Jesus and he will come with his Angels on the clouds of heaven to judge the living and the dead, to give sinners the punishment they deserve. And to give to the righteous who have persevered in the love of My Son, in grace, truth and holiness, the reward for their labors, sufferings, prayers, tears and their faithfulness to My Son.
Yes, therefore, may all sinners be converted! That is why I am coming here to Jacari, to give all My children the opportunities to be converted and saved. While I am here I give all the possibilities, I give all the opportunities to My children to be converted and saved.
May they open their hearts and welcome into them the grace of My Son Jesus whom I offer that I give generously Here. May they receive my grace, my Mother's love so that they may be saved.
Your Second Christmas is near in glory and because of this My children, you must now hasten your conversion like never before. Leave all worldly things completely, return to God, surrender yourselves to the service of God so that truly your soul and life may become whiter than snow. And you can truly please My Son Jesus and be considered worthy by Him to be at His side, at His right hand in Heaven.
His Second Christmas in Glory is near, so I have multiplied My extraordinary apparitions everywhere on earth to call all My children to prayer, conversion, penance and holiness.
So that by living in love and holy fear of God My children might truly attain that full and complete, consummate holiness that My Son desires to please the Father, to please His Divine Heart and the Holy Spirit.
And so the Trinity through Me may have here, in My Apparitions in Jacareí above all, a holy people for His praise, for His adoration, for His service.
The Second Christmas of my Son is near in glory, so I invite you once again today to live in love, to live in my Son Jesus. He is Love, live in Him and He will live in you, remain in Him and He will remain in you.
If you live in Him, that is, continually seeking His Love, striving each one to fulfill His Word, to obey Him, to love Him, living in His Spirit. Then He will live in you, even if you have faults. And then, Jesus will burn these defects faster than straw on a bonfire and transform your souls into a beautiful, perfect, wonderful work for His Glory and for the Glory of the Father.
Keep praying the Holy Rosary every day, through it I will transform you always more into perfect works of holiness and love to give to my Son Jesus. So that when He returns on His Second Christmas in Glory, I may find in My Hands, jewels of rare beauty of holiness, lapidated, polished, carved by Myself to adorn His royal crown in Heaven.
Today with great love I bless you with My son Jesus in My arms, the Prince of Peace of Lourdes, of Fatima, of Bethlehem and of Jacari.
Thank you for praying all night long, keeping Me and My Son Jesus company, you have dried many tears from Our Eyes, drawn many swords of pain from Our hearts, and given Us great joy.
For all this My children, be blessed now and forever. And upon all of you, may I now also give an indulgence to all those who wear My Medal of Peace with Love, who pray the Rosary of My Son, the Child Jesus.
And who truly sanctify this holy night every year leaving worldly things to be Here in My Shrine to console us and love Us.
May the Lord's indulgence and blessing now descend upon all".
(Marcos): "Dear Heavenly Mother, would you please be good enough to touch these Rosaries that We have made for your children and among them for My Spiritual Father Carlos Thaddeus too?