Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Saturday, January 7, 2017
Message of Mary Most Holy

(Mary Most Holy): My children, today, the 7th, the Monthly Anniversary of my Apparitions Here, I come once again from Heaven to ask you: Open your hearts to God in this time of Grace that is given to you.
This is the time of Mercy that you must enjoy praying as much as possible and living My Messages, because soon this time of Mercy will end and all My Secrets will happen.
You must be firm in the faith, that is, firm and faithful to the Dogmas of the Catholic Faith that are immutable. Thus, you will be true Catholics. And you will not fall into the traps and deceits of the sect, which infiltrated inside the Catholic Church, deceives the faithful wanting to propose a false faith and a new Catholic Church open to all kinds of modern errors of humanity.
Remain faithful to the Dogmas that are immutable and you will always remain Catholic. I give you the weapon of victory: The Rosary. With it you will make the true Catholic Faith and the true Church triumph over the false church that you want to build and the false Catholic faith that you want to preach.
With the Rosary and with the fidelity to the Dogmas that here are reminded to you by the tireless work of My little son Marcos, you will not allow the Church of My Son to be destroyed and the Catholic Faith to disappear from the Earth. It will remain in you if you remain faithful to the Catholic Dogmas.
I am the Mother of Peace and Prayer and I say to you: Pray, do not be shy, because they will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Don't be lazy, pray with your heart, spread and live my messages, because only then will you be worthy of the Crown of Eternal Life.
Heaven will only be of those who truly strive and work day and night for their salvation. Heaven will only be of those who like to work to cultivate their souls to holiness.
Work, therefore, while the Sun is shining, because when night comes you will no longer be able to work. Now is the time to work and make the talents God has given you bear fruit.
Pray, pray a lot, because a great Punishment is approaching the Earth because of your many sins. Only prayer and penance can prevent it, pray My Setena every month and the Rosary every day.
I am the Mother of God, I am the only creature who has begotten a Son who is man and God at the same time, only I have the same Son in common with the Most High. For this My great glory, the Lord loves Me! He has loved me above all creatures, raised me to the highest dignity to which a pure creature can be raised. And so I enjoy in Heaven all the power.
Where to teach and turn to me with confidence, with confidence in my power, I will do wonders.
Here in this sacred place where I appear and where today another month of My apparitions is completed, I call all My children to come and pray the Rosary, drink from the Source and truly give to God through Me their hearts.
To all I bless with love Fatima, La Salette and Jacareí".