Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Saturday, February 4, 2017
Message of Mary Most Holy

(Marcos): Yes. Yes, I will. Yes, I couldn't do it because of the problem you already know. I couldn't leave here.
Yes, I will, even if I have to do it at dawn and don't sleep anymore, but I will. I will do whatever you want. Yes, yes. Yes.
I realized as soon as the Lady arrived! The Lady disguises her joy very badly when he is here!
Yes. Yes, I will. Yes. As the Lady wishes."
(Mary Most Holy): "Dear children, today I invite you all to give thanks to God because His goodness with you is great, it was very great. Above all, when he chose you to be My, My consecrated ones and to be Here in My home, in My Holiness School, Here inMy invincible Fortress of love!
Yes, My children, this place is My invincible Fortress of faith, prayer and love. Through the work and the person of My little son Marcos, through his 'yes' I raised this invincible fortress that the devil in these 26 years tried in every way to destroy, but could not.
Yes, thanks to my maternal love, to my motherly care for my work of salvation, my apparitions in Jacareí.
And thanks also to the obedience of My son Marcos to Me, to his works done with such love for Me, his Meditated Rosaries, the Holy Hours of prayer, Thirteen, Setenas, the films of My Apparitions, I was able to erect here a fortress that not even the whole of hell could bring down.
You, My children, have been chosen by Me, to be in this fortress and to receive from it all the strength to persevere until the end and to escape unscathed from all the evils of this time of perdition and apostasy.
That was the great sign of God's love for all of you, be thankful to the Lord by giving Him the answer that He has been waiting for so many years: the 'yes' of you. Even if you have faults, God wants your 'yes' and his heart. And of many He wants your body, He wants your whole life.
Then he will be able to carry out his fatherly plan of love, saving millions of souls through your 'yes' as he did with the 'yes' of my little son Marcos Tadeu.
Now the time has come for the greatest trial, when the anti-church infiltrated inside the Catholic Church wants to create general confusion, loss of faith, apostasy and cause many, even the elect, to lose the light of holy Catholic faith. I call all of you to be the great apostles, the warriors of love of my Immaculate Heart, who will oppose the preaching of the false church, the anti-Catholic church, with the preaching of my Rosary, my Messages, the life of the saints and the truth through the Cenacles of prayer that I asked you to do everywhere.
It is time for My brave children and warriors to wield the sword of faith, prayer, courage and love and to fight for My Son Jesus and for Me. Do not be afraid of anything, because I will always be with you and through you the light of true faith will triumph and My Secrets of La Salette, of Fatima, and also from here will finally be realized.
The power of Satan will finally be destroyed and annihilated and my Immaculate Heart will triumph through this My invincible Fortress of Faith, love and prayer that is this My Shrine and My Little Child Marcos.
Yes, through it I will make My mystical light shine and illuminate the whole world at the end of the three dark days, Satan will be blinded, paralyzed, thrown and chained forever into the infernal flames from which he will never leave. And My mystical light will renew and purify all things.
Every Meditated Rosary my little son Marcos makes, every work he does for Me already breaks the power of Satan over souls. Each Rosary that My son Marcos makes to Me, each movie and each Hour of Prayer, each Satan's Cenacle loses more power.
And so it also happens with the Cenacles made by My most beloved son Carlos Thaddeus, so the devil gets angry and attacks these My two sons in order to discourage them and take revenge on them.
But My Immaculate Heart watches over them as with a shield and they cannot be struck by My enemy, although they are My heel and often suffer the attacks of My enemy, the calumnies and injustices He moves against them.
My Heart will triumph through them and if each of you My children today, give Me your 'yes', through you I will also triumph in your families, I will triumph in Brazil, I will triumph all over the world. And I will give to all humanity the longed for Peace.
Keep praying My Rosary every day, if you do that I will give you what My little son Marcos has been asking me incessantly in this novena: A heart of a saint, a heart of an apostle.
And I will transform you into the powerful instruments through which the Holy Spirit will descend at the Second Pentecost and my heart will triumph on earth. These are special days, days of great graces, pray, pray that your hearts may become a heart of a saint, a heart of an apostle, a heart totally mine.
To all I bless with love La Salette, Fatima and Jacari".
(St. Gerard the Great): "Dear brothers, I, Gerard, rejoice once again to come from Heaven with Our Queen to bless you all.
Oh, how great is her love for you! Oh, how lovingly she has chosen you, how lovingly she has marked you in the wombs of her Mothers and chosen you to be hers. I was with her when she did this.
And about many of you I also cast my loving gaze. I also prayed and pleaded with the Lord and her at that moment to keep you in a state of grace, to protect you from falling into mortal sin, to free you from all the snares of the devil.
And above all, I begged the Lord and her to grant me the grace to be the protector of each one of you. The Lord and She have given Me the mission to protect, guard and accompany all of you, who are Her beloved children and the pilgrims of this Shrine.
Great is the love of the Mother of God for you, that is why she called you here, in spite of your faults she chose you, loved you, endured your slowness in prayer, in conversion, in penance, in renouncing vanities and worldly things.
For love of you She remained Here all these years tirelessly repeating the same Messages until your hard hearts and ears were pierced and you could receive Her word, letting it into your hearts.
Great is the love of the Mother of God for you who has filled you here with so many graces, so many signs, so many Messages and loving advice.
Give her the satisfaction, the return of so many graces, giving her your 'yes' and finally creating in you a heart like hers, living in her Spirit. That is, how she is loving God, serving God, despising worldly things, sin and Satan.
So she will triumph in you every day and your life will no longer be empty, but will have meaning. And then you will understand how rightly it was said, 'And the name of the Virgin was Mary. That is, star of the sea, Lady and Queen, life, moon, sun, peace, hope, eternity.
Then you will truly live heaven on earth and your hearts will become sources of light that will enlighten all humanity.
Keep praying my Rosary always, I have already begun to make My Graces Here. If you are persevering in praying my Rosary, soon I will truly fill you with so many graces that you will rejoice with joy and even levitate like me bursting with love in the Lord.
To all I bless with love and especially to you Marcos, the most obedient of the servants of the Mother of God, calls the unceasing love of the Mother of God. And also especially to you, Brother Carlos Thaddeus, whom I love very much and whom I always favor with My graces, always, whenever you need Me, need Me and need Me.
I have My gaze continually on your heart and on your lips, just one word from you and I will come faster than lightning to help you, to bless you and to give you always more the peace of Queen Mary.
To all I bless with love from Muro Lucano, Materdomini and Jacareí".
(Saint Lucy): "Dear brothers My, I, Lucy, come today once again to tell you: Give thanks to God because He is good, because eternal is His Mercy. Give thanks to God because His Mercy towards you was great, immense in choosing you and bringing you here, to be formed by your own Blessed Mother, to be the great Saints of the last times that God expects for the salvation of millions of souls.
Give thanks to God because His Mercy has been great with you. He did not judge you, he did not condemn you for your sins, although you were worthy of it. It has given you a new chance, a new grace to walk on the road of the Lord's love. He has fulfilled you with so many signs, with so much advice that He and His Mother have given you.
You have filled each day of your life with blessings and graces. You have been taught powerful prayers that no other generation has ever had, so that in these evil times of apostasy, the predominance of sin and perdition, you may truly be holy and give the world a shining example of holiness, faith, love and faithfulness to God.
Give thanks to God, because great was His mercy with you bringing you here and sustaining you all these years with love, not through one saint, one man of flesh and blood only. But through His own Blessed Mother and all Heaven, which is manifested here.
No one can say that God was sparse, that God was economical in graces to you here. For here He poured out, and poured out in abundance as He has never done before, since the Word became flesh.
So rejoice in your hearts, exult, give thanks to God because He has been very merciful and loving to you and all this to say to you: I love you!
Give your hearts to the Lord through the Heart of our Blessed Queen and she will give your hearts to Him. And when He sees your hearts delivered by her, He will not reject them, but will love them, give His grace to their hearts, beautify them, sanctify them and give His holy grace.
That is why you who have been chosen give to God the return of so much love, of so many graces living a holy life. These Apparitions of Jacari will end up fulfilling all the prophecies of the Mother of God in the previous Apparitions. Above all, those that the Mother of God gave in La Salette and also to Mother Mariana de Jesus Torres.
Yes, our beloved Marcos, is that great apostle, that great prophet prophesied by her who would come at the end of time, in the 20th century to make her known and loved and to fight against the contra church, the false church installed inside the church to destroy it from inside to outside.
And through these Apparitions Here the flame of the true Catholic faith will shine, it will remain lit in humanity and the darkness of Satan will not triumph.
To all I now bless with love and ask: Continue praying the Rosary of the Mother of God every day and my Rosary
Blessing of Catania, Syracuse and Jacareí".