Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Monday, February 6, 2017
Vigil of the 26th Anniversary of the Apparitions of Jacareí

(Blessed Mary): Dear children, on this holy night before the Anniversary of my Apparitions, I come from heaven to tell you: Accept my great Love so that I may truly realize my Mother Plan in you.
Accept My Love by letting My Flame of Love descend until you transform your hearts and renew the Face of the whole Earth.
If My Flame of Love finds a place in your hearts, then it will gradually undo your soul's distrust, darkness and lack of faith. And then, My Flame will be handed down from heart to heart freeing all My children who are still bound to Satan by sin or the spiritual darkness of death, the death of sin.
My Flame of Love will then illuminate the world and make it all shine with the great light of my Immaculate Heart.
My Flame of Love will then do wonders in you and give you all the strength and energy to be holy, to love God, and to be more angels than men on earth already living a total life in God.
Accept My Love, because with My Love in your hearts you will have the fullness of joy, the fullness of peace, the fullness of divine love. And you will lack nothing, you will need nothing else. And your hearts will no longer feel hunger or thirst for love, because my love will completely and completely satisfy your hearts.
Tonight, on this holy night, thank God because He has been most kind to you by sending Me Here. My little son Marcos said very well: That same night 26 years ago while he was sleeping innocently as a little boy at only 13, I looked at him from My throne in Heaven, I looked at him with love, I poured out My blessings and My graces on him already, I looked that night at all of you My children, all who would one day know My apparitions here and would say 'yes' to Me.
I looked at all of you with love and my Immaculate Heart beat, beat hard, beat quickly with love for you. My Heart was already emanating over all of you great graces and blessings, My Flame of Love was already eager to weave the earth to come looking for you.
And that night I was already writing your names on My Cloak, My Heart, and the Book of Life where are the names of all those predestined.
Ah, my children! With how much love that night I looked at you sleeping. And I looked forward to the dawn of February 7th to finally appear to My little son Marcos and through him begin My great work of conversion and salvation for all of you.
Thank God on this holy night, because exactly on this holy night the new life, the life of conversion, the life of prayer, the life of love began for you.
That night, my children, the heavenly dew of my Mother Love was already beginning to descend upon you. That in due time would cause the seed of My Messages and My Grace to sprout in your hearts. Making all kinds of fruits of prayer, love, conversion, service to God, obedience, faith, holiness emerge.
For this reason, my children, this night thank God and me also the Mother of you, who from then until today, I have never ceased to love you and to love with all the fibers of my Heart.
On this holy night I wish to say to you: Work, work more intensely now for the Triumph of my Immaculate Heart doing my Cenacles everywhere. Because through these little Cenacles I will truly make My Immaculate Heart triumph on earth with the realization of My Secrets and the great Triumph of My Immaculate Heart.
Do not be afraid because each Cenacle you make you take more souls out of the clutches of Satan. Just as each time I appear to my little son Marcos here Satan loses a little more power. Every time you do My Cenacles and prayer groups, more and more Satan's influence on souls weakens and I can more easily touch them, convert them and bring them back to God.
This year I will accomplish great things, great graces if all of you open your hearts to My Flame of Love. This Flame will burn in your hearts and burn in you all that is left of mundane, of earth.
To have this Flame I do not demand much knowledge, not much wisdom, not even if the soul has no defects. I demand only love, self-giving and that you give Me full freedom to act and do whatever you want in your lives.
If the soul gives Me this freedom, if the soul gives Me this space, if the soul gives Me this trust and this love I will do everything, I will work wonders and I will transform each one of you into incessant flames of My Love.
To you my little son Marcos, my unceasing flame of love, my soul hunter, who for 26 years has given so much joy, so much satisfaction to my Mother Heart.
I bless you generously on this night, this night in which I looked at you with love 26 years ago, blessed you as you slept like a pure angel.
Yes, little son, that night you cannot imagine how much I looked at you, how much I loved you, and how much about you I bent down to prepare you for the next day to see My light, hear My voice, and through you begin My great work of saving the world.
Your guardian angel at your bedside prayed for you and opening and closing many times his wings of light poured out upon you many torrents of heavenly light to prepare your body to see My Light and to hear My Voice.
Therefore child, you, who will always be My child and who will always give Me much joy and never betray My Love, be happy! And today sleep very happy because just like that night I divided your life between light and darkness and passed you from the night of ignorance of God, lack of prayer, to true life in God, love of God, peace and prayer.
Through you in all these years and still today I have made many My children go out of the night of the distance from God, from life without prayer to life in grace, to life in the love of God, to prayer for true life in God.
I bless you and also you My beloved Carlos Tadeu, on that night of February 6, 1991 I also looked at you with love because in the future you would be the spiritual father of My son Marcos Tadeu, My beloved son Carlos Tadeu.
And that night I blessed you a lot and your Saint Eliel Guardian Angel also covered you with his wings, anointed you with the balm of my Mother Love. And he also poured on you the heavenly dew of my Mother Love.
Yes son that night you also received many special graces. That is why the 7th is such a special day for you. Just like that day is the day I chose to pour great graces on My son Marcos, on all My pilgrims and children who come here. The 7th is also your day, it's the day I never pour love graces on you and on everything that belongs to you.
So, My son, this night, sleep happy too because this night for you is very holy. And while you sleep I and your Angel will also pour many blessings on you.
To all I now bless with love from Lourdes, Fatima and Jacareí.
Continue My children praying My Rosary every day!
Peace, good night".
(St. Filomena): "Dear brothers My, I, Filomena am happy to come to you tonight in this holy night, to bless you and to give My Peace.
Thank you, thank you for coming, thank you for being here tonight praising and loving the Mother of God and Our Lady.
Thank you, thank you beloved brothers for the love you have shown and given her. And this is my call to you today: Love the Queen and Messenger of Peace by giving her your hearts with love and trust. For Her Flame of love to be placed in your hearts is not required of you, not many merits, not many faults, but only and only trust in Her.
Docility, obedience and if you give Her space to act and place Her flame of love in your hearts, She will truly come, place Her Flame of Love in you and once that Flame is lit in you you will never be the same again.
This Flame will burn and give your hearts holy desires to love God more, to love Her more, to save more souls, to be hunters of souls following the example of Our beloved Marcos and also of My beloved Carlos Thaddeus.
Yes, this My beloved and blessed brother is the soul hunter of the Mother of God in Ibitira and many souls will truly hunt for her, give to her and truly fill many heavenly abodes, which without his 'yes' would not be filled.
Oh yes! Through the Cenacles He does for the love He has for Our Blessed Queen and His shining example of obedience and love for Her how many souls who were unfortunately condemned to hell will convert and reach Heaven. Yes, a great crowd, a great crowd!
That is why this beloved brother of ours truly deserves the title with which Our beloved Marcos called him: Hunter of souls.
And all of you, if you also let the Flame of Love of the Mother of God enter your hearts like him, you too will save many souls, reach a high degree of holiness, give great joy to God and His Mother.
And you will truly change the face of the earth from a swamp of sin in heaven!
Love the Queen and Messenger of Peace by letting her Peace enter your hearts, letting that Peace flood your hearts until it overflows the whole world.
And then everyone who comes to you will feel the love, presence and affection of the Mother of God as she feels in our beloved Marcos.
Yes, it is not good to be near him only for you. For us in heaven it is also very good. Because his Flame of Love makes Us feel the Flame of Love of the Mother of God, although We already feel it in Heaven.
And what you feel close to him is nothing more than the Flame of Love itself that devours him, that fills his heart, that has always burned his heart. And this Flame you too can feel and have if you like Our beloved Marcos like Our beloved Carlos Thaddeus give your 'yes' to the Mother of God and let Her Flame of Love act in you.
After this Flame enters your hearts do not put obstacles, do not put resistance, otherwise this Flame will come out of you again and to obtain it a second time you will be required to pray twice, to love twice, to trust twice, to obedience twice, to docility twice.
Therefore, my brothers, do not contrast the Flame of love of the Mother of God and do not cast out from your hearts this Flame which is the Holy Spirit himself.
But rather open your hearts to this Flame and let this Flame act with power within you by changing you, taking from your hearts worldly, earthly feelings and putting into your hearts divine, heavenly feelings full of love for the Lord and for her.
Then in you she will triumph and Satan will be defeated in your life and through you in many other lives.
Beloved Brother Carlos Thaddeus, welcome again! How long I have been waiting for you here, I have missed you a lot.
Thank you for coming, thank you for coming back! Know that I am still with you everywhere, I have protected you, I have supported you, I have loved you. Every day I have covered you with My Cloak, I have not let you lack any grace.
I keep the demons very far away from you, that with so much hatred of you for sure would have crushed you like an insect. But I will not allow and will never allow because you are Mine, you have been entrusted to Me by the United Sacred Hearts, and I will keep you, I will keep you much deeper than the most intimate fiber of My Heart.
Today I come to give you a new grace: Every 10th of every month I will give you a blessing at three o'clock in the afternoon when I was martyred. I will pour out on you the graces of the merits of my martyrdom and I will grant you a grace, a special blessing, every 10th of every month at that hour.
And all that you ask of Me that day I promise that I will present to God involved in the merits of my martyrdom and my bloodshed and I will give you many, many graces.
I love you very much, I am your protector and together with all the Angels and Saints, I never, never leave you. And now I especially bless you by pouring on you a new portion of the graces and balm of the Lord's love that will produce in you many new fruits of love, grace and holiness.
And to all of you, my beloved brothers, whom I love so much and want so much, I bless you again with the love of Mugnano, Rome and Jacari.
Soon my beloved Marcos will make me a Rosary, a Crown, I promise in advance to all who will pray it, especially on the 10th of every month great graces. I also promise to give to all those who honor Me with this Rosary that our beloved Marcos will make the grace to take from Purgatory every 10th of every month a soul of his family member of his choice and also to choose any relative of his to be especially protected and guarded by Me.
To all I leave My Peace. Good night!"