Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Saturday, February 18, 2017
Message of Mary Most Holy

(Mary Most Holy): Dear children, today I invite you all to imitate my little daughter Bernadette in her deep and perfect love for the Lord and for me. Imitate her love that was made of works and not of appearance.
Yes, My little daughter Bernadette understood that what I wanted was a real love not of appearance, a real obedience, not of appearance. Therefore, She always obeyed Me in everything, even if it meant suffering, persecution for Her and even putting Her own life at risk.
Yes, She was not afraid to lose her life for love of Me and so She found life, eternal life. She joyfully left all that she could have in the world for love of Me, to live a life of total consecration, prayer and obedience to Me.
For this reason in Heaven all eternal goods were given to her. And all her love, all her works of love were rewarded one hundred for one.
Yes, imitate My little daughter Bernadette, in this her complete donation to Me and to the Lord. Do not be afraid of losing your lives for the love of Me. Do not be afraid to lose all the things that you can have in the world for love of Me, because you will find in eternal life the reward of all this.
Yes My children, you will find all these works, all the sacrifices you make for Me, transformed into crowns of great glory that will shine forever in your heads for centuries to come.
Imitate My little daughter Bernadette in her life of deep prayer, in her life of total communion with God. Yes, she was always in communion with God through a deep and true life of prayer.
Without prayer no one can unite with God. Without union with God no one can have true life in God and no one can have God living in them. And if God does not live in you, you cannot produce any fruit of holiness.
That is why prayer is essential, indispensable and a condition of salvation and sanctification. If you want to be saved, if you want to be saints, pray a lot.
Imitate my little daughter Bernadette in her spirit of total slavery to me. I taught her how to be a true slave of love to My Heart and she learned this true slavery by living it every day of her life in the spirit of true love, obedience, submission and confident surrender of her life to My Hands.
Imitate her into this total surrender giving all for everything and love for love. And above all, young people imitate My little daughter Bernadette in her 'yes' and in her total self-giving to Me, because in this way they will truly become incessant flames of love.
Pray My Rosary every day as My little daughter Bernadette prayed and you too will be transformed into incessant flames of love for the Lord and for Me like her, and your life will be transformed into a song of love like Her.
To all I now bless Lourdes, Nevers and Jacareí".
"Beloved brother Carlos Tadeu, today, I Bernadette, come from Heaven to give you my first Message.
I love you, I love you very much! I love you with all my love! I am always at your side to protect you, to guard you, to carry you ever further along the path of holiness.
Now it is time to fly higher, to climb higher on this path. And to do so, I want to teach you My way of holiness, which was the way of love, the way of humiliation, the way of obedience.
My holiness was the way of love and yours must also be the way of love. Therefore, you must follow the way of love every day by widening your heart more and more for the Mother of God, always making some new sacrifice, some prayer, some act of new love for her, so that you can truly widen your heart more and more every day to receive the flame of love of the Mother of God in your heart.
Every day you must, dear brother, enter more deeply into prayer to the point of abstracting yourself from everything, that is, forgetting everything else around you and thinking only of Mary and living only for Mary.
And then, after leaving prayer, you must fulfill all your temporal duties in the same spirit of love for her, that is, doing everything in union with her, everything in her spirit, everything for her greater glory and for the Triumph of her Heart.
Then you must follow the path of humiliation, which means recognizing yourself as nothing, as the dust of the earth, as useless for everything and completely dependent on Mary even to make a sign of the cross.
You must look upon yourself as the most vile beast of the earth and thus you will not rely on yourself, but only on her, as I did. And then, your strength will be her strength, your fortress will be hers, your defense will be hers. And the light that will illuminate your soul and your heart will be Her own light.
You must follow this path of humiliation by fleeing like me from the honors, vanities and glories of this world to live a life of prayer, of total love for Her, of union with Her. A life that for the world is not life, but is already to die in life. Life that for the worldly is considered a loss, a madness.
But it is precisely in this madness of love that you will find life, life full in abundance, life full of peace, of love, of graces, of blessings, of Her lights. And then you will truly find all her graces, all her blessings and all her love for you.
You must follow the path of obedience, that obedience that I had for Her that was the obedience that shaped My soul and made it strong, even unshakable in obedience to the Mother of God and the Lord.
This obedience that every day ordained My soul with the most precious and beautiful stones to brighten the Heart of the Lord and the Mother of God.
This obedience that made My soul every day like a strong tower that the devil, that the world, that temptations could not shake nor bring down.
And so too, if you follow the path of obedience to the Mother of God as I do, your soul will be strong and nothing will be able to bring it down.
To have this obedience it is necessary, my beloved brother, to love the Blessed Virgin more than everything, more than your life, more than the most beloved, to put her in the first place, to die for yourself, to despise your will every day, your will, to do only her will. So that you can better configure yourself to Her, that is, to resemble Her in her total and complete obedience to God.
I did this, I entered into the mold of the Immaculate Heart of Mary and came out of it transformed into a faithful copy of it. You must do the same for your deep prayer, for the continuous, daily exercise of dying every day for yourself and your will and doing the will of the Mother of the Lord.
This is not easily done, so I will be here every day of your life to help you, to lead you to this complete and total obedience that will resemble not only the Mother of God, but also Me. And then your soul will truly become a ceaseless flame of love like me.
I, Bernadette, love you very much. And I never, never abandon you! When you pray the Rosary I descend from Heaven quickly to gather your Hail Marys and take them to the Mother of God, so that she may pour out her graces upon you copiously.
Yes, I am with you at all times, I always put my hand on your head when you pray my Rosary and I always cover you with my luminous mantle to protect and defend you.
I have the mission to teach you humiliated holiness, obedient holiness, loving holiness. So I will always come, I will come regularly to give you messages and to guide you.
And now I truly want to tell you and reveal to you: Yes beloved brother, together with the other holy protectors I was given to you by the Mother of God to protect, guide and guard you. And in the Apparitions of Lourdes the Mother of God made me aware of the existence of our beloved Marcos.
Yes. I saw him, She revealed him to me and said that he would be the one to make the glory of His Apparitions in Lourdes shine throughout the earth and all souls finally know and understand the greatness of the Message and the Apparitions of Lourdes.
Yes, and also, when I came to Heaven I knew by the work of God that you would be the spiritual father of our beloved Marcos. Since then, I have prayed for him and for you, for you so that you can help him, help him in his mission to make the Mother of God in all his Apparitions known, loved and obeyed by everyone.
Help him in the arduous mission that he has to bring so many souls from so many different languages and nations to know Her, to love Her, to understand what She wants, to understand Her Messages and to obey those Messages with the heart.
His mission is arduous, hard, the cross has always been and always will be heavy. And that is why you will be his Cyrenean Simon forever.
And not only that, together, the two will really lead many souls to understand what the Mother of God asks in Her messages and will make many souls enter this School of Holiness and Prayer that the Mother of God came here to do.
And then, truly, a holy people for the Lord, for the Mother of God will be raised up by you and you will guide them to the Triumph of the Mother of God to the new Heavens and the New Earth in the midst of this difficult time of great apostasy.
Yes, you beloved brother should hold the arms of our beloved Marcos, so that he will truly pray for the people, he will hold the punishments that the people deserve for their sins. And he can continue leading the people of God to the great victory as it was in the Old Testament with Joshua, with Moses, with Aaron, with the people of God.
So beloved brother, go ahead with your mission, always trying to understand him and see that besides being a seer of Our Lady it is your son who needs you, who needs your support, understanding, love, presence. And above all, your flame of love to warm his heart, to comfort him in battle and to be for him a source of encouragement, support, refuge.
I, Bernadette, will also be your support, your breath, your refuge. And I will always be your defender in heaven and on earth in all the battles you have to fight.
Today with great love I look to you and from this sacred place I send you my blessing from Lourdes, Nevers and Jacareí.
Pray my Rosary every Thursday, for it I will give you all the graces that you ask of me.
Peace, beloved brothers, I leave you my peace".
(St. Bernadette): "Dear brothers and sisters, I could not leave with the Mother of God without saying a word to you: I love you very much! I pray for you every day, I pray for all the pilgrims of this blessed place that is my second Lourdes.
Yes, here I feel happy beside the Mother of God. I feel very happy to see that the Message she gave me in Lourdes, here, was truly passionately disseminated by our beloved Marcos to the whole world.
Yes, in the Meditated Rosaries, in the Cenacles, in the Hours of Prayer, in the Films he made of Lourdes, in the Rosary he composed about My life for Me. Truly, the Message of the Lady of Lourdes, the Message of My Lady is truly spread, is spread, is understood, is lived by all people.
And that is what I always wanted, that is what I always tried to do, but I could not because they did not leave me. And now our beloved Marcos has done it truly well, brilliantly and extraordinarily well.
And the Message that the Immaculate Conception, Our Most Holy Queen, gave me in Lourdes is now known, is obeyed by so many thousands and millions of souls throughout the world. It is your mission to help make this Message finish where it did not. So that more souls know this Message, short, simple but profound: of penance, of prayer, of conversion, of love for God.
Because the Message of the Mother of God to me at Lourdes is the Message of love to God.
Penance, penance, penance! She said to me. In other words: Do not offend God anymore with your sins! Do not sweat him, do not hurt my son Jesus anymore, do not nail him again to the cross! Love him with a holy life full of prayer!
That is what the Mother of God asked of me in the cave and that is what you must say to the whole world: What penance it is not to hurt God with your sins. Penance is loving God with a holy life. Penance is every day trying to be better and not to hurt the Sacred Heart of Jesus anymore.
So if you do this you will live the Message of Lourdes and the Immaculate Heart of the Immaculate will triumph. Here in this Apparition of Jacari, the mother of God came to resurrect all of her Apparitions, to dig them all up, and finally to make Her plans come true with the triumph of Her Immaculate Heart.
And my beloved Marcos who is the continuation of my life on earth will do so brilliantly. And you must all help, because this is God's will for you. Just as those who made Me suffer were not forgiven without first doing a great penance.
Those who make you suffer by hindering you in your mission will not be forgiven without first doing a great penance. And many will even be punished if they try to spoil the plan of the Mother of God here, just as many who also tried to destroy Lourdes were punished.
Therefore, my beloved brothers, do not risk provoking the wrath of the good God by doing these sins that make them worthy of Punishment in this life and the next. But rather, help the plan of salvation of the Mother of God here, so that it may truly be fulfilled and many souls may be saved through you.
Yes, I love this place and here in this My second and little Lourdes, with the Mother of God I always perform wonders, I am always willing to help, help and support all those who ask me for help here.
Pray the Rosary every day, because the Rosary was my luminous stairway to Heaven. It was the prayer that made Me strong, prudent, tempered, just, that made Me wise, that made Me truly burned with the flame of love of the Mother of God.
Oh, yes! I felt this flame of love and I truly burned, burning in this flame day and night. Yes, this flame in some moments almost took my life away if the Mother of God by a miracle did not hold me, did not keep me.
And the Rosary has always been the divine fuel, the heavenly fuel, that made this flame burn and burn more and more in my heart. That's why I walked with the Holy Rosary all the time with Me. And whenever my obligations allowed Me to pray it ardently, ardently.
Also I repeated many times during the day the acts of love that continued all day the effects of the Holy Rosary in Me. Thus I grew each day more in true love and union with God and with my Most Holy Queen until truly this ardent flame of love snatched me from the earth and brought me up to heaven.
Many thought that I died only from tuberculosis. Oh no! I also died of love. It was love that made me accept that cruel illness and offer it continually to God as a sacrifice for the salvation of the souls of my most sinful brothers and sisters.
And that flame of love grew so much, so much in Me until my soul could no longer live here on Earth, but was completely consumed and taken to Heaven.
Yes, that flame allied to the sufferings that made it burn more in me, was consuming in me all that was earth, all that was human. Finally my soul was finally transfigured into the flames of divine love and rose quickly to Heaven to continue loving God and my Blessed Mother even more intensely.
If you also pray the Rosary, the acts of love and expand your hearts every day for new sacrifices, prayers and works of love. You too will grow like me in this flame of love until one day when it reaches its summit, the souls of you consumed by this flame will also fly to heaven to love God and our Blessed Queen for centuries to come.
This flame will consume in you all that is earth, all that is mundane, all that is even human. And then, when you are completely transfigured, completely transformed into this flame of pure love, into pure transformation you will truly fly like lightning into Heaven.
And there together you will love and praise God and our Blessed Mother with me in a mystical fire of love forever.
To everyone today I bless with love and especially our beloved Marcos who here did so much for Lourdes, did so much for the Message, that my Blessed Mother gave me in Lourdes, did so much for me, making us better known, loved by all.
Here, in this new and little Lourdes of mine, I feel like in the Grotto of Lourdes, I feel like in My little Heaven.
To Him who is the greatest servant of the Lady of Lourdes, the hunter of souls. He who is Our unceasing flame of love and to all of you I bless with love now from Lourdes, from My incorrupt body in Nevers and from Jacareí".