Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, February 26, 2017
Message of Mary Most Holy

(Mary Most Holy): Dear children, today I call you once again to open your hearts to true love for God. God's love seeks hearts to enter into him. God's love is also my flame of love, it is the Holy Spirit.
If he finds a heart completely detached from himself, from worldly things and creatures, he enters this heart with all his graces, with all his power and accomplishes in this heart great things, great transformations.
Then the soul begins to feel in itself divine love flowing and completely filling its whole being. This love gives her a great hunger for prayer, a great thirst for prayer and to be united with God through deep prayer of the heart.
The soul then begins to experience and taste the delights of intimacy, union and communion with God. It begins to feel His presence, the presence of the Lord, it begins to experience the sweetness of His words, that is, of His holy inspirations when God visits it in deep prayer.
The soul begins to feel that God is approaching her, that He is taking her in His arms, that He is carrying her in His arms with love and that He is carrying her with love along the path of holiness. The soul then begins, little by little, to dislike the worldly things that before were so pleasing to her. And then, prayer, union with God, intimacy, silence, being deeply united with Him in prayer becomes pleasant, sweet, tasty for the soul.
And the soul always wants more and the more it is united with God, the more it grows in this intimacy with God, the more divine love, my flame of love, the Holy Spirit works and acts in it.
Then the soul sees by a very clear light of the Holy Spirit its defects, its sins, its faults, its miseries. And then it is horrified by what it sees and then it sees how far it is from holiness, how far it is from the perfection and love that God wants from it.
And then the soul suffers, it suffers because it sees that alone it will never be able to reach its beloved Lord, the spouse of its soul. Then the soul turns to Me the Mother of mercy and turning to Me for the Rosary, through deep prayer the soul finds hope and finds the right and sure ladder by which it can finally reach God.
Then, led and taught by Me day after day in My school of Perfection and Holiness, the soul grows more and more in the virtues that please God and warns against the defects that I myself point out to her in prayer and against which she must fight.
The soul then progresses more and more each day until reaching that perfect holiness and perfect union that God wants to have with her soul. And from time to time I console her with My loving graces, I console her with My loving visits from Mother, I let her feel My sweet and gentle presence to encourage her in the struggle for her sanctification.
And so that she does not suffer in the midst of the long, hard war that she must wage against herself, against temptations and against the world in order to achieve perfect sanctity. If she perseveres, if she lets herself be guided and led by Me she will happily reach the goal, she will reach perfect union with God.
At this point I would like to explain that defects, that faults are not at first a general impediment to union with God. But if the soul does not struggle with time to extirpate its own defects and sins it will have great difficulty to unite with God.
For those defects taken for a long time in the soul will end up obscuring it, they will end up separating it and taking it away from God, because then it will form like a shell in the soul that will prevent the entrance of the new graces and influxes of the Holy Spirit that God wants to give it.
For this reason, it is necessary to fight little by little, but with firmness, to make war on the defects, to extirpate them. And, above all, to strive to improve every day and unite ourselves more closely to God: through love, by conforming one's own will to His will and through prayer.
Pray My Rosary every day, because through it I will make you see your own defects and fight against them to be saints.
Imitate My little Shepherds Francisco, Jacinta and Lucia, who are true teachers of holiness, perfection and love for God and Me. Imitating them you will truly achieve that great holiness that God expects from you here and that I also want from you.
By imitating you you will truly become the incessant flames of love that will all the time give to God the filial and perfect love that the Lord has so long desired and expected from you.
Live the Message of Fatima and spread the Message of Fatima without delay. Because this message is not obeyed in its entirety today, the world has no peace, Russia's errors are still spreading throughout the world causing wars, persecution of the good and destruction of many nations.
Pray My Rosary and spread My Message of Fatima, so that more and more the world may know it, live it so that it may have peace.
The life of My little Shepherds of Fatima is My living Fatima Message, spread it so that all My children, especially children and youth, may follow these three Angels of Love, these three unceasing flames of love in which I have found such great love, such great obedience and total docility to My maternal voice.
To all, I bless with love and especially you Marcos, the most beloved and obedient of all My children and I also bless My most beloved son Carlos Thaddeus. Forward my son, never be discouraged!
Keep doing My Cenacles everywhere and saving souls. You and My son Marcos, My two soul hunters, must never discourage. Go on, always, because I still have many souls to save through the two and I will save them and through the two My flame of love will finally burn and fill the hearts of My beloved children with divine love.
Forward! Forward Marcos, go on your way without looking either to the right or to the left, nothing will stop you. Go intrepid, courageous, brave and without stopping for anything and for anyone.
To all I bless with love Fatima, Beauraing and Jacareí".