Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, March 19, 2017
Message of Mary Most Holy

(Mary Most Holy): Dear children, today I call each and every one again to open their hearts more by praying for My flame of love.
My children, the only way to receive my flame of love is truly to make your hearts expand every day through more prayers, sacrifices, meditations and penance.
My Message of Fatima has not been obeyed and that is why My apparition at Fatima calls for reparation. And what is the reparation that I desire? To spread My Messages as quickly as possible, to make reparation to My apparition at Fatima by giving My warnings to all My children so that all humanity may finally give to the Lord its positive response of conversion and change of life and give to My maternal Heart finally the 'yes' I have been expecting from humanity for a hundred years: the 'yes' to the Rosary, the 'yes' to conversion, the 'yes' to repentance of sins, the 'yes' to penance.
If you now finally heed my Message of Fatima my Immaculate Heart will triumph quickly and the world will finally be freed from Satan's oppression and a new time of love, justice, holiness, peace will take over the earth.
Now you must prepare yourselves for the great apostasy of the Church. Truly, now the persecution of all that is holy and sacred will take place. The love of Me will be denied; the love of My manifestations and Apparitions will be denied; the truth of My apparitions will be denied in many places; many will allow themselves to be deceived by the sect and will truly move away from the path of prayer, penance, conversion where they were before thanks to My Messages; many will be lost.
Apostasy will take hold high in humanity; Satan will feel the winner, but My Immaculate Heart will triumph in the end and here where My Heart worked so hard in the person of My little son Marcos to give the world these films that make the hearts of My children burn with the truest and most living flame of love of My Heart, here, in My invincible fortress of love, faith and prayer, My Immaculate Heart will act powerfully and through here My mystical light will radiate and make a small remnant remain faithful to prayer, to the Rosary, to penance, to conversion as the saints lived, as the saints did, and this small remnant, truly, with its prayers will save many and prepare the world for the coming of My Son Jesus and the Triumph of My Immaculate Heart.
Truly, here, My flame of love will never go out, because in the person and work of My little son Marcos this flame will continue to communicate to the hearts that believe in My apparitions here and that allow themselves to be led docilely by Him along the road of prayer, conversion and penance, and so truly My flame of love will triumph, blind Satan and paralyze him, cast him forever into the hellish abyss from which he will never leave.
You must be the resistance; you must be My army that resists Satan's army, the army of the infernal serpent. So all of you stay together with the captain I raised up and gave you: My little son Marcos. Keep spreading My Messages as he does, praying My Rosary as he does, defending and speaking of My Apparitions as he does and so, My children, truly you will help Me to defeat the army of My enemy once again with the powerful prayer of My Rosary and with My Messages of love, which are despised by the proud, but which for the humble who meditate on them are extraordinary.
To all I now bless with love Lourdes, Fatima and Jacari.
Continue praying My Rosary every day, for it is the sure and invincible weapon of victory.
Keep spreading My Apparitions and making the cenacles and prayer groups everywhere for the salvation of many souls".
(Marcos): "Yes, yes, I will. (Marcos): "Yes, yes, I will. Because of the work of the monastery I find myself completely out of time, but I will do it Mama, I will do it at night, but I will do it, I will do everything as the Lady wants.
Yes, for a long time I have wanted to do something for this Apparition of the Lady as well, and now the Lady asking me to do it, I see that this feeling was the Holy Spirit himself who gave it to me.
Yes, yes, I will do it".
(Mary Most Holy): "Dear children, today, when you still celebrate here the Feast of the Annunciation, the Feast of my 'yes' I invite you all to give the definitive 'yes' to the Lord.
Give your definitive 'yes' to the Lord by giving your hearts totally to Him so that then truly Jesus can reign in your hearts and realize in your hearts His holy will and divine plan of love.
Give to the Lord your definitive 'yes' by renouncing worldly things once and for all and seeking ever more your conversion, salvation and holiness.
To the youth I ask: give your definitive 'yes' to the Lord renouncing worldly things, vices, sins and giving up not only your hearts but even your bodies to the Lord so that through you He can also do wonders to convert the world as He did through My little shepherds of Fatima who gave themselves totally to the Lord, who offered themselves totally to My Son Jesus and to Me allowing themselves to be used by Us as powerful instruments for the conversion and salvation of humanity.
If you also offer yourselves to God as My little shepherds, as My little son Marcos and as I did for the first time. Then God will also work great wonders through you to convert and save all humanity.
Now is the time for the greatest spiritual combat, the greatest spiritual confusion that I have foretold to you for years. Grab My Rosary, because only those who stand firm to My Rosary will not perish.
That is why I ask you to pray the Rosary 299 for five days in a row so that you can truly deepen in My Messages and know My great love. Also, I desire that you pray the Rosary 70 for four days in a row so that you may be strengthened in your faith in the love of God so that your faith may be a firm home on the unshakable rock of faith, love and prayer of My Rosary.
I wish that next month you will pray Thirteen n. 3 and that you will also pray Setena n. 2.
I want you to pray the Hour of Peace 49 for three days in a row and meditate on the Messages and also on My Glories contained in it so that I may always firm you in Me so that your faith may resist all spiritual confusion.
I wish that you may truly be holy, so My children, expand your hearts more to My flame of love, so that it may work more in you and through you do wonders in the world.
Today, I especially bless all of you who have said 'yes' to Me, who have begun to obey My Messages and who have begun to fight for Me, for the Triumph of My Immaculate Heart; to all My children also, who renouncing their dreams and their will, their desires, gave their bodies and their souls to Me here in consecrated life together with My little son Marcos, they who gave their 'yes' to the Lord together with my 'yes' I solemnly bless now and also my little son Marcos who with his 'yes' united to my 'yes' has brought the grace of my Immaculate Heart of the Lord to so many millions of souls throughout the world converting so many My children and illuminating so many souls who lay in the darkness of darkness; to him and to my most beloved little son Carlos Thaddeus, who with his 'yes' also opened the doors for me to realize the wonders of my love there in my beloved land of Ibitira and region for the salvation of my children; to him with his 'yes' gives me a great joy, a great consolation and a great jubilation and to all I bless with love from Nazareth, Fatima and Jacareí. ”