Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, April 2, 2017
Message of Mary Most Holy

(Mary Most Holy): My dear children, today I invite all of you to increase even more your prayers for peace in the world and for the conversion of sinners.
There are still many who do not know My son Jesus or Me. Pray many Rosaries so that salvation may also come to them and conversion may come to sinners.
You must spread My Messages of Bonate even more, because great punishments are still coming to you because My Message of Bonate is not known.
I desire that every day 13 you make a cenacle in reparation to My apparitions of Fatima, of Bonate and of Montichiari, because these three which are deeply interconnected because they have not been obeyed, nor made known to the world, are apparitions that cry vengeance to Heaven.
Pray, therefore, to relieve the pain of my Immaculate Heart for what has been done against these apparitions and make these apparitions known to all my children through the films that my little son Marcos made for me.
There is no better way to know these apparitions of mine than through these films that he made, for there My Messages are complete, perfectly meditated and interpreted and anyone can understand what I want and desire.
I also wish that on the 7th of every month you also do Cenacles, this time to make known My apparition here in Jacareí and that you do the Rosary in reparation for all the evil that was done against My apparitions here, because I say My children: the Eternal Father will one day send a great punishment to the world for all that was done against My apparitions here. Do these things to prevent these punishments and to achieve the conversion of sinners.
Read more about My life revealed to My little daughter Maria de Ágreda. Read and meditate on the Imitation of Christ and also try to have more in your hearts the virtues that are dearest to Me, so that truly I can offer you as mystical roses of love to the Father for the salvation of all humanity.
Ask for the gift of the wisdom of the Holy Spirit, this gift that my little son Marcos has just asked for in his prayer. The gift of the Wisdom of the Holy Spirit makes the soul properly appreciate the divine and celestial things, esteem them above the worldly things and prefer them by discerning what is precious from what is vile.
The gift of wisdom makes the soul know the will of God, cherish it and love it above its own and more than its own will and prefer this will more than its own.
This gift opens the eyes of the soul and makes it see worldly things as dust, smoke and nothing and see divine things as precious, as eternal, as worthy of all human love, esteem and appreciation. Then the soul bravely and firmly despises the things of the world and embraces the heavenly things to love, please and content God.
The gift of wisdom also makes and helps the soul love God and have Him as more valuable than all the things in the world even more than itself and therefore the soul that has the gift of wisdom moves continually in the direction of God and climbs higher and higher to God and with this wisdom the soul that has this gift helps its brothers and sisters also to acquire this gift, so that they may also esteem worldly things as dust and ashes and esteem heavenly things as very precious.
Ask for this gift so that you can perfectly understand all that is right, all that is sublime, appreciate all things divine and prefer them. So that the will of the Lord may be realized in you as it was fully realized in the life of My little shepherds of Fatima, who although very young had great wisdom and with it knew how to prefer heavenly things to worldly things and therefore are now in Heaven taking the place that the fallen Angels left empty. They became Seraphim up here because they preferred the Lord and preferred Him with all their strength. Do this too and one day you will be able to occupy these beautiful heavenly abodes beside them.
Continue praying My Rosary every day so that My plans begun in Fatima may be realized here. In the person, the word and the work of my little son Marcos I will finish what I began at Fatima and I will bring my great work of salvation to its successful conclusion.
Help my little son Marcos and the souls who help him will be loved and preferred by my Immaculate Heart as the most pampered roses that I will keep, care for and always keep with me for all eternity in Heaven.
To all I now lovingly bless Fatima, Heroldsbach and Jacari".