Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, April 9, 2017
Message of Mary Most Holy

(Mary Most Holy): Dear children, today I invite you all again to open your hearts even more to My Flame of Love.
"Dilate your hearts to My Flame of Love for more prayers, meditations and also small sacrifices, so that I may always make this flame burn in your hearts and in the hearts of My children throughout the world. Transforming the world into a great furnace of love and preparing it to receive the Holy Spirit of love who will soon descend with Me at His Second World Pentecost.
Yes, My children, My Flame of Love often cannot accomplish what I desire because you hinder it, you impede it, you frustrate its power in you and in your life.
You do not collaborate with her and that is why this My Flame most of the time returns to My Heart, because you do not find on earth hearts that are enlarged, docile, and full of love that can let My Flame of Love work in these My children, in these hearts, in these souls so that I can accomplish My wonders.
You see My children how many wonders I have done throughout the world through souls who have said 'yes' to Me. Yes, they told me 'yes' like My little Shepherds of Fatima.
Through some I made My Pilgrim MTA converting crowds, through others I raised up works, shrines, places of prayer in the world where even today I carry out conversions despite the great apostasy of the world and even of priests.
Yes, My Flame of Love cannot be defeated by the world if it finds at least one truly docile and obedient heart full of love that receives My Flame of Love and lets it act.
You see how many wonders I have done here and still do because I have found here the heart of My son Marcos, docile to My Flame of Love like My little Shepherds of Fatima.
If you too are docile to My Love and let Me act, I will also do through you wonders everywhere leading My children to conversion and salvation.
Dilate, for your hearts, through more prayers and sacrifices, give Me your 'yes' and today I will begin to do so many, so many wonders!
I wish you to spread My apparition more widely in Lourdes, because it, like Fatima, is not known. And by those who are known it is not understood, they have not understood the call to penance that I made in Lourdes.
That is why My children I desire that you give nine, nine films of My Apparitions in Lourdes, the films that My son Marcos made, so that everyone can understand My Message of Lourdes, My call, My call to penance.
And also, so that My children may know My glory that in Lourdes I make shine as never before for My children to know that I reign in Heaven, reign with My son and He cannot deny Me anything, because I am His Mother and He loves me as My true son.
That is why I want you to make Lourdes known so that My children may know My glory and understand My Message of penance, of conversion. And so, may they finally return to God through my Immaculate Heart, which is the sure way that will lead them, that will lead all of you to God.
Continue praying my Rosary every day, because through it I will always do more and will do wonders in your lives and in your hearts.
Yes, in the hour of death of each one of you you will see shining in great glory in Heaven this treasure of Hail Marys that you gather up there every day praying My Rosary.
And at the hour of death with this treasure, with these gold coins, which are the Hail Marys of My Rosary, you will finally be able to pay for your entrance into the most beautiful dwelling that I prepare for you in Heaven.
In fact, the address that I prepare for you in Heaven is made of pure gold, the gold from the Hail Marys coins that you pray to Me every day.
To all I lovingly bless Marcos, My fourth Pastor and the most obedient and dedicated of My servants.
Continue to carry out all that I have sent you so that My plan of salvation begun at Fatima may finally be fulfilled. And may you stop at nothing, or anyone else, those who want to fall fall. You follow imperturbably, fearlessly the path I showed you and pointed you.
Those who want to abandon Me? May they abandon Me! They will have to answer to My son later for what they do and for the souls who let themselves be lost because they did not pray, did not sacrifice themselves and did not give their lives for the salvation of souls.
The part of My plan that is spoiled because someone did not want to give Me their 'yes', or else repented of the 'yes' they gave Me and want to abandon Me, they will have to account to My son for My plan that spoiled.
But you don't, you go ahead and don't stop, don't stop for anyone, don't look at anyone, only at Me. As a locomotive goes forward passing over everything and taking My Message always further to all My children.
You have made Me known in 190 countries on earth and over 27 million My children. But there are still many who do not know Me, you must save them and bring these children to Me.
Go My son this is your task and look at no one and nothing else but Me, only your duty, only My Love.
To all I especially bless you and also your spiritual father, to whom I sent My Message the day before yesterday and I repeat to him again:
You My beloved son Carlos Thaddeus is the cause of My joy, the consolation of My Heart. Go forward together with my little son Marcos whom I also gave you as your son.
Go ahead saving the souls of My children and making My Immaculate Heart triumph in them. So that at last I can complete, finish everything I started.
And finally establish in the world the Kingdom of my Immaculate Heart, which is the Kingdom of Love of the Heart of Jesus, finally revealing all the power, all the glory that the Blessed Trinity has granted me and finally leading all souls to the knowledge of the truth of God's love.
To all I bless with love from Fatima, Lourdes and Jacareí".
(Marcos): "Dearest Mother in Heaven, would you be good enough to touch these books of your Messages for the conversion of your children, these Rosaries, these objects that are here?