Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, April 30, 2017
Message of Mary Most Holy

Dear children, today I invite all of you to expand your hearts to My Flame of Love by praying the Rosary of My Little Shepherds that My little son Marcos composed and recorded for you, during all the days still remaining for the centennial of My Apparitions in Fatima.
So that then, following their example, your hearts may expand more to My Flame of love, which I want to communicate to your souls at the Centennial of My Apparitions as I did with My Little Shepherds exactly one hundred years ago.
Those who widen their hearts the most I will give My Flame of Love. Those who enlarge less, I will give less. May each one dilate their hearts more by more prayers, sacrifices, meditation, so that then My Flame of Love may find room in your hearts.
In those times when apostasy advances relentlessly and more and more souls lose not only their love for God, but even their own faith, here in this place, in My invincible fortress of prayer and love built by Me, with the help of My little son Marcos, of all the Rosaries, prayers that he made for Me. From the movies, sceneries and meditations...
Yes, here I want to form true souls of pure fire for God, for Me and hungry for zeal for the salvation of souls. I want these souls to join Me and my little son Marcos, so that we may truly be the last remaining light on earth, the last flame that still burns and illuminates in the midst of so much darkness.
If My children truly do this, My Immaculate Heart will triumph from this place and spread My Mystical Light all over the Earth.
May you watch and pray because the devil, your enemy, enemy of you, is around looking for whom to devour. He who weakens in prayer, meditation, vigilance, he who cools and discourages in sacrifice, he who discourages in the daily practice of dilating his hearts more to My Flame of Love by praying more and always doing something more for God and for Me, to these the demon will devour.
So My children, watch and pray tirelessly that you will not be of the number who unfortunately will be devoured by My enemy because you did not watch and pray.
Pray, pray and pray because this year a great Punishment will fall upon the world if men do not pray. If there is enough prayer and penance this can be cancelled.
Pray to console my suffering and bleeding Heart because with each passing hour I see one more soul cooling in love with Me and the Lord and drifting away from Me losing itself in the world.
Keep praying My Rosary every day, I want love, I seek love! Give me love and then you will have given me everything, you will give me everything and you will be everything!
To all I bless with Love from Fatima, Montichiari and Jacareí."