Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, May 28, 2017
Message of Mary Most Holy

(Mary Most Holy): Dear children, today when you celebrate here the Feast of my Apparition in Caravaggio to my little daughter Gianetta Vacchi, I invite you all to be the living sources of my love and my peace for this peaceless world.
The miraculous fountain that I made spring up in Caravaggio in the place of the Apparition to My little daughter Gianetta is the image of Myself, of My Immaculate Heart that is the Fountain of Peace for the world.
I invite you to be the aqueducts that carry this water, that carry My Peace to all My children, being yourselves other small fountains of peace, that give always more My peace to the world. To finally make the souls thirsty for peace, truth and love find through you this peace and God Love who comes to save, heal and renew the whole creature.
Be My sources of peace, giving My messages to the world.
Be My sources of peace by giving the Cenacles and prayer groups that I have asked everywhere.
Be My sources of peace, bringing ever more to My children My Most Sacred Meditated Rosary from this place recorded by My little son Marcos. Where I speak to My children in all the meditations of the mysteries revealing to them My love, My will and how much I want to save them, how much I suffer for the loss of each one of them and how much I desire to have them all with Me.
So that thus, knowing my love and my immense desire to save them, my Immaculate Heart will finally be fulfilled and these My children will open their hearts to Me by giving themselves completely to Me.
Here, where I continue what I began in Caravaggio and where I give ever more thanks to My children through the Meditated Rosaries and Hours of Prayer that My little son Marcos made for Me and which are inexhaustible sources of grace of wisdom, love, science, piety and holiness.
Here, where I give more and more of my graces through my miraculous sources. Here, where in these most blessed cenacles I educate, form, correct, convert, raise and sanctify My children. My Heart wants to accomplish wonders as in Caravaggio. The only thing I desire is the 'yes' of My children and I will do everything.
Give Me this 'yes' My children and then I will truly perform wonders in you, transforming you into powerful instruments that will take My grace everywhere by performing conversions, wonders and wonders as I did with My little daughter Gianetta Vacchi.
Be other Gianettas giving Me the 'yes', the heart, the body, the life of you, putting everything at My service and then, as through her I will do through you marvels.
I wish you to give My Appearance of Caravaggio to know the world, because My Appearance here mainly in Brazil is virtually unknown and in other parts of the world as well.
That's why I want you to give 10 films of My Appearance of Caravaggio, those films that My little son Marcos made that contain My Message in its entirety without censorship, without cuts or distortions. The story of My Graces, of the marvels I did in Caravaggio to help and save My children.
So that all My children may know My goodness, love Me and through My Immaculate Heart may safely come to the knowledge of God Love, who sends Me on earth to give Love through My Apparitions, transmit Love and be Love to all My children.
Continue praying My Meditated Rosary every day, because through it I will always transform you and your families into other small caravagogies where I will accomplish the greatest wonders of My grace and My love.
To all I bless with love from Caravaggio, Montichiari and Jacareí".
(St. Rita): "Dear brothers My, I, Rita of Cascia rejoice in coming today once again from Heaven with the Mother of God and Judas Thaddeus.
Be the lovers of Jesus Crucified, accepting all the sufferings, sickness, trials that He allows you. And offering everything in an act of atonement for the sins with which He is still offended today and with which sinners still crucify Him again and to achieve for the world peace, grace and salvation.
Be the lovers of Jesus Crucified, living a life of sacrifice of yourselves to the Father with Him, offering yourselves on the cross with Him to the Father, doing everything with Jesus and everything for Jesus, suffering everything for Jesus and renouncing everything for Jesus, crucifying yourselves at every moment and your will for Christ to die and live again, to live eternally.
Be the lovers of Jesus Crucified by living a life as Jesus lived: of poverty, love, self-giving, obedience to the Father, innocence and, above all, every moment of immolation for the salvation of humanity.
In this way you will be the true lovers of Jesus Crucified and finally you will live the vocation for which every human being was created: to love Jesus, to be another Christ living on earth who radiates love, holiness, grace, innocence, purity, goodness. So that they can then live with Christ for the glory of the Father.
Always call me to your sufferings and tribulations and I will come immediately to help you. Transform your families into schools of saints, praying the Holy Rosary every day and doing what I did with My children teaching them to love Jesus crucified, teaching them to live as Jesus lived in everything faithful to His commandments and to His Law of Love.
And if your children are like My children, if they have already accepted in their hearts the evil seed of sin, hatred, rebellion against God and all that is good, do not be discouraged. Do as I do: bend your knees to the ground, pray a lot, cry a lot, fast a lot for your children and you will get the grace of their conversion with Me.
I will help you in this task so that you can achieve the conversion of your children and I tell you: There is nothing impossible for Jesus! I believed it, believe it too and one day you will see the souls of your children in heaven.
I ask you to give 10 (ten) records of My Meditated Rosary that Our beloved Marcos made for ten people who do not know Me. So that they may know My life, so that they may know My Messages, My Love and through Me they may receive from the Lord the graces and strength necessary to carry their cross and also to obtain the virtues they lack to be holy, holy.
I, Rita de Cascia love you all very much and I am the protector of this Place, of this Shrine, I will never abandon you and I will always keep you.
I bless you all and especially you, my beloved Marcos, whom I took under my protection many years ago. You fell in love with Me as soon as you got to know My life deeply and never stopped loving Me.
I love you with all my Heart and I will never leave you and I also love your spiritual father Carlos Thaddeus, chosen by Our Holy Queen to help you in the mission of saving souls, to be a soul hunter and a true lover of Jesus Crucified.
Yes, he, along with you will save many and many souls and will pluck many and many souls from the clutches of the infernal dragon. And I will help you in this great task so that you succeed and that everything you do will be truly fruitful for the Lord and for the Mother of God.
Don't be afraid My beloved brother Carlos Thaddeus, I will never abandon you, I will also be by your side along with Judas Thaddeus and the other Saints and in every cenacle you do I will be there blessing you and all those who are praying with you.
And every year on May 22nd I will give you a special grace, a special blessing, fruit of my great protection, my merits and the great love I have for you. This grace will also be repeated on December 22 of each year, the anniversary of my first appearance to my beloved Marcos and your spiritual son.
So, beloved brother, rejoice in your heart because the Mother of God and the Lord love you so much and have favored you much more than there are millions and millions of men on earth, giving you the grace, privilege and honor to be their great choice for this great mission: to help Our Most Beloved Marcos to complete the plans of salvation of humanity, of the Mother of God that began at La Salette in Lourdes, Fatima.
You will help him to finally conclude these plans and make the Mother of God triumph on earth.
You have been chosen to be the father of the privileged soul through whom the Mother of God will make her glory shine throughout the world.
Rejoice because this great honor and grace are the sign of the great love that the Lord and the Queen of Heaven and Earth have for you. The Immaculate One loves you and this is the greatest reward and treasure for you, this is enough for you and nothing is lacking or will be lacking.
I bless you and I bless you all from Roccaporena de Cascia and Jacareí".
(St. Jude Thaddeus): "Beloved Brother Carlos Thaddeus, I am glad to come again today to give you this Message: I love you with all my Heart! I love you, I protect you, I accompany you, I defend you.
Know, dear brother, that when I preached in Persia it was not only Dara who persecuted Me, but also Yasmine along with her perfidious husband, a merchant who also united with Dara accused Me in the court that sentenced me to death.
Please know that I had a lot to suffer because of these two women. But my martyrdom was joyful because the Mother of God revealed to me that in the future all these sufferings would give me many merits for which I would help you so much and I could achieve so much for you from the Lord.
Ah yes beloved brother! I suffered joyfully my martyrdom and the knowledge of your existence in the future, the love with which you would love the Lord and the Mother of God with all your strength comforted my heart and gave me courage to die for love of Jesus.
Rejoice your heart because these merits can achieve for you great and copious graces! There are some material graces that are often not of the Father's will, but the spiritual ones will all be granted to you, because these all the Lord wants to grant, because they are all salutary for your salvation.
Rejoice in your heart for this, because great graces will be given to you and to all those who understand you, help you, love you and fight together with you to spread the words of the Mother of God to the whole world.
Don't be afraid of anything! In the month of June you must speak in all the cenacles of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and His apparition to Saint Margaret Mary.
This Apparition that is so unknown and despised by so many is still a sword of pain in the Hearts of Jesus and Mary. Because humanity, unaware of this Divine Heart that loves men so much, never ceases to wound Him with its sins, forgetfulness and ingratitude.
For this reason, dear brother, you must give the souls 250 films of this Apparition that Our beloved Marcos made, so that the souls know, love and adore the Divine Heart of Jesus.
In June you must also give to all the people the Rosary of Mercy nº 15. Yes, you must give 400 of those Rosaries recorded by Our Most Beloved Marcos, so that the souls may know as soon as possible those profound Messages. And so, may they correspond to the love of the Heart of Jesus and of Our Most Holy Queen and thus, give them joy, contentment and love
Be aware, dear Brother Mine, that also when I was preaching through the cities of the pagan lands, many times I tired myself, many times the burden was so heavy that I felt crushed and without strength to go forward.
But then, I remembered You, and My heart was once again reanimated and went forward announcing the word of Jesus to all those who did not know Him. And when a pagan rejected my preaching, I saw you praying, doing the cenacles of the Mother of God, and I rejoiced in my heart, seeing that all that was not useless.
So always keep in mind that you were the comforter of an Apostle of Jesus Christ and you will always be the comforter of the Heart of the Mother of God. So don't ever be discouraged without fearing because I am and will always be with you.
Read more deeply the Imitation Book of Christ, especially chapters 30 to 35, there you will find great wealth for your soul.
Continue praying the prayer that St. Bernadette taught you every day, through it every day you will increase a degree of holiness on earth and a respective degree of glory in heaven.
Then, at the end of your life you will have enough merits to truly have not only a great degree of holiness in Heaven, but also a great degree of glory and accidental joy in the enjoyment of God.
For this dear brother: persevere, continue praying the Rosary and my Rosary every day, because through it I will grant you great and copious graces.
Also read chapter number 10 of the Second Book of the Mystical City of God, so that you can truly understand ever more of the life of the Mother of God and draw from her the lessons she wants to give you.
I love you very much and I am always at your side to help you.
If you cannot read chapter 10, read another one that you like, but never, never neglect to read the life of the Mother of God, for she is the lamp that lights your eyes.
You must also give 60 Rosaries of my Meditations to all my brothers and sisters for those who do not know me, so that souls may turn to me with confidence and receive the great graces of my Love.
I bless you now with all my love from Jerusalem, Nazareth and Jacari".
(Marcos): "Dearest Mother of Heaven, you can touch these scapulars of St. Rita, which we have prepared for your children to have her protection. And can you also touch these Rosaries for My Father Carlos Thaddeus and for your children?".