Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Saturday, June 10, 2017
Message of Mary Most Holy

(Most Holy Mary): Dear children, today I invite all of you once again to raise the Flame of Love for God and for Me in your hearts: praying more, making more sacrifices and working more in the Lord's vineyard to save souls, to give glory and joy to Him and also joy to my Immaculate Heart.
If you do not dilate your hearts for more prayers, sacrifices and works My Flame of Love cannot grow in you. That is why in the heart of the lazy one My Flame of Love does not enter, because he never tries to expand his heart to My Flame of Love for more prayers, sacrifices and works.
Only the workers, only those who are truly striving and ardent in prayer, sacrifice and work can receive My Flame of Love. Dilate their hearts if they want to receive more of My Flame.
How pleased I was with these meditations of My son Marcos in these wonderful Rosaries he made for Me and for My son. Because these meditations correct, educate and show, reveal to all the false obedients who are the lazy, the parasites. And those who don't want to make any effort or work to be perfect and holy and help in the Lord's vineyard, in the work of salvation of the Lord, in the work of salvation of my Immaculate Heart here.
That is why I truly want you to give these wonderful Rosaries to all My children, so that they may all know them.
I want you to give 5 (five) new Rosaries of Mercy for 5 My children, 5 Rosaries of My Flame of Love and also 5 Meditated Rosaries 340 for all My children.
Yes, you should give them together with 10 (ten) films of My Appearance in Lourdes nº 3 and 10 Meditated Rosaries nº 20.
My children must urgently know all these Rosaries, Rosaries and My Apparitions, because time will now truly move even faster. So that then, this whole world may finally be purified by the terrible fire that the Lord will send from on high and then it may enter the new time of grace, holiness and peace of my Immaculate Heart.
And since time will move faster you must also work and act faster to save the souls of My children. Time will be shorter now! And that is why you must work without delay to save what can still be saved.
I wish you all to read chapter 7 of the Second Book of the Mystical City of God and there you will learn My Virtues and Imitate My way of holiness to please God.
Continue praying the Holy Rosary every day, because through it I will give you more and more the increase of My Flame of Love and the desire for holiness.
To all I bless with love Fatima, La Salette and Jacareí".
(Marcos): "Yes, I will, Mama. There is only one problem, in the years 2000 when I did the Cenacles again on the 7th I was forced to give up because no one was coming and then I saw that it was useless to do these Cenacles.
It's not like in the 90's when I was betting although it already existed and it was big it wasn't as strong as it is now. I'm afraid if I call people to come on the 7th they won't come.
And there's another problem they won't be able to get off work all month to be here as you wish. And with regard to this problem I don't know what to do either.
I will try again then.
See you soon."