Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, July 30, 2017
Message of Mary Most Holy

(Mary Most Holy): Dear children, today I call you all again to love! Cultivate in your hearts a true love for God and for me. Dilate your hearts every day for more prayers, meditations and efforts to love more.
I have come here to seek souls made of pure love, this I have said many times. But many have not yet understood that the love I want is the supernatural love, it is the love that does not seek your interests or favors. The love that does not seek reward, the love that does not seek the pleasures of the world.
A love as pure as that of an angel, a love as pure as that of an innocent child, who in everything he does seeks only to please his Father, to please his heavenly Mother and to do everything for the good and the salvation of his neighbor.
I desire a supernatural love that is the fruit of My Flame of Love, a love that suffers everything, supports everything and renounces everything for love of God, for love of Me.
A love that knows how to sacrifice itself every day for the salvation of humanity as I and my son Jesus did. A love that in everything and for everything seeks sacrifice and not that which is easier, but that which is harder, that which is harder.
To offer a greater sacrifice of love to God in order to spy out so many sins with which He is offended and also to beg for the conversion of sinners.
Yes, it is this love that I want, it is this love that I seek. Cultivate it in your hearts so that then, one day after you have been ceaseless souls of love on earth, ceaseless flames of love, flames of loving sacrifice for the Lord you can in heaven be truly called true children of the Lord and of my heart, true children of God, who is love.
Keep praying My Rosary every day, through it I will give you ever more the inner strength to love.
Spread this film of My Appearance in La Salette #2 that My little son Marcos made for Me, is that it is so beautiful, that it enchants My Heart so much and takes swords of pain from My Heart when it is shown here and watched.
Give this My film to 10 My children who do not know My Appearance in La Salette. So that My children may soon know My Tears, My Pain shown in La Salette. Know My great Secret and thus be convinced that you must pray the Rosary every day, change your life, convert and live a holy life.
Because time is running out, you are in the last half hour before the return of My son Jesus, so give this film to everyone so that they will be convinced that it is time for conversion, to return to the Lord who is soon returning to all in Glory.
I love you all, I take care of each one of you and never abandon you.
Pray, pray, pray! Meditate on My Messages from here in Jacareí, because they are wonderful and extraordinary for those who meditate on them.
The beauty of My Apparitions here only shines, only shines for those who seek to know deeply My Apparitions here and the heart, the core, the profound beauty of My Messages.
Be converted, there is no more time to lose with worldly things! Convert and sanctify yourselves so that you may truly be considered worthy of Heaven and of the new Earth that is to come for you.
To all I bless with Love from La Salette, Lourdes and Jacareí".
(Marcos): "Dearest Mother of Heaven, can you touch these rosaries we have made for the prayer and protection of your children?
(Mary Most Holy): "As I have already said, wherever one of these Rosaries touched by Myself arrives there, I will be alive carrying the great graces and copious blessings of the Lord.
These Rosaries become blessings, sources of graces and relics truly touched by the Virgin Mary Mother of God, I, your Immaculate Mother. Keep them with love and devotion.
To all again I bless you and all this night I say goodbye and leave peace.
Stay in the Peace of the Lord".